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This is a relatively small wrapper to work with the Etherscan API. Written on c++ using Qt.

Tested using Qt 5.15.8 and 6.4.2

Available features

Currently almost all free methods and all PRO methods from api are implemened. This includes following submodules:

NOTE Although, PRO methods are implemented they are not tested yet!

Current version: 0.0.4

Adding QtEtherscan to yout project

In order to use this lirary, first you should register an account on and generate a personal API key to use. Than you can use project include files (QtEtherscan.pri) to add QtEtherscan to your project.

Download QtEtherscan from github

mkdir lib && cd lib
git clone

Alternatively you can add QtEtherscan as a git submodule:

mkdir lib && cd lib
git submodule add

In your project file ( add this include:


Somewhere in your code add this include:

#include "QtEtherscan.h"

And than you can use api methods in the following manner:

QtEtherscan::API etherscan;                                // Create QtEtherscan::API object
etherscan.setApiKey(TOKEN);                                // Set ypur API access token
etherscan.setEtheriumNetwork(QtEtherscan::API::Mainnet);   // Set etherium network with which you would like to work

// Just call needed method and handle results
QtEtherscan::EtherBalance balance = etherscan.getEtherBalance("0xde0b295669a9fd93d5f28d9ec85e40f4cb697bae");
qDebug() << "Result: "<<balance;

// Or alternatively you can use QtEherscan::API::call method (e.g. for calling PRO methods
QJsonObject result ={
    { QLatin1String("module"),     QLatin1String("account") },
    { QLatin1String("action"),     QLatin1String("balance") },
    { QLatin1String("tag"),        QLatin1String("latest") },
    { QLatin1String("address"),    "0xde0b295669a9fd93d5f28d9ec85e40f4cb697bae" }

Examples & Documentation

Documentation can be generated in the docs folder using doxygen

doxygen Doxyfile

Some examples showing how to do simple stuff with this library can be found in the examples directory.

  • examples/balance_monitor - simple example how to use QtEtherscan
  • examples/error_handling - how to handle errors on layer
  • examples/proxy - how to use methods from "proxy" module

Usefull links


Donations are optional, but highly appriciated. So if you like this software and you want to say thanks - feel free to send any amount of crypto to one of the addresses below:

  • BTC - bc1qc8nj8swjxtu0fpfsxspv2k49np56u8h86mgy0e
  • ETH - 0x903Fd8C2cE645cB6B6F38e7465728c49170d5530
  • USDT (ETH Network) - 0x903Fd8C2cE645cB6B6F38e7465728c49170d5530
  • XMR - 893ipCFWQXjhXAyMXaryu4RofqZQzpH1nBZDsN9nA6c5BwK79Ae48Ci4rtRoyTi5nAHrpTqbVMPDkXgnHswha2a5F2y62mG


GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


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