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Initial scores now built depending or html tag
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id or class name.

This is faster and done in one walk of tree than
building score by id or class name for each parent
of <p> tag when walking is done so many times as
<p> tags exist in tree.

So score_one_p function is not required yet,
because scoring by commas should be done with 
parent, not with <p> itself (because <p> is empty
and number of "," == 0)
  • Loading branch information
ivkosh committed Jan 29, 2011
1 parent 5573269 commit 533272f
Showing 1 changed file with 4 additions and 3 deletions.
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/rdbl.erl
Expand Up @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ init_scores(Tree) -> init_scores(Tree, make_ref()). % adding reference for topmo
init_scores(R, _) when is_binary(R) -> R;
init_scores({comment, _}, _) -> []; % dropping comments
init_scores({E, A, Rest}, Parent) -> Ref=make_ref(), {E, #score{ref=Ref, parent=Parent}, A, init_scores(Rest, Ref)}; % setting current parent and giving my ref to child as parent
init_scores({E, A, Rest}, Parent) -> Ref=make_ref(), {E, #score{ref=Ref, parent=Parent, readability=score_by_class_or_id(A)}, A, init_scores(Rest, Ref)}; % setting current parent and giving my ref to child as parent
init_scores([], _) -> [];
init_scores([H|T], Parent) -> [init_scores(H, Parent) | init_scores(T, Parent)]. % processing list recursively

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,9 +374,10 @@ get_score(Node) ->

%% @spec score_by_class_or_id(scored_html_node()) -> int()
%% @spec score_by_class_or_id([html_attr()]) -> int()
%% @doc calculates score for node element by its id or class name
score_by_class_or_id(Node) ->
{_, _, Attrs, _} = Node,
score_by_class_or_id({_, _, Attrs, _})-> score_by_class_or_id(Attrs).
score_by_class_or_id(Attrs) when is list Attrs ->
AttrVals = [ V || {K, V} <- Attrs, (K == <<"id">>) or (K == <<"class">>) ],
AttrVals == [] -> 0; % no id or class (list is empty)
Expand Down

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