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job configuration

Mahmoud Ben Hassine edited this page Sep 24, 2020 · 4 revisions

Create a batch job

The JobBuilder API is the main entry point to configure and create batch jobs:

Job job = new JobBuilder()

By default, the job name is job.

Run a batch job

Once you have created a batch job instance, you can run it:


//Either by calling the job directly
JobReport jobReport =;

// Or using the org.easybatch.core.job.JobExecutor API
JobExecutor jobExecutor = new JobExecutor();
JobReport jobReport = jobExecutor.execute(job);

// Or using a java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService
ExecutorService executorService = ..;
JobReport jobReport = executorService.submit(job).get();


// Using the org.easybatch.core.job.JobExecutor API
JobExecutor jobExecutor = new JobExecutor();
Future<JobReport> jobReport = jobExecutor.submit(job);

// Or using a java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService
ExecutorService executorService = ..;
Future<JobReport> jobReport = executorService.submit(job);

When the job is finished, you get an execution report with statistics and metrics about the job run.

NOTE: Don't forget to shutdown the JobExecutor at the end of your application using JobExecutor#shutdown() method.

Job parameters

Easy Batch jobs can be configured with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
batch size long 100 the size of each batch
error threshold long +∞ error limit after which the job is aborted
enable jmx boolean false enable JMX monitoring
enable batch scanning boolean false enable batch scanning for the faulty record after a failed write operation

All parameters can be set through the JobBuilder. Here is an example:

Job job = new JobBuilder()
    // define batch components (reader, writer, etc)
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