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Getting Started with Verizon


The Verizon Edge Discovery Service API can direct your application clients to connect to the optimal service endpoints for your Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) applications for every session. The Edge Discovery Service takes into account the current location of a device, its IP anchor location, current network traffic and other factors to determine which 5G Edge platform a device should connect to.

Verizon Terms of Service:

Install the Package

Run the following command from your project directory to install the package from npm:

npm install thingspace-payments-sdk@1.3.0

For additional package details, see the Npm page for the thingspace-payments-sdk@1.3.0 npm.

Initialize the API Client

Note: Documentation for the client can be found here.

The following parameters are configurable for the API Client:

Parameter Type Description
vZM2mToken string M2M Session Token (How to generate an M2M session token?)
environment Environment The API environment.
Default: Environment.Production
timeout number Timeout for API calls.
Default: 0
httpClientOptions Partial<HttpClientOptions> Stable configurable http client options.
unstableHttpClientOptions any Unstable configurable http client options.
clientCredentialsAuthCredentials ClientCredentialsAuthCredentials The credential object for clientCredentialsAuth


Parameter Type Description
timeout number Timeout in milliseconds.
httpAgent any Custom http agent to be used when performing http requests.
httpsAgent any Custom https agent to be used when performing http requests.
retryConfig Partial<RetryConfiguration> Configurations to retry requests.


Parameter Type Description
maxNumberOfRetries number Maximum number of retries.
Default: 0
retryOnTimeout boolean Whether to retry on request timeout.
Default: true
retryInterval number Interval before next retry. Used in calculation of wait time for next request in case of failure.
Default: 1
maximumRetryWaitTime number Overall wait time for the requests getting retried.
Default: 0
backoffFactor number Used in calculation of wait time for next request in case of failure.
Default: 2
httpStatusCodesToRetry number[] Http status codes to retry against.
Default: [408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504, 521, 522, 524]
httpMethodsToRetry HttpMethod[] Http methods to retry against.
Default: ['GET', 'PUT']

The API client can be initialized as follows:

const client = new Client({
  clientCredentialsAuthCredentials: {
    oauthClientId: 'OAuthClientId',
    oauthClientSecret: 'OAuthClientSecret',
    oauthScopes: [
  vZM2mToken: 'VZ-M2M-Token',
  timeout: 0,
  environment: Environment.Production,


This API uses the following authentication schemes.

List of APIs

Classes Documentation


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