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This Package can be used for both vue and nuxt. Both Documentation are given below.

Project setup

npm install google-signin-vue

Basic Setup

To use this package, we must get the client-id from google.

  • Go to Google developer Console

  • Create a Project or select an existing project

  • Then goto oath consent tab on the left sidebar

  • Choose the option internal if this can be used only by the organization. For example, if you registered the organization like, then anyone who has mail id with registered with Gmail only can log in.

  • Choose the option external if anyone registered with Gmail can log in.

  • Then You can fill all the details.

  • In case you are testing in localhost, you can just enter application name (mandatory) and enter logo(optional)

  • Save the Details

  • Goto Credentials tab on the left sidebar

  • Select Create Credential

  • Select application type as a web application, specify a name.

  • In the Authorized javascript origins section, enter the project domain name.

  • In Case of localhost just type localhost, If the project running on a specific port, enter the port like localhost:XXXX.

  • Now you’ll get the credentials, use only the client-id, keep your client- secret confidential. client- secret should be provided only to the backend.

For Vue Project

  • In public/index.html add the below script in header
<script src=""></script>

Inside Template


On the script of the same template

import googleSignIn from 'google-signin-vue'

export default {
  name: 'app',
  components: {
    getSuccessData:function (user) {
      // The User variable contains id_token, id, name, image, email as objects.
      // Send The id_token to the Backend for the verication.
    getFailureData:function (errorData) {
      // The errorData variable contains failure details

For Nuxt Project

  • Create app.html in the root directory of the project and add
   <html {{ HTML_ATTRS }}>
   <head {{ HEAD_ATTRS }}>
     {{ HEAD }}
       <script src=""></script>
   <body {{ BODY_ATTRS }}>
   {{ APP }}

Nuxt Js App Template Documentation

Inside Template


On the script of the same template

import googleSignIn from 'google-signin-vue/src/googleSignIn.vue'

export default {
  name: 'app',
  components: {
    getSuccessData:function (user) {
      // The User variable contains id_token, id, name, image, email as objects.
      // Send The id_token to the Backend for the verication.
    getFailureData:function (errorData) {
      // The errorData variable contains failure details

Note: You must specify the callback function as props to get the data, The supported props are given below.

Prop Type Required Description
clienId string Client Id Obtained from google.
warning boolean Warnings on console is displayed on true. Default is true
className string Any classname if needed to append on the button
successCallBack function Function to receive success data, must have one parameter
failureCallBack function Function to receive failure data, must have one parameter
customButton boolean True if gonna set the custom button. Set via <slot> Your Code Here</slot> . customButtonId is mandatory if it is set to True
customButtonId string Id of the custom button, so we can trigger the google on clicking the button
longTitle boolean Google's Option to set long title. Default is false.
theme string Google's Option to change the button's display. 'light' / 'dark' are the only value supported.
buttonWidth number Specify the Button width to google.
buttonHeight number Specify the Button width to google.


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