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SCB Users Group

Welcome to the SCB Users Group repo! This repo holds the website that serves as a community platform for users of Statistics Sweden data, providing a space where you can ask questions, share insights, and learn from each other. We aim to foster a collaborative environment to help everyone make the most out of the SCB's valuable data resources.


The alpha version of the site is launched at This netlify site.

Current Features

  • Homepage: Displays popular questions to help users easily find common queries and their answers.
  • Add Question Page: Allows users to post their questions for the community to answer.
  • User Authentication: Secure login and registration through Google Firebase.

Upcoming Features (Roadmap)

  • Rendered Markdown: Integration of markdown rendering in questions and answers to support the use of equations and tables.
  • Search Functionality: Implementation of Algolia for a more powerful and efficient search function.
  • User Profile Pictures: Addition of profile pictures to user profiles for a more personalized touch.
  • Styling: Improved styling and design to make the site more visually appealing and user-friendly.

Getting Involved

We welcome and encourage you to contribute to the SCB Users Group community. If you have any ideas for features that you'd like to see or improvements that could be made, please feel free to open a new issue in the GitHub Discussions tab of this repository. Your feedback and suggestions are invaluable in helping us create a better platform for everyone.