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Recommended Lesson Plan Structures

CN-Mika edited this page Aug 29, 2023 · 3 revisions

Below, we've outlined recommended lesson plan structures for each of the different platforms or resources included in this guide. While many of the types of lessons can be done independently by students, all require additional planning to ensure a successful lesson plan and high student engagement.

Code HS

CodeHS Lesson Plan

CodeHS is a comprehensive online teaching platform that has everything you need to teach computer science at your school, including web-based curriculum, teacher tools, administrator insights, and professional development.

CodeHS offers a variety of offerings. Web Design (Picasso) fits best with our HTML/CSS units, while Introduction to Computer Science in JavaScript (Golden) can be used to supplement our JavaScript units.

You can assign students videos, quizzes, examples, and exercises to complete -- and then use your teacher account to check the progress of all students in your class. This work can be taken as a participation or homework grade.

CSS Select By Class Lesson

Section What to Do Materials
Do Now(5 min) Paper based reflection question based on the lesson or recently covered topics. Ex. "Why might you want multiple elements on a page to be styled the same way? Name some similarities between students that are in the same class." Paper Do Now
Opening (5 min) Share and celebrate student progress (leader board, etc.).Set expectations for CodeHS work time: 1. Computers open, working the whole time. 3. Eyes on your own screen (unless you are asking for/giving help).2. If you get stuck use your resources: reference table, google, ask a friend. Ex. "This week you've been working with your Code Nation teachers on CSS. Let's review some of the vocabulary that we've learned: CSS selectors, curly bracket, semi-colon, property, value." Poster paper with CodeHS work time expectations
Independent Practice (30 min) Log into your CodeHS account and classroom. Review computer expectations.Computer passing routine.Independent work time. Computers Headphones (?)
Closing / Exit ticket (5 min) Share and celebrate student progress. Ex. "Turn and talk: What is one new skill you learned today? How will you apply it to your future projects? " NA


Codecademy Lesson Plan

Codecademy is an online educational platform that offers a wide catalog of coding courses. Code Nation students can benefit from creating their own free account and completing exercises in the Web Development career path. Codecademy lessons can be done independently by students on their own laptops.

Just like a regular class day you should establish a consistent routine for Codecademy workdays. Below is a suggested routine, but you can personalize/modify it accordingly.

*NOTE: Codecademy PRO is a paid version of the site. Users can receive a short free trial of PRO, but you should instruct students NOT to click into any of the PRO activities or lessons

HTML Basics Lesson

Section What to Do Materials
Do Now (5 min) Paper based reflection question based on the lesson or recently covered topics. Ex. "What is a web browser? Name some popular web browsers. What is HTML? How will you use HTML in Code Nation?" Paper do now
Opening (5 min) Share and celebrate student progress (leader board, etc.). Set expectations for Codecademy work time: **1.**Computers open, working the whole time 2. Eyes on your own screen (unless you are asking for/giving help) 3If you get stuck use your resources: reference table, google, ask a friend.Ex. "This week you've been working with your Code Nation teachers on HTML. Let's review some of the vocabulary that we've learned: HTML elements, tag, < angle brackets, and closing tag." Poster paper with Codecademy work time expectations
Independent Practice (30 min) Codecademy LinkReview computer expectations.Computer passing routine.Independent work time. Computers and Headphones (?)
Closing / Exit ticket(5 min) Share and celebrate student progress.Ex. "Turn and talk: What is one new skill you learned today? How will you apply it to your future projects? " NA

Khan Academy

Khan Academy Lesson Plan

Khan Academy is an online learning tool featuring short videos to model skills for students. Code Nation uses Khan Academy to facilitate student learning of technical concepts during the days of the week that Code Nation staff and volunteers are not present. Khan Academy lessons and exercises can be done independently by students on their own laptops. Students will need headphones to watch the videos--or you can watch them together on the projector.

*Visit the Teacher Quick-Start Checklist in order to set up a Khan Academy Classroom

HTML Basics Lesson

Section What to Do Materials
Do Now (5 min) Paper based reflection question based on the lesson or recently covered topics. Ex. "What is a web browser? Name some popular web browsers. What is HTML? How will you use HTML in Code Nation?" Paper do now
Opening (3 min) Set expectations for Khan Academy work time:**1.**Computers open, working the whole time **2.**Eyes on your own screen (unless you are asking for/giving help) 3If you get stuck use your resources: reference table, google, ask a friend. *Ex. "This week you've been working with your Code Nation teachers on HTML. Let's review some of the vocabulary that we've learned: HTML elements, tag, < angle brackets, and closing tag." Poster paper with Khan Academy work time expectations
Direct Teach (7 min) Whole class watches a video from the lesson together.Ex. "Today we are going to watch a video to learn about the web and then we will have a chance to create poems on a webpage!" Projector, computer, speakers
Independent Practice(28 min) Khan Academy LinkReview computer expectations.Computer passing routine.Independent work time. Computers and Headphones (?)
Closing / Exit ticket(5 min) Turn and talk: What is one new skill you learned today? How will you apply it to your future projects? NA

CS Principles

CS Principles Lesson Plan

Computer Science Principles is a full-year AP accredited course. It offers a multidisciplinary approach to teaching the underlying principles of computation. The course introduces students to the creative aspects of programming, abstractions, algorithms, large data sets, the Internet, cybersecurity concerns, and computing impacts. Most lessons can be found here though a few suggested lessons above are found on other sites.

General Lesson Plan

Section What to Do Materials
Do Now (5 min) Follow the CS Principles lesson plan for the day! Paper do now
Opening(3 min) Follow the CS Principles lesson plan for the day! CS Principles lesson plan and any listed resources
Direct Teach (7 min) Follow the CS Principles lesson plan for the day! CS Principles lesson plan and any listed resources
Guided Practice (10 min) Follow the CS Principles lesson plan for the day! CS Principles lesson plan and any listed resources
Independent Practice (15 min) Follow the CS Principles lesson plan for the day! CS Principles lesson plan and any listed resources
Closing / Exit ticket (5 min) Follow the CS Principles lesson plan for the day! CS Principles lesson plan and any listed resources

Creative Computing Guide

Scratch Lesson Plan

Scratch is a programming language that makes it easy to create interactive art, stories, simulations, and games – and share those creations online. ScratchEd is an online community where Scratch Educators share stories, exchange resources, ask questions, and find people. We recommend using the Creative Computing Guide from ScratchEd to support student learning. Code Nation uses Scratch to facilitate creative and computational thinking on the days of the week that Code Nation staff and volunteers are not present.

Scratch Unit 0 includes detailed directions on introducing students to Scratch and supporting them with setting up Scratch accounts.

General Lesson Plan

Section What to Do Materials
Do Now (5 min) Paper based reflection question based on the lesson or recently covered topics. Ex. "What are the four parts of the box model? How would you fix this error message in Popcode?" Paper do now
Opening (3 min) Get students excited for the activity of the day!Ex. Is anyone interested in making animated characters perform actions on their webpage? Today we are going to learn how to make the Scratch cat do something surprising! Check out mine...I taught him to do the Macarena!" ScratchEd lesson plan and any listed resources
Direct Teach (7 min) Follow the ScratchEd Creative Computing Guide lesson plan for the day! ScratchEd lesson plan and any listed resources
Independent Practice (15 min) Follow the ScratchEd Creative Computing Guide lesson plan for the day! Computers
Closing / Exit ticket (5 min) Follow the ScratchEd Creative Computing Guide lesson plan for the day!Ex. "What did you figure out? What do you want to know more about?" ScratchEd lesson plan and any listed resources