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This is a starter repository that helps you get setup with itzg/minecraft-server containers that run FTB or CurseForge modpacks.

An example Docker Compose file has been created in valhelsia.


  1. Download and place the corresponding modpack zip file in the modpacks directory. See the README there for a download link.

  2. Go into the corresponding directory and bring up the Docker composition, such as

    cd valhelsia
    docker-compose up -d

    You can watch the logs by using

    docker-compose logs -f

The example will attach the container's /data path to the local directory data/valhelsia. You can adjust configuration in there and restart the container to pick up those changes.

It is recommended that you put the compose file for each in its own directory named with a short name so that it will be used as the Docker compose project name and show up nicely in docker ps listings, such as

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                   COMMAND             CREATED              STATUS                                 PORTS                                 NAMES
b7fa79011ed6        itzg/minecraft-server   "/start"            About a minute ago   Up About a minute (health: starting)>25565/tcp, 25575/tcp   valhelsia_mc_1

Adding more

  1. Duplicate and rename the valhelsia directory
  2. In the copied docker-compose.yml
    1. Change the "valhelsia" part of the /data volume attachment
    2. Change the zip filename in CF_SERVER_MOD to the appropriate modpack you're adding
    3. If running alongside others from this starter, change the host port (left part) from 25565 to something distinct, like incrementing to 25566.
  3. Download the server modpack file and place in modpacks along with the others

Why "vanilla"

The vanilla configuration does not include a modpack and is provided as a baseline configuration.


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