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professorg edited this page Aug 11, 2017 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the 3D-Mandelbrot-Project wiki!


This project aims to create a viewer for the Mandelbulb, or 3D Mandelbrot Set, using a ray marching algorithm to test points in the camera's field of view. Each point is passed through an iterative algorithm to test if the point diverges before the loop reaches its max iterations. The viewer renders the set according to parameters that can be changed using the keyboard at runtime. Lighting is done by creating a shadow ray towards the point light. The intensity diminishes as the ray passes through the set, and slightly diminishes through empty space.


Autumn Sunset of the Mandelbulb

Mandelbulb Eyes (Power 42)

Mandelbulb Julia Set at (-0.7269, 0.1889, 0)


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