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Scraper of Adelsvapen genealogy website for noble families of Sweden.


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This is what the website looks like:

And these are the pages with the information that we want to get, including:

  • Name of the family
  • Date of introduction into nobility and extinction
  • The first person in the family and their biography
  • The biography of their children

Ideally we would want to process this text in such way to keep the bolded names, and extract birth places and dates.


First we check if they have asked us not to scrape the website.

robots.txt is a standard used by websites to indicate to visiting web crawlers and other web robots which portions of the website they are allowed to visit. This relies on voluntary compliance.

They have an extensive list of bots they do not allow, but do not forbid us from scraping the /genealogi subsection. So as long as we use a good wait time between hits so as not to overwhelm their server, we will be okay!

Starting point

We want to get a list of the noble families and a link to their family trees, as shown in the table below:

Noble families of Sweden
Abrahamsson - von Döbeln link
von Ebbertz - Järnefelt link
Kafle - Oxehufwud link
Pahl - Sölfvermusköt link
Tallberg - Östner link
Source: Adelsvapen


Next we want to scrape the links to the branches of family trees for each family. They look like this:

Ideally we would loop through the list and keep a record of each branch of the family tree with a link to it.

# let's write a function to do this


get_branches <- function(url_in) {
  message("Getting branches of family tree from: ", url_in)
  html <- read_html(url_in)

  family_links <- html %>%
    html_nodes("a") %>%

  family_links_filtered <- family_links %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    rename(branch_url = value) %>%
    # get family links that contain a /genealogi beginning and a number
      str_detect(branch_url, "/genealogi/.+\\d"),
      !str_detect(branch_url, "Adelsvapen-Wiki"),
      !str_detect(branch_url, "Special:")

noble_families_branches <- noble_families %>% 
  mutate(branches = map(url, possibly(get_branches, "failed")))

noble_families_branches %>% 
  unnest(branches) %>% 
  write_rds(here::here("links", "family_links.rds"))

So now we have a link to each of the 2,335 branches of the family trees.

A sample of these is shown below in a table

Sample of branches
Noble family Branch name
Pahl - Sölfvermusköt Palmencrona nr 1559
von Ebbertz - Järnefelt Gripensch%C3%BCtz nr 1613
von Ebbertz - Järnefelt Falck nr 156
Abrahamsson - von Döbeln Arnell nr 1885
Pahl - Sölfvermusköt Patkull nr 237
Kafle - Oxehufwud Mannerskantz nr 2082
von Ebbertz - Järnefelt Ihre nr 2043
Abrahamsson - von Döbeln De Frietzcky nr 1375
Abrahamsson - von Döbeln Bj%C3%B6rkenstam nr 2269
Kafle - Oxehufwud Olivecrona nr 1626
Abrahamsson - von Döbeln Von Brandten nr 1376
Kafle - Oxehufwud Ogilwie nr 277
von Ebbertz - Järnefelt Von Graffenthal nr 822
Abrahamsson - von Döbeln Didron nr 440
Kafle - Oxehufwud Lenck nr 448
Abrahamsson - von Döbeln Berch nr 1774
Kafle - Oxehufwud Abrahamsson - von D%C3%B6beln
von Ebbertz - Järnefelt Grubbenhielm nr 708
Pahl - Sölfvermusköt Von Ebbertz - J%C3%A4rnefelt
Abrahamsson - von Döbeln Bergstedt nr 2199

Information on each branch of family tree

Next we want to get the data from each of these branches, including the title, information about the origin individual, and information on their children.

# Again lets write a function for this
url_in = ""

get_info_from_family <- function(url_in) {
  html <- read_html(url_in)

  fam_abb <- str_remove(url_in, "")

  title <- html %>%
    html_nodes(".title") %>%

  bio <- html %>%
    html_nodes("p") %>%
    html_text() %>%
    str_squish() %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    rename(info = value) %>%
    filter(str_detect(info, "\\d\\d\\d\\d")) %>%
    nest(bio = everything())

  children <- html %>%
    html_nodes("ul") %>%
    html_text() %>%
    str_squish() %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    rename(children_bio = value) %>%
    filter(str_detect(children_bio, "\\d\\d\\d\\d")) %>%
    # mutate(tab = 1) %>% 
    nest(children = everything())

  # image
  # img_src <- html %>%
  #   html_node(".image") %>%
  #   html_elements("img") %>%
  #   html_attr("src")
  # img_url <- img_src %>% str_c("", .)
  # download.file(img_url, destfile = here::here(glue::glue("scraped_images/{fam_abb}.jpg")), mode = "wb")

  return(tibble(title, bio, children))

data <- get_info_from_family(url_in)

data %>% 
  write_rds(here::here("temp", "Abrahamsson.rds"))

data <- read_rds(here::here("temp", "Abrahamsson.rds"))

data %>%
  unnest(bio) %>%
  unnest(children) %>%
  mutate(across(where(is.numeric), as.character)) %>% 
  pivot_longer(everything(), names_to = "Section", values_to = "Text") %>%
  mutate(Section = str_to_title(str_replace(Section, "_", " "))) %>%
  arrange(desc(Section)) %>%
  distinct() %>%
  group_by(Section) %>%
  gt() %>%
    style = list(
      cell_fill(color = "#191970"),
      cell_text(color = "white")
    locations = cells_row_groups(groups = everything())
  ) %>%
  tab_header(title = md("**Example of data on individual family branches**")) %>%
  tab_footnote(md("Source: [Adelsvapen](")) %>% 
  gtsave(here::here("temp", "Abrahamsson_info.png"))

Abrahamsson 1817 Family information

Images of family crest

We can also include the family crest:

Abrahamsson 1817 Family crest


To get the information on each of the family branches, we need to loop through our list of 2,335 branches. This will take some time - at 10 seconds of wait time between each hit - it is just more than 6 hours.

We also need to think about how to structure the data that we scrape before going through the whole scraping process.


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