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Ganomede Directory Server


  • COUCH_DIRECTORY_PORT_5984_TCP_ADDR - IP of the directory couchdb, defaults to 'localhost';
  • COUCH_DIRECTORY_PORT_5984_TCP_PORT - Port of the directory couchdb, defaults to 5984;
  • COUCH_DIRECTORY_DB_NAME — name of couch database, defaults to 'ganomede_directory_test';
  • COUCH_DIRECTORY_VIEW_NAME — name of couch db design to use (source only needs 1 design atm, but in case multiple are needed, we'll need to rethink this);
  • COUCH_DIRECTORY_SYNC — sync design document, trigger view recalculation and exit:
    • on process start, we check that design document in database matches the one source code expects. In case this isn't true, app fails to start. To fix the situation, set this env var to any value, start process as usual, wait for it to exit cleanly and restart with this env var unset.
  • REDIS_AUTH_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR - IP of the AuthDB redis
  • REDIS_AUTH_PORT_6379_TCP_PORT - Port of the AuthDB redis
  • API_SECRET - Give access to private APIs
  • LOG_LEVEL - See bunyan levels (default: info)

Data structures


A user has:

  • a single, static user id
  • a list of aliases, each containing:
    • date created
    • a type
    • a value (spaces are ignored)
    • a public status
  • a hash encoded password (pbkdf2 or bcrypt)
  • a set of authentication tokens
    • each with an expiry date


  • it's not possible remove an alias from a user.
    • it is forever reserved and linked with the user.
  • id, individual aliases and individual tokens have to be globally unique.
    • here, by aliases I mean tuples (type, value).

More on aliases

Whereas the directory contains the history of all aliases linked to a user, this shouldn't be a public information. Moreover, we wouldn't want some of the aliases, storing things like user emails or facebook ids, to be visible to anyone but the system and the user itself.

As such:

  • aliases with public property !== true will only be exported to:
    • calls requiring the api secret.
    • calls requiring the auth token.
  • all public calls (i.e. those not used for administration purpose) will expose the aliases as a map typevalue.
    • the value exposed for each type is the last one that was added (based on the created property).

On another note, keep in mind that all aliases values' spaces are removed.


  • For password hashing:
  • CouchDB:
    • One document per user (using the user's id)
    • Views to map aliases to a user.
  • AuthDB:
    • For authentication tokens (a map token{username: id})
      • Because implementing expiry with Redis is nice and easy.
      • Also to keep compatibility with the existing services who expect direct access to a Redis authDB database.


List of all users [/directory/v1/users]

Add a user [POST]

body (application/json)

    "secret": "api-secret",
    "id": "hrry23",
    "password": "user-password",
    "aliases": [{
        "type": "email",
        "value": ""
    }, {
        "public": true,
        "type": "name",
        "value": "HariCo"

response [400] Bad request


  • BadUserId missing or anything other than non-empty string;
  • BadPassword password is missing or too short (less than 8 characters);
  • BadAliases invalid aliases format (type and email are not non-empty strings, public present but not boolean).

response [409] Conflict


  • UserAlreadyExistsError user id is already taken
  • AliasAlreadyExistsError one of the provided aliases is not available

response [200] OK

    "id": "hrry23"

Users indexed by id [/directory/v1/users/id/:id]

The user with the given id.

There cannot be more than 1 match (because user ids are globally unique).

Retrieve a user [GET]

response [200] OK

    "id": "hrry23",
    "aliases": {
        "name": "Harry"

response [400] Bad Request

  • BadUserId missing or anything other than non-empty string;

response [404] Not Found

  • UserNotFoundError no user with such id

note: this call only exposes public aliases

Edit a user [POST]

body (application/json)

To add aliases:

    "secret": "api_secret",
    "aliases": [{
        "type": "email",
        "value": ""

To change the password:

    "secret": "api_secret",
    "password": "my-new-password"

Response [401] Not Authorized

  • NotAuthorized Invalid / missing secret.

Response [400] Bad Request

  • BadUserId missing or anything other than non-empty string;

  • when chaning password:

    • BadPassword password is missing or too short (less than 8 characters);
  • when adding alias:

  • BadAliases invalid aliases format (type and email are not non-empty strings, public present but not boolean).

  • BadEditMethod missing password or aliases, or both are present at the same time.

Response [404] Not Found

  • UserNotFoundError no user with such id

User auth tokens [/directory/v1/users/auth]

Create a new auth token [POST]

Or, like some people call this, login.

body (application/json)

    "id": "happrr",
    "password": "my-password"


  • API_SECRET is also considered a valid password
  • it's possible to specify your own value for token: add a token field in the request body

response [200] OK

    "id": "hrry23",
    "token": "an-authentication-token"

Response [401] Not Authorized

  • InvalidCredentialsError Invalid user id + password pair.

Response [404] Not Found

  • UserNotFoundError no user with such id

Response [400] Bad Request

  • BadUserId missing or anything other than non-empty string;
  • BadPassword password is missing or too short (less than 8 characters);

User indexed by auth token [/directory/v1/users/auth/:token]

Retrieve a user [GET]

Return the user for which auth_token is in user.auth_tokens. Their should be at most 1 match.

There cannot be more than 1 match (auth tokens are globally unique).

response [200] OK

    "id": "hrry23",
    "aliases": {
        "name": "Harry",
        "email": "",
        "facebook": "12012484843"


Response [401] Not Authorized

  • InvalidAuthTokenError missing / invalid token

Response [404] Not Found

  • UserNotFoundError token resolved to user id which was not found.

Response [400] Bad Request

  • BadUserId missing or anything other than non-empty string;

note: this call exposes both public and private aliases

User indexed by alias [/directory/v1/users/alias/:type/:value]

Retrieve a user [GET]

Return the user for which (type, value) is in user.aliases.

There cannot be more than 1 match (aliases are contrained to be globally unique).

response [200] OK

    "id": "hrry23",
    "aliases": {
        "name": "Harry"

Response [404] Not Found

  • UserNotFoundError alias resolved to user id which was not found.

Response [400] Bad Request

  • BadAlias type or value, or both are something other than non-empty string;

note: this call exposes only public aliases