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Catalyst examples

Run all examples from this dir.

DL notebooks

  1. cifar10 notebook
    • cifar10 classification model
    • Runner usage example
  2. segmentation notebook
    • segmentation with unet
    • model training and inference
    • predictions visialization

DL pipelines

  1. cifar10 model training
    • configuration files usage example
    • local and docker runs
    • metrics visualization with tensorboard
  2. cifar10 model training with stages
    • pipeline example with stages
  3. finetune
    • classification model training and inference
    • different augmentations and stages usage
    • knn index model example
    • embeddings projector
    • LrFinder usage
    • grid search metrics visualization
  4. autolabel
    • WIP

RL pipelines

  1. OpenAI Gym LunarLander
    • off-policy RL for continuous action space environment
    • DDPG, SAC, TD3 benchmark
    • async multi-cpu, multi-gpu training

CI tests

  1. DL – Mnist with stages
  2. RL – OpenAI Gym MountainCarContinuous