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Code implementation of paper: Separation and Concentration in Deep Networks

This repository contains the code to reproduce experiments in the paper: Separation and Concentration in Deep Networks currently accepted at ICLR 2021 conference.


Our code is designed to run on GPU using PyTorch framework, while scattering transforms are computed using the Kymatio software package which supports torch and scikit-cuda ('skcuda') backends (skcuda being faster). In order to run our experiments you will need the following packages:

  • For PyTorch: torch, torchvision, tensorboard
  • For skcuda: scikit-cuda, cupy

and a multi-GPU version of Kymatio.

You can install the PyTorch and skcuda packages by:

pip install torch torchvision tensorboard scikit-cuda cupy

For a multi-GPU version of Kymatio, you can use the multigpu branch of our Kymatio fork

To install this branch:

git clone -b multigpu
cd kymatio
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .

Phase scattering

The complex wavelet frame described in section 3.1 of the paper is implemented in a separate torch module phase_scattering2d_torch. The scattering tree which averages over phases rectified wavelet coefficients and thus approximatively computes a complex modulus is directly computed with Kymatio.


Download ImageNet dataset from (registration required). Then move validation images to labeled subfolders, using the PyTorch shell script

Model can optionally be trained on a subset of ImageNet classes using the --nb-classes option (with --nb-classes < 1000). In this case, selected classes' indices are either randomly chosen or determined in a file whose path is specified using the --class-indices option. Examples of such file for 10, 20 and 100 classes are provided in the utils_sampling folder.


Results in the last version of the paper were produced using torch 1.7.0, torchvision 0.8.0 and cuda 11.1


To train a model, run with the desired model architecture and dataset, and the below options.

To reproduce the paper's experiments, run the following commands:

For classification on MNIST:

  • Using a 2-layer network:
python  --dataset mnist -a analysis -j 10 --frame-kernel-size 14 --frame-width 2048 --frame-stride 7 
--epochs 300 --batch-size 128 --lr 0.01 --learning-rate-adjust-frequency 70 --non-linearity [relu/softshrink/absolute]
--dir path/to/dir
  • Using scattering tree:
python  --dataset mnist -a scatnet -j 10 --scattering-J 3 --P-proj-size 128 --epochs 300 --batch-size 128 
--lr 0.01 --learning-rate-adjust-frequency 70 --dir path/to/dir 

For classification on CIFAR10:

  • Using a 2-layer network:
python  --dataset cifar10 -a analysis -j 10 --frame-kernel-size 8 --frame-width 8192 --frame-stride 4 
--epochs 300 --batch-size 128 --lr 0.01 --learning-rate-adjust-frequency 70 --non-linearity [relu/softshrink/absolute]
--dir path/to/dir
  • Using scattering tree:
python  --dataset cifar10 -a scatnet -j 10 --scattering-J 3 --P-proj-size 128 --epochs 300 --batch-size 128 
--lr 0.01 --learning-rate-adjust-frequency 70 --dir path/to/dir 
  • Using scattering with learned projections:
python  --dataset cifar10 -a scatnetblock -j 10 --n-blocks 4 --P-proj-size 64 128 256 512 --epochs 300 
--batch-size 128 --lr 0.01 --learning-rate-adjust-frequency 70 --dir path/to/dir  
  • Using scattering with learned projections and concentration:
 python  --dataset cifar10 -a scatnetblockanalysis -j 10 --n-blocks 4  
--P-proj-size 64 128 256 512 --non-linearity [relu/softshrink] --frame-width 1024 2048 4096 8192
--epochs 300 --batch-size 128 --lr 0.01 --learning-rate-adjust-frequency 70 --dir path/to/dir

For classification on ImageNet:

  • Using scattering tree:
python  --dataset imagenet -a scatnet -j 10 --scattering-J 4 --P-proj-size 256 --epochs 200 --batch-size 128 
--lr 0.01 --learning-rate-adjust-frequency 60 --avg-ker-size 5 --dir path/to/dir --data path/to/imagenet
  • Using scattering with learned projections:
python  --dataset imagenet -a scatnetblock -j 10 --n-blocks 6 --P-proj-size 64 128 256 512 512 512
--epochs 200 --batch-size 128 --lr 0.01 --learning-rate-adjust-frequency 60 --dir path/to/dir --data path/to/imagenet
  • Using scattering with learned projections and concentration:
python  --dataset imagenet -a scatnetblockanalysis -j 10 --n-blocks 6 --epochs 200 
--P-proj-size 64 128 256 512 512 512 --non-linearity [relu/softshrink] --frame-width 512 1024 1024 2048 2048 2048
--batch-size 128 --lr 0.01 --learning-rate-adjust-frequency 60 --dir path/to/dir --data path/to/imagenet

For more details, please see below usage.

usage: [-h] [--data DATA]
               [--dataset {mnist,cifar10,cifar100,imagenet}]
               [-a {analysis,scatnet,scatnetblock,scatnetblockanalysis}]
               [-j WORKERS] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--start-epoch START_EPOCH]
               [-b BATCH_SIZE] [--lr LR] [--momentum MOMENTUM]
               [--wd WEIGHT_DECAY] [-p PRINT_FREQ] [--resume RESUME] [-e]
               [--seed SEED]
               [--learning-rate-adjust-frequency LEARNING_RATE_ADJUST_FREQUENCY]
               [--dir DIR] [--pars-beta PARS_BETA] [--n-blocks N_BLOCKS]
               [--scat-angles SCAT_ANGLES [SCAT_ANGLES ...]]
               [--backend BACKEND] [--scattering-J SCATTERING_J]
               [--P-proj-size P_PROJ_SIZE [P_PROJ_SIZE ...]]
               [--P-kernel-size P_KERNEL_SIZE [P_KERNEL_SIZE ...]]
               [--non-linearity {absolute,softshrink,relu}] [--zero-bias]
               [--frame-width FRAME_WIDTH [FRAME_WIDTH ...]]
               [--frame-kernel-size FRAME_KERNEL_SIZE [FRAME_KERNEL_SIZE ...]]
               [--frame-stride FRAME_STRIDE [FRAME_STRIDE ...]]
               [--classifier-type {fc,mlp}] [--avg-ker-size AVG_KER_SIZE]
               [--nb-hidden-units NB_HIDDEN_UNITS]
               [--dropout-p-mlp DROPOUT_P_MLP] [--nb-l-mlp NB_L_MLP]
               [--nb-classes NB_CLASSES] [--class-indices CLASS_INDICES]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --data DATA           path to dataset
  --dataset {mnist,cifar10,cifar100,imagenet}
                        dataset to train on (default: imagenet)
  -a {analysis,scatnet,scatnetblock,scatnetblockanalysis}, --arch {analysis,scatnet,scatnetblock,scatnetblockanalysis}
                        model architecture (default: scatnetblockanalysis)
  -j WORKERS, --workers WORKERS
                        number of data loading workers (default: 4)
  --epochs EPOCHS       number of total epochs to run (default: 150)
  --start-epoch START_EPOCH
                        manual epoch number (useful on restarts)
  -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                        mini-batch size (default: 256), this is the total
                        batch size of all GPUs on the current node when using
                        Data Parallel or Distributed Data Parallel
  --lr LR, --learning-rate LR
                        initial learning rate (default: 0.01)
  --momentum MOMENTUM   momentum (default: 0.9)
  --wd WEIGHT_DECAY, --weight-decay WEIGHT_DECAY
                        weight decay (default: 1e-4)
  -p PRINT_FREQ, --print-freq PRINT_FREQ
                        print frequency (default: 100)
  --resume RESUME       path to latest checkpoint (default: none)
  -e, --evaluate        evaluate model on validation set
  --seed SEED           seed for initializing training
  --learning-rate-adjust-frequency LEARNING_RATE_ADJUST_FREQUENCY
                        number of epoch after which learning rate is decayed
                        by 10 (default: 30)
  --dir DIR             directory for training logs and checkpoints
  --pars-beta PARS_BETA
                        learning rate for pars reg (default: 0.0005)
  --n-blocks N_BLOCKS   number of blocks in the pipeline (default: 4)
  --scat-angles SCAT_ANGLES [SCAT_ANGLES ...]
                        number of orientations for wavelet frame(s) (default:
  --backend BACKEND     scattering backend
  --scattering-J SCATTERING_J
                        maximum scale for the scattering transform - for
                        scatnet arch only (default: 4)
  --P-proj-size P_PROJ_SIZE [P_PROJ_SIZE ...]
                        output dimension of the linear projection(s) P(s)
                        (default: 256)
  --P-kernel-size P_KERNEL_SIZE [P_KERNEL_SIZE ...]
                        kernel size of P(s) (default: 1)
  --non-linearity {absolute,softshrink,relu}
                        non linearity for analysis (default: relu)
  --zero-bias           force zero bias for ReLU
  --frame-width FRAME_WIDTH [FRAME_WIDTH ...]
                        size(s) of tight frame(s) (default: 2048)
  --frame-kernel-size FRAME_KERNEL_SIZE [FRAME_KERNEL_SIZE ...]
                        kernel size of frame(s) (default: 1)
  --frame-stride FRAME_STRIDE [FRAME_STRIDE ...]
                        stride of frame(s) (default: 1)
  --classifier-type {fc,mlp}
                        classifier type (default: fc)
  --avg-ker-size AVG_KER_SIZE
                        size of averaging kernel (default: 1)
  --nb-hidden-units NB_HIDDEN_UNITS
                        number of hidden units for mlp classifier (default:
  --dropout-p-mlp DROPOUT_P_MLP
                        dropout probability in mlp (default: 0.3)
  --nb-l-mlp NB_L_MLP   number of hidden layers in mlp (default: 2)
  --nb-classes NB_CLASSES
                        ImageNet only - number of classes randomly chosen used
                        for training and validation (default: 1000 = whole
                        train/val dataset)
  --class-indices CLASS_INDICES
                        ImageNet only - numpy array of indices used in case
                        nb-classes < 1000


Repository for paper "Separation and Concentration in Deep Networks" accepted at ICLR 2021







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