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Tutteli gradle plugin

A set of gradle plugins which provide utility tasks and functions which I often use in my projects.

You want to use one of them as well?

Sweet 😄 the following sections will cover a few features. They are most probably not complete (and maybe out-dated, bear with me, as far as I know I am the only one using them).

Please open an issue, if you find a bug or need some help.

The following sections give a brief information what the different plugins offer.

ch.tutteli.settings 🔗

Provides utility functions to include projects (in a project setup where you have multiple subprojects). Is especially useful if you apply the naming convention that all modules start with the name of the rootProject.

It supports three styles:

It also provides the helper function kotlinJvmJs to ease the inclusion of kotlin multi-platform projects.

ch.tutteli.project.utils 🔗

This plugin is the complement of the settings plugin and you will typically use it together. Yet, you apply it in your build.gradle instead of the settings.gradle and accordingly this plugin adds utility functions to Project.

Currently, it provides the following functions:

  • prefixedProject(name) which is a shortcut for project("${}-$name"). You find an example in the build.gradle of the spek plugin.
  • createTestJarTask creates a task named testJar which creates a jar containing your test binaries
  • createTestSourcesJarTask creates a task named testSourcesJar which creates a jar containing your test sources

ch.tutteli.dokka 🔗

Applies the dokka-plugin and creates a javadocJar task which can be used for publishing. Moreover it applies a default configuration to dokka and allows to add an externalDocumentationLink based on the given githubUser with the ghPages flag. It exposes the tutteliDokka extension where you can define i.a. the githubUser.

See DokkaPluginIntTest for an example.

ch.tutteli.junitjacoco 🔗

Applies the junit-platform-gradle-plugin as well as the jacoco-plugin and binds jacoco to the junitPlatformTest task.

This plugin does not set up a junit engine and you need to define it yourself. Have a look at build.gradle for an example. In case you should use Spek as your engine, then you might want to have a look at the spek plugin below. 🔗

In case the used jdk for gradle is JDK9 or newer and the user has defined under src/module then it compiles it add adds it to the kotlin target classes. This way the kotlin compiler verifies requires and the like and the module-info.class gets included in the jar when it is built.

ch.tutteli.kotlin.utils 🔗

Provides some utility functions to declare dependencies on kotlin projects, to configure projects as well as utility functions to exclude kotlin. Requires that kotlinutils.kotlinVersion (property on the extension) is configured.

Following a list of functions it supports:

  • declare dependencies on libs: kotlinStdlib(), kotlinStdlibJs(), kotlinStdlibCommon(), kotlinReflect(), kotlinTestJs(), kotlinTestCommon(), , kotlinTestAnotationsCommon()
  • exclude dependencies: excludeKotlin, excludeKbox, excludeAtriumVerbs, excluding {...} (see example)
  • configure projects: configureCommonProjects, configureJsProjects, configureJvmProjects
  • getCommonProjects(), getJsProjects(), getJvmProjects(), getProjectNameWithoutSuffix(project)

Moreover it turns warnings into errors if one of the env variables CI or WARN_AS_ERROR is set to true.

You find an example in KotlinUtilsPluginIntTest.

ch.tutteli.publish 🔗

Applies the maven-publish plugin as well as JFrog's bintray plugin and configures them based on given license(s), a github user and a few other information. It exposes the tutteliPublish extension which lets you specify those information and refine default conventions. Have a look at the example in the tests for more information.

If not set, it automatically propagates version and group from rootProject to subprojects (group of subprojects are set to "" when plugin is applied, would default to

It provides a sourcesJar task which includes all sources and adds them to the artifacts which shall be published. It automatically uses if available -- apply the java or kotlin plugin (or similar) first.
Likewise it uses the javadocJar as additional artifact if available. In case you use the ch.tutteli.dokka plugin (which provides the javadocJar) then make sure you apply it before you apply this plugin.

The plugin also creates a manifest file for all jars mentioning the kotlin version if the kotlin plugin is available. See the example in the tests for more information. Furthermore it adds the License.txt or LICENSE file to the jar if such a file exists in the root of the rootProject.

Last but not least it provides a publishToBintray task which adds the build-time to the manifest file in addition.

The conventions:

  • uses version for artifactId and removes -jvm if the name ends with it

  • Apache 2.0 is used as default license

  •, project.description and project.version is used in publishing

  • bintray user, api key and gpg passphrase can either be provided by a property (we recommend or by System.env with the following names:

    prop env
    bintrayUser BINTRAY_USER
    bintrayApiKey BINTRAY_API_KEY
    bintrayGpgPassphrase BINTRAY_GPG_PASSPHRASE

ch.tutteli.spek 🔗

Applies the junitjacoco plugin (which itself applies the junit and jacoco plugin, see two sections above) and sets up Spek as junit engine. Requires that a JVM compliant kotlin plugin is applied first. Moreover, it adds mavenCentral() to the repositories and sets up kotlin dependencies: kotlin-stdlib as compile and kotlin-reflect as testCompile dependency -- kotlin-reflect is required by spek.


All tutteli gradle plugins are licensed under Apache 2.0.


A set of plugins for gradle containing utility functions and more







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