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epubed - EPUB Editor

Allows batch editing of EPUB files.



# shows titles of all books written in English language
epubed **/*.epub --where Content.Language=en --get Content.Title 

# shows books with broken content.opf file
epubed **/*.epub --where CanLoadContent=false

# fixes language for some EPUB books
epubed **/*.epub --where lang=UND --set lang=en

Command-Line Keys

Key Values Description
(no key) file name Specify the files to use. Must be relative to current directory or to the one specified with --directory. Globbing is possible, and ** is supported for recursive directory search.
-d -dir --directory full path to directory Set the root directory used to search for target files.
-g --get PATH Adds specified EPUB path (see next section) to the result set.
-s --set PATH=value Sets specified EPUB attribute in every file in the input set.
-v --verb PATH::action Performs an action on every file in the input set. Possible actions are specified below.
-w --where PATH=value If an attribute specified by PATH is not equal to the value, the file is removed from input set.

While processing files, filters are applied first, then getters, then setters, then verbs.

EPUB Paths

Different attributes of an EPUB file are accessed through hierarchical paths:

Path Alias Description
. Root path (full file path)
CanLoadContent true if content.opf could be loaded, false otherwise
Content Root for all metadata from content.opf
Content.MetaCover Path to the cover picture inside the book archive
Content.Title Book title
Content.Creator Author
Content.Publisher Publisher
Content.Date Date of publishing
Content.Identifier ISBN, UUID or another book identifier
Content.Language lang Language code for the book
Content.Subject Book keywords (doesn't work for multiple subjects for now)
Content.Description Blurb for the book
Content.Rights © stuff
Content.Type Dublin Core metadata specification. Always must be "Text".
Content.Source An identifier (ISBN, UUID etc.) of book or series this EPUB is part of.
Content.Relation An identifier (ISBN, UUID etc.) of book or series this EPUB relates to.
Content.Coverage Dublin Core stuff
Content.Contributor More authors (broken in the same way as subject)


Some changes cannot be expressed as simple setters, so instead you invoke them as a verb. Any verb is fully specified by a path and a verb ID, separated by :: sigil. If verb is applied to the the whole document, just leave out path, but keep the :: sigil.

Path and Verb Description
::fix-content-length Removes 1 byte from content.opf document.

Implementation Notes

  • EPUB loading and manipulation is located in epubed namespace. The classes that end in -Model represent corresponding parts of book archive. All such classes are immutable, and receive required input from constructor parameters. They are also IDisposable, and must be released when disposed. Moreover, they must dispose all opened resources if an exception happens.
  • Navigation, getters/setters, filters and verbs are located in epubed.Query namespace. These classes use epubed.* object model to manipulate EPUB data, but provide type-less uniform interface to all attributes. The main type here is ITraversable, which represents a node in EPUB data tree. It has a mutable Value property, allows to run verbs and access children.
  • QueryExecutor contains main algorithm to run user-specified operations on every requested file. It contains multiple extensions points for resource management, error handling etc. SafeConsoleQueryExecutor is used by the app.
  • Command line parsing is located in epubed.CommandLine namespace. The code should be refactored and possibly replaced by a library.


  • Add more paths
  • Allow globbing for root paths
  • Fix Content.Subject
  • Refactor epubed.CommandLine


A tool to edit EPUB files








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