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A web-application for employee time-registration written in native PHP (OOP) using MySQL RDBMS

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I am Ivan Mark Andersen, I am a professionel software developer, have done this tiny project to try prove my skills of software development in the process of getting a job as a Back-end Developer.

Here I have developed a web-application for time-registration written in native PHP (OOP), using my own custom MVC-framework using PHP-autoloding using Composer class-map and the latest Smarty template-engine for writing and displaying HTML5 content. I also use the popular front-end framework of Bootstrap.

The web-app is a monolit yes, but it dont mean that I dont know how it should done with a micro-services arkitectur. It was my opservation, that the company allready had a monolitic arcitecture, so this is just a new module and also an application that can house them all cause I also wanted to show how we can share and reuse code, if we just get a good directory-structure for the project.

I took my old but okay custom MVC-framework and added namespacing to use the autoloading functionality of PHP. And the needed functionality to make it function. The problem of having your own MVC-framework is that you need to do things your self and also maintain this, but I am doing, because I can and because there are things you need to create an application of a good quallity.

  • And because I did so, its now easy do a good application.

I am also using the latest version at the time of writing of the popular front-end framework Bootstrap to add Responsive Design. Which is what makes the layout fit the size of the unit, that you are using wheter or not its a cell-phone or a laptop. This adds better look and feel to my little demo web-application using custom HTML5 Smarty-template files to generate the intuitive layout.

As something special in the model-classes I decided to use Universal Unique IDs (UUID) because of the possible big amount of data that will be maintained in the web-application.

Using normal IDs which is 64-bit integers we can create 4 billions records before we neeed to export the data of the database-table or something thing else. With UUIDs we can go on for ever and ever because UUIDs are unique in all over the world. UUIDs are a 128-bit number displayed a hexadecimal string of 5 numbers with dashes in between - 36 chars. I let MySQL RDBMS generate the UUID using a before-insert trigger which is a smart way of doing it easy and in a atomar way.

Create a MySQL database called: np_timesheets

Import: SQL Import file.

Go to the following directory below:

SQL-file to import: app-time-registration/modules/timesheets/classes/model/sql/np_timesheets.sql

Install Composer

This project relys on PHP-autoloading done by Composer, so you need composer installed. If you dont know how go to the URL and read all about it: Or if you are on a Linux-box you can run the bash-script that installs Composer in the sub-directory bash-scripts of the app-directory: app-time-registration/bash-scripts/

When your class is not found using auto-loading then generate a new autoload-map:

$ composer dump-autoload Generating autoload files Generated autoload files

Setup the JSON config-file in the config directory

Edit the file config/app.conf.json Add the following JSON-structure and you will be able to succesfully connect to your MySQL database:

{ "path_app_root": "/data/WebProjects/app-time-registration/", "db_connection": { "driver": "mysql", "host": "localhost", "dbname": "dbname", "dbcodepage": "utf8mb4", "dbuser": "dbusr_web_user", "dbpassword": "secretpassword" } }

Setup the virtual web-server i run NginX on my Linux-box

Setup the DNS-name for the hostname in /etc/hosts file

Have fun evaluating my web-application!

Access the URL with your favorit web-browser.

Project Description:


Vi skal i fremtiden håndtere Timesedler automatisk. Projektopgaven er at lave en timeseddelsløsning som gør det nemt for medarbejdere, at rapportere arbejdsdage / timer.

I dag modtager vi timesedler for månedslønnede, 14 dages lønnede eller ugelønnede. Disse kommer fra mange forskellige timesystemer eller er blevet lavet manuelt af konsulenten selv og leveret igennem Excel skabeloner konverteret til PDF.

I nogle tilfælde modtages håndskrevne timesedler. Alt sammen leveret på e-mail hvor vi i dag modtager mere end 50 forskellige timesedler design Dette vil vi gerne gøre smartere. Der er stor løsningsfrihed Til at løse opgaven.

Non-funktionelle krav:

  • Det skal være nemt for brugeren at indtaste eller uploade, så byrden for konsulenten er så lille som mulig.

Funktionelle krav:

  • Der skal være en sum af arbejdstimerne for perioden.
  • Prototype, samt reflektion over løsning - fordele / ulemper ønskes.


  • Jeg ønsker, at se hvordan du tænker og få et indblik i din kode.
  • Der er som sagt ikke noget rigtigt og forkert – vær kreativ og løs det som du synes bedst.

Kind regards Simon Kröger Kronmose Digitalization, Partner Northern Partners ApS


A web-application for employee time-registration written in native PHP (OOP) using MySQL RDBMS







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