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Jeremy Pierre edited this page May 12, 2013 · 1 revision

Most of the defaults should be alright, you can check them out by running goseq -help after you have built the executable

-ppqn and -cycle

These merit a bit more of a detailed explanation. "ppqn" is Pulses Per Quarter Note while "cycle" is how many quarter notes the sequencer will step through before reseting the count to 0, thus ppqn x cycle = total number of pulses before the sequencer step count resets. This has direct bearing on when a new sequence will start.

When you submit a sequence (see the samples in the sample_json folder), the startTick field tells the sequencer which pulses it can start your sequence on. For example, given ppqn=24 and cycle=24 (the default values), if you supply a startTick value of 96 the sequence will start on the next full bar (assuming a time signature of 4/4). If you're lost, try this.

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