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melmothx edited this page Feb 7, 2012 · 8 revisions

Newbie Notes

Sometimes a newcomer to Mojo* will be confused by some examples, or by the lack of some examples. If you're in such a situation, please describe your confusion here, so that the developers can close gaps in the documentation.

Moritz' notes

  • The Mojolicious::Lite doc doesn't seem to show how to pass variables from the controller to the template.

  • The word "stash" is used, but not explained, nor linked to in the docs. (Both in Mojolicious and Mojolicious::Lite).

  • The syntax errors in templates suck, because they don't show the generated Perl code

Mr. Muskrat's notes

  • It took me forever to find the Mojolicious::Renderer, Mojolicious::Plugin::EpRenderer, and Mojolicious::Plugin::EplRenderer docs. It didn't occur to me to look for them in Mojolicious. I kept going back to Mojolicous::Guides::Rendering so can you add them to it as well?

  • Based on the docs, setting the mode in the startup method should be enough to turn off debug level logging.


    Yet after adding that every page access spews three lines:

    debug Mojolicious::Plugin::RequestTimer:XXX
    debug Mojolicious::Routes:XXX
    debug Mojolicious::Plugin::RequestTimer:XXX

    After much trial and error, the only way that I could consistently get the debug messages to go away was to set the MOJO_MODE environment variable in my script.

    $ENV{MOJO_MODE} = 'production';

Trone's notes

  • Mojo::Asset::File has method is_file that return always 1. I thought was a sort of verification about object, as a -f flag or a ISA test.

    if ($file->is_file) { ... }
    # equivalent
    if (-f $file->path) { ... }

    Maybe docs could to be more clear about it.

MelmothX's notes

Coming from the cgi experience, the Mojolicious applications are persistent, they don't restart at each request. So:

  • Don't chdir

    Changing directory will lead to unpredictable results as the whole application changes directory.

  • Don't die

    Die is not something you want to depend on for normal workflow.

  • Tainting is not need

    perl -T is pretty much pointless in mojolicious, since it parses everything.

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