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Pieter edited this page Jul 26, 2017 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the kgui-single-digit, kgui-multi-digits wiki!

Intended goal (Jan. 2017)

This element was created to allow updates of small numbers without keyboard usage. It's intention is, to be used as a user friendly data entry for medication (pill amount) and INR value, by patients. To be used in a production environment as a Web App.

When entering a number, using the keyboard, the keyboard overlay (Web App), will hide a large part of the screen. Where sometimes other important information is displayed. And to give the user an alternative of data entry. Because some numbers, like medication amount, changes slightly. Just one pill less or more. Opening a keyboard is then an overkill of UI.

To allow the collaboration of multiple numeric digits, the element kgui-multi-digits was created. Where large numbers, with optional decimal marker and number fractions, are handled.

INR stands for International Normalized Ratio (for blood clotting time).

Project update Jul. 2017

Currently I'm busy to document and code cleanup. Also finalizing unit tests. This version is currently implemented in a Web Application. Integrated into more functional INR and medication form (not part of this project). This process reveals some integration problems, which I need to fix. When these integration problems are solved, I think a production release v1.0.0 can be delivered

Future enhancements

  • Time format.
  • Negative numbers.
  • Drag / swipe to change numbers.
  • Number input by keyboard (on large numbers this is faster).
  • Animation.
  • WAI support.

Project background

Begin 2016 I became interested in the technology of web components. I did some study and saw some discussion on the internet. I decided to create a simple project and to use plain JavaScript to create my own web component. Just to learn the basics and go from there. This project was an animated single digit element.

The I saw the benefits of a library like Google Polymer. Which supports also the Google Material Design Language. Allowing me to create User Interfaces (UI) which are recognizable by a lot of users (Android).

Currently Polymer 2 is leading. But these digit components are in Polymer 1. This was a deliberated choice. I didn't want to be an earlier adapter of Polymer 2. And I think this project is small enough, to be easily converted to Polymer 2 on a later time.

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