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Design patterns in Python

This repository contains python implementations of common design patterns based on Design Patterns with Python course.


  • Python 3.6+
  • pip3


$ git clone
$ cd python-design-patterns
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt


$ pip3 install -r requirements-test.txt
$ pytest


ABC Usage

Simple ABC usage scenario.

  • Runnable – is an interface with methods run, stop and property is_running.
  • BadClass – the class that inherited from Runnable, but does not implement it's methods/property.
  • GoodClass – the class that fully implements Runnable interface.


Strategy pattern implementation. It allows you to encapsulate algorithms into the absolutely separated objects.

In this example we need to calculate Order shipping cost, that depends on shipping type: postal, FedEx, UPS.

  • Order – just an empty class, that represents real order.
  • ShippingCost – context, that contains selected shipping strategy.
  • Strategy – abstract strategy with the only method calculate(order: Order).
  • FedExStrategy, PostalStrategy, UPSStrategy – implementations of concrete shipping strategies.


Classic observer pattern implementation located in observer.lib package.

  • observer.lib.Observer – abstract observer class
  • observer.lib.Subject – abstract subject class with implemented default behavior

In the example we have some "source" – KPIs, that is a Subject descendant. Also we have two observers: ClosedTickets and KPIsDisplay. When the KPIs changes, it notifies observers instances and they do their job.

  • KPIs – event source, subject
  • ClosedTickets – observer, calculates (and prints) the sum of total closed tickets
  • KPIsDisplay – observer, just displays the current KPIs every time update is fired.


Command pattern with commands auto-discovery and fallback to NoCommand if there is no available command.

  • command.commands.* – contains custom available commands.
  • command.executor.CommandExecutor – the class, that is able to discovery and execute commands.
  • command.command.Command – abstract console command.
  • command.no_command.NoCommand – fallback command, that will be executed if no other command found.


Two implementations of Singleton pattern.

  • singleton.singleton_base.SingletonBase – singleton, implemented as a base class.
  • singleton.singleton_meta.SingletonMeta – singleton, implemented as a meta class.


In this example, we need to build computers with different configurations.

  • – computer that we build.
  • builder.computer_builder.ComputerBuilder – abstract computer builder.
  • builder.default_computer_builder.DefaultComputerBuilder – default computer configuration.
  • builder.cheap_computer_builder.CheapComputerBuilder – cheap computer configuration.
  • builder.director.Director – director, the class, that knows how to build a computer.


Classic factory pattern implementation with factory-loader.

  • factory.loader.load_factory – loads factory based on factory's name.
  • factory.factories.factory.Factory – abstract car factory.
  • factory.factories.* – concrete cars factories implementations.
  • – abstract car.
  •* – concrete cars.

Abstract factory

There are two car manufacturers: GM and Ford. Each of them can create sport, luxury and economy cars.

  • abstract_factory.factories.factory.Factory – abstract factory that can create sport, luxury and sport cars.
  • abstract_factory.factories.* – manufacturer-specific factories (derived from base Factory).
  •* – abstract SportCar, EconomyCar and LuxuryCar
  •* and* – manufacturer-specific cars.