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VPW 2011: lettergrepen
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Andy Georges committed Apr 26, 2011
1 parent 29ebe39 commit 6071e20
Showing 1 changed file with 130 additions and 0 deletions.
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions 2011/cat3/lettergrepen.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
-- | VPW opgave over lettergrepen
-- thing

import Data.Array
import Data.Char (isNumber, isSpace)
import Data.List
import Data.Map as M
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import Text.Regex.TDFA

type RegexMap = Map String (String -> [MatchArray])
type MatchMap = Map String [MatchOffset]

replaceBack :: String -> String
replaceBack [] = []
replaceBack s =
let s'@(h:ts) = reverse s
in case h of
'.' -> reverse $ '$':ts
_ -> s

replaceFront :: String -> String
replaceFront [] = []
replaceFront s@(h:ts) =
case h of
'.' -> '^':ts
_ -> s

regexify :: String -> String
regexify s =
let s' = Prelude.filter (\c -> not (isNumber c || isSpace c)) s
in replaceBack . replaceFront $ s'

replaceEqualsForbidden :: String -> String
replaceEqualsForbidden = (\c -> if c == '=' then '8' else c)

insertIntoMap :: RegexMap -> String -> RegexMap
insertIntoMap m s =
let s' = replaceEqualsForbidden s
s'' = regexify s
in M.insert s' (\string -> string =~ s'' :: [MatchArray]) m

-- | Find the rules that apply to the given string and return the indices
-- of the positions in the string where they apply. Of course, the rule
-- itself is also returned
getApplicableRules :: RegexMap -> String -> MatchMap
getApplicableRules m s = M.mapMaybe (\rule -> let offsets = fst . concat . Data.Array.elems $ rule s :: [MatchOffset]
in case offsets of
[] -> Nothing
_ -> Just offsets) m

-- | Find the spots in which to drop the integer priorities
-- for any rule that matches the target word
positionPriority :: String -- ^ rule
-> Int -- ^ matching position
-> [(Int, Int)] -- ^ tuple with the priority and the matching position
positionPriority rule loc =
let ls = asp rule loc
ps = (read . \c -> [c]) $ Prelude.filter isNumber rule
in zip ls ps
where asp (c:cs) i
| isNumber c = i:asp cs i
| c == '.' = asp cs i
| otherwise = asp cs (i+1)
asp [] _ = []

-- | Do the actual hypenantion
hyphenate :: RegexMap -> String -> String
hyphenate regexMap s@(c:cs)
| length s < 5 = s
| otherwise =
let matchMap = getApplicableRules regexMap s
positions = fst -- retain indices
. reverse -- resort by position
. Prelude.filter (\(_, r) -> r `mod` 2 /= 0) -- retain the rules that imply a hyphen should be put
. head -- the first of the group has the highest priority
. groupBy (\(p1, _) (p2, _) -> p1 == p2) -- group by position
. sortBy (\p1 p2 -> compare p2 p1) -- sort in descending order. this puts the highest priority first
. Prelude.concat -- flatten
. M.elems -- get the (k,v) tuples from the map
. M.mapWithKey (\k vs -> Prelude.concat $ (positionPriority k) vs) -- transform the map to get the positions and priorities
$ matchMap
in c : hyp cs 1 positions
where hyp :: String -> Int -> [Int] -> String
hyp [] _ _ = []
hyp cs _ [] = cs
hyp (c:cs) j (i:is)
| i < j = hyp (c:cs) j is
| i == j = '-':c: hyp cs (j+1) is
| otherwise = c : hyp cs (j+1) (i:is)

-- | Is this string an exception?
isException :: [String] -> String -> (String, Bool)
isException [] s = (s, False)
isException (e:es) s =
let e' = Prelude.filter ((/=) '-') e
in if e' == s then (e, True) else isException es s

main = do
lss <- lines `fmap` getContents
let rules = takeWhile (not . isPrefixOf "----------" ) lss
--exceptions = takeWhile (not . isPrefixOf "----------") . tail . dropWhile (not . isPrefixOf "----------") $ lss
--ws = Data.List.filter (not . Data.List.null) . tail . dropWhile (not . isPrefixOf "----------") . tail . dropWhile (not . isPrefixOf "----------") $ lss
ws = Data.List.filter (not . Data.List.null) . tail . dropWhile (not . isPrefixOf "----------") $ lss
regexMap = foldl' (\m s -> insertIntoMap m s) M.empty rules

--hyphs = (\s -> let (e, b) = isException exceptions s in if b then e else hyphenate regexMap s) ws
hyphs = (hyphenate regexMap) ws

putStr $ unlines hyphs

--putStrLn $ show $ getApplicableRules regexMap "mutsje"
--putStrLn $ show $ getApplicableRules regexMap "spiegelei"
--putStrLn $ show $ getApplicableRules regexMap "egelei"
--putStrLn $ show $ getApplicableRules regexMap "egel"

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