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Pico "One" Theme

Pico theme for a one-page website. Currently work-in-progress and not working yet.


  • Predefined Sections of the page, handled via meta YAML code
  • Add a "custom" section to the page using markdown
  • SEO-friendly (Microdata, Meta tags (e.g. OpenGraph), JSON-LD according to Google's standards)
  • Supports a contact form via external p01-contact plugin

How to use

Section types:

  • header - Logo image and anchor menu
  • go_back - Link with link to the previous page
  • start - Big background image with title
  • about - Image gallery and text section
  • deals - Current special deals, sale, etc
  • services - Overview of products/services of a company
  • contact - Contact data and map
  • footer - Copyright and footer links, e.g. to another page
  • custom - Add your own markdown content

The sections start, about, deals, services, contact, header, footer, go_back and custom are shown if the corrosponding parameter is set.

If you want to use p01-contact you may have to place a symlink from assets/contact.css to plugins/PicoContact/style.css, because Pico CMS restricts public access to the folder plugins by default. assets/contact.css is automatically included by the template of this theme when using the contact form.

Used Meta Params:

General Params:

  • title (str) The title of the site.
  • lang - (str) Language of the website
  • robots (str) The content of <meta name="robots">.
  • description (str) The content of <meta name="description">.
  • image (str) The content of <meta property="og:image">.
  • custom (bool) Set to true if you want to show markdown content in extra section
  • facebook (str) Link to a facebook page which is included in the JSON-LD markup.

Section-specific Params:

  • header (array):

    • logo (str) URL to the logo image file.
  • start (array)

    • title (str) - Title shown in the start section
    • subtitle (str) - Subtitle shown in the start section
  • about (array):

    • title (str) - The title of the about page
    • big_img (str) - URL to the main image file of the gallery
    • more_img (array) - Up to 3 more images
      • image (str) - URL to the main image
      • thumb (str) - URL to an square thumbnail of the image
      • caption (str) - Caption of the image (shown in full screen)
    • text (array of str) - Paragraphs of the about text
  • deals (array):

    • title (str) - The title of the deals page
    • deals (array) - Array of deals:
      • icon (str) - URL to the icon of the deal
      • recuced (str) - Content for the "reduced by" label
      • description (str) - Short description of the deal
  • services (array):

    • title (str) - The title of the services page
    • categories (array) - The services/products ordered by categories
      • title (str) - The title of the category
      • icon (str) - Path to the category icon
      • items (array of str) - Products/services of the category
    • logos (array) - Logos of cooperation/customer companies
      • image (str) - Name of the image file in assets (<image>_sw.png and <image>_cl.png are needed)
      • name (str) - Name of the company (alt attribute)
      • link (str) - Link that is placed on logo image
  • contact (array):

    • title (str) - The title of the contact page.
    • street (str) - The street of the company.
    • city (str) - The city of the company.
    • email (str) - Email address of the company.
    • use_form (bln) - True if you want to include a contact form (requires manual installation of p01-contact!)
    • maps_image (str) - Name of the maps image file in assets (<image>.png is needed)
    • maps_link (str) - Link that the maps image should refer to
    • opening_label (str) - Label for the opening hours.
    • opening (array) - max. two definitions of opening hours
      • sel1 (str) - first selector (e.g. mon-fri)
      • val1 (str) - first value (e.g. 8am-8pm)
      • sel2 (str) - second selector
      • val2 (str) - second value
    • phone1 (array) - Main phone number, also shown on start page!
      • label (str) - Label of main phone number
      • number_show (str) - Main phone number (how it should be displayed)
      • number_real (tel) - Main phone number (without spaces, international format)
    • phone2 (str) - Second phone number
      • label (str) - Label of second phone number
      • number_show (str) - Second phone number (how it should be displayed)
      • number_real (tel) - Second phone number (without spaces, international format)
    • fax (str) - Fax number
      • label (str) - Label of fax number
      • number_show (str) - Fax number (how it should be displayed)
      • number_real (tel) - Fax number (without spaces, international format)
  • footer (array):

    • copyright_text (str): Text after &copy [YEAR], e.g. the name of the company
    • links (array) Internal page links to show up in the footer
      • label (str) Label of the link
      • link (str) Link, relative to base_url
  • go_back (array):

    • label (str): Label for the "Go back" link
  • custom (string):

    • embedded (if the section is embedded in a page with other sections)
    • or single (if the custom section is the only one on the page)
    • You can combine both params with red (red background) and white (white background) using a space (e.g. embedded red).


The used icons are taken from Flaticon and licenced under the CC 3.0-BY Licence. The authors are Zurb, Dave Gandy, Google, SimpleIcon and Chris Veigt.


Pico theme for a one-page website.








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