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Application to develop the POCS from

The objective of this project is to help people to make decisions based on past measurable data instead of pseudo-science beliefs that fill the stock market, specially in this bubble environment.

If you want to trade you can help this project by use this referal link of interactive brokers:


price dataframe

Getting Started

This project can be executed like any flutter application just by importing in android studio, flutter pub get and running in a device

Ideas about the architecture of the app:

  • lib -> All the flutter code
    • ba
    • bigPicture, module that manages the big picture screens
    • marketData, module to get the market data and presist it in local device
      • core, business logic
        • strategy, Stuff related with the evaluation of a trading strategy
      • model, entities used to deal with the market data
      • static, reference data that would tend to not change much
      • yahooFinance,
        • api, getters of the data from internet
        • storage, persist and retrive data from local storage
    • shared, module with stuff that can potentially be used by multiple other modules
    • state, app global state with stuff like navigation and connectivity management
    • components, shared components

*** Primary color:

shade 0 = #0E8B34 = rgb( 14,139, 52) = rgba( 14,139, 52,1) = rgb0(0.055,0.545,0.204) shade 1 = #4AB46A = rgb( 74,180,106) = rgba( 74,180,106,1) = rgb0(0.29,0.706,0.416) shade 2 = #27A34D = rgb( 39,163, 77) = rgba( 39,163, 77,1) = rgb0(0.153,0.639,0.302) shade 3 = #007222 = rgb( 0,114, 34) = rgba( 0,114, 34,1) = rgb0(0,0.447,0.133) shade 4 = #005319 = rgb( 0, 83, 25) = rgba( 0, 83, 25,1) = rgb0(0,0.325,0.098)

*** Secondary color (1):

shade 0 = #BC6813 = rgb(188,104, 19) = rgba(188,104, 19,1) = rgb0(0.737,0.408,0.075) shade 1 = #F4AD65 = rgb(244,173,101) = rgba(244,173,101,1) = rgb0(0.957,0.678,0.396) shade 2 = #DD8A35 = rgb(221,138, 53) = rgba(221,138, 53,1) = rgb0(0.867,0.541,0.208) shade 3 = #9A4E00 = rgb(154, 78, 0) = rgba(154, 78, 0,1) = rgb0(0.604,0.306,0) shade 4 = #703900 = rgb(112, 57, 0) = rgba(112, 57, 0,1) = rgb0(0.439,0.224,0)

*** Secondary color (2):

shade 0 = #9E1051 = rgb(158, 16, 81) = rgba(158, 16, 81,1) = rgb0(0.62,0.063,0.318) shade 1 = #CD558B = rgb(205, 85,139) = rgba(205, 85,139,1) = rgb0(0.804,0.333,0.545) shade 2 = #BA2C6D = rgb(186, 44,109) = rgba(186, 44,109,1) = rgb0(0.729,0.173,0.427) shade 3 = #81003B = rgb(129, 0, 59) = rgba(129, 0, 59,1) = rgb0(0.506,0,0.231) shade 4 = #5E002B = rgb( 94, 0, 43) = rgba( 94, 0, 43,1) = rgb0(0.369,0,0.169)

Running project as flutter web

As we will access yahoo finance data from our browser we need to avoid the CORS error, avoiding the error by going to chrome.dart in your flutter path, example: /flutter/packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/web/chrome.dart

1- Go to flutter\bin\cache and remove a file named: flutter_tools.stamp

2- Go to flutter\packages\flutter_tools\lib\src\web and open the file chrome.dart.

3- Find '--disable-extensions'

4- Add '--disable-web-security'

M1 errors, for m1 you may need to run a pod install with

cd ios arch -x86_64 pod install

Generate icons

flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main

Generate splash screen

flutter pub run flutter_native_splash:create

Release of the app


First generate the bundle

terminal command

flutter build appbundle

Play store

On play store go to the open testing


For the iphone app in android studio, go to iOS folder, right click, then you need to manually generate an generic archive to be send to app store

