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Easily Access Javascript Element Propertys and Functions trough C#

How to Install

Add the Nuget Package to your Solution

Install-Package Blazor.JSInteropPlus

Add the JavaScript File to your _Host.cshtml

<script src="_content/Blazor.JSInteropPlus/JSInteropPlus.js"></script>

Add the Namespace to your _Imports.razor

@using Blazor.Blazor.JSInteropPlus

How to Use

This Library exposes extensions Methods for the Original IJSRuntime Interface provided by Blazor.

Inject the IJSRuntime Interface to your Component

@inject IJSRuntime _jsRuntime

And use one of the Following extension Methods:


Get the Value of a Property of a specific JS Element / Window

<div @ref=_divRef>...</div>

	private ElementReference _divRef;

	protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
		var width = await _jsInterop.GetElementPropertyAsync<double>(_divRef, "clientWidth");
		//Or for the Window Object
		var windowWidth = await _jsInterop.GetWindowPropertyAsync<double>("innerWidth");

Set the Value of a Property of a specific JS Element / Window

<div @ref=_divRef>...</div>

	private ElementReference _divRef;

	protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
	    	await _jsInterop.SetElementPropertyAsync(_divRef, "clientWidth", 500);
		//Or for the Window Object
		await _jsInterop.SetWindowPropertyAsync("name", "ThisIsMyNewName");


Call a Method a specific JS Element / Window

<div @ref=_divRef>...</div>

	private ElementReference _divRef;

	protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
	    	await _jsInterop.InvokeElementMethodAsync(_divRef, "scrollIntoView", {Optional Parameters});
		//Or for the Window Object
		await _jsInterop.InvokeWindowMethodAsync("print", {Optional Parameters});


Subscribe to a Event of a specific Javascript Element /Window

<div @ref=_divRef>...</div>

	private ElementReference _divRef;

	protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
		await _jsRuntime.SubscribeToElementEventAsync(_divRef, "click", FunctionToCall, new JSEventOptions() { CallbackTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), CallbackType = Callback.Debounce });
		//Or for the Window Object
		await _jsRuntime.SubscribeToWindowEventAsync("blur", FunctionToCall, new JSEventOptions() { CallbackTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), CallbackType = Callback.Debounce });

	private async Task FunctionToCall()

The Class 'JSEventOptions' is a Optional Parameter to Specify the behavior of the Callback, more down below.

Unsubscribe from a already subscribed Event of a specific Javascript Element /Window

<div @ref=_divRef>...</div>

	private ElementReference _divRef;

    	protected async Task Unsubscribe()
		await _jsRuntime.UnsubscribeFromElementEventAsync(_divRef, "click", FunctionToCall);
		//Or for the Window Object
	    	await _jsRuntime.UnsubscribeFromWindowEventAsync("blur", FunctionToCall);
	private async Task FunctionToCall()


You can specify the behavior of JSEvent Callbacks:

public class JSEventOptions
	/// <summary>
	/// Specifies how the JS Event will invoke the C# Method
	/// </summary>
	public required Callback CallbackType { get; set; }
	public TimeSpan CallbackTime { get; set; }

public enum Callback
	/// <summary>
	/// The C# Event will immediatly be triggered once the JS Event happens
	/// </summary>
	/// <summary>
	/// The C# Event will be triggered in a fixed interval
	/// </summary>
	/// <summary>
	/// The C# Event will only be triggered if there are no more JS Events in a specified interval
	/// </summary>


Blazor.JSInteropPlus is MIT licensed.