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MySQL shared locks

This package implements a MySQL based shared locks for distributed applications.

Following features are provided:

  • named logs without prior registration
  • timeout for lock acquiring
  • TTL (time to live) for locks
  • Locks are independent from Database transactions

The implemented locks guarantee to be released by end of the process holding them (if not done explicitly before) and they also guarantee to never block longer than their TTL, even the process holding them hangs longer.

Implementation details

  • Locks are managed using a database table (MyISAM engine to ignore transactions)
  • Trying to acquire a lock twice is prevented by unique index on database table
  • After lock is insert in the table MySQL's GET_LOCK- and RELEASE_LOCK-functions are used to block other processes until lock becomes free again.
  • The entry in the lock table is representing the lock, not the GET_LOCK-object. Therefore any SQL session which still holds the GET_LOCK-object for the current lock is terminated via KILL. This also informs the other process that it no longer has the lock.
  • Obsolete locks (TTL exceeded) are cleared from the able on unsuccessful acquires.


  • PHP >= 5.6
  • MySQL >= 5.7.5 (before 5.7.5 only one named lock per session can be acquired)

Database setup

Run the following SQL to create the locks table:

CREATE TABLE `shared_locks` (
  `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
  `connection_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `created` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `ttl` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `lock_acquired` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE KEY `shared_locks_ix1` (`name`)

Example usage

// configure database connection
SharedLock::configureConnection(DB_HOST, DB_DATABASE, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD);

// Acquire lock (timeout = 5s, TTL = 10s)
$lock = SharedLock::lock($lockName, 5, 10);

// Release

SQL identifier quoting

By default MySQL's default identifier quotes '`' are used. However you may adapt the quoting style if using ANSI_QUOTES quotes to '"':


Being aware that a process rarely might exceed the lock TTL

Imagine you having a process which has acquired a lock. When this process hangs for a long time an then suddenly continues running the lock which it acquired might be taken over by another process. This case should rarely happen but nevertheless it may.

There are two strategies to handle this:

1. Using same database connection for locks and application code

You may pass the database connection for the locks using following command:


Then use transactions to only commit data if lock has not exceeded meanwhile. Eg.:

// start transaction

try {
	$lock = SharedLock::lock('namedLock', 5, 10);
	 * Your application code placed here

	// commit transaction
catch (Exception $ex) {

	// rollback transaction
	throw $ex;
finally {

	// release lock
	if (!empty($lock))

If the lock would have been released meanwhile the SQL session would already have been killed and therefore your transaction will fail.

2. Using assertTTL

If using the same database connection for locks and application code in combination with transactions is not an option (or you don't use the lock for synchronizing DB operations), you can use the assertTTL function to check if the lock is still held and if there is enough time remaining for the process to complete the operation without fearing to lose lock meanwhile:

try {
	$lock = SharedLock::lock('namedLock', 5, 10);
	 * Your application code placed here
	// check if still locked
	 * Your application code placed here
finally {

	// release lock
	if (!empty($lock))


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