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#jQuery Conf UK notes. ##10th Feb 2012 hashtag #jquk, twitter @jquk

###Jack Franklin @Jack_Franklin

Just my notes from the jQuery UK Conf 2012. On Github, in Markdown, like a proper geek should, live blogged by commiting & pushing changes to Github.

If you've got any extra things I missed, feel free to fork, add & pull request.

#General Things that have popped up that I want to check out

  • kendoUI
  • backbone.js, ember.js

#Todd Parker ##jQuery Mobile


Filament Group

contains UI tools & Ajax page transitions 1 codebase for all platforms

###Quick Start Guide

  1. Make an actual proper website (HTML 5 doctype)
  2. Add jQuery Mobile (include jQuery mobile theme, jQuery core, jQuery mobile)
  3. Set viewport tag <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
  4. Automagic stuff: ajaxify links + forms = transitions enhance all form elements wrap contents in a 'page' container

###data-role HTML5 attribute

  • uses classes like "button", etc to define types
  • data-role="listview" adds list styles for you

For accessibility, always add labels but hide them if you don't want them - don't just don't add them!

###page regions data-role="header" (footer/content/header) not required, all optional

###mega api big API for developers

###coming soon in jQuery Mobile (1.1 ish)

  • new loader design
  • transition re-vamps and new types
  • Android 2.x (and a couple of others) struggle with transforms, more basic browsers default to just having a fade transitions if they can't manage anything more.
  • chrome coming to Android which is good news
  • true fixed toolbars, now more browsers support position: fixed; and with native scrolling
  • forms in fixed toolbars
  • forms: data-mini="true" (new set of minature form elements), made for sitting in a toolbar
  • you can use data-enhance="false" or data-ajax="false" to tell jQuery mobile to keep its hands off (useful for 3rd party stuff on the page)
  • fix a horrible iOS orientation bug via JS (Apple haven't done it for 2 years)
  • AMD
  • download builder
  • taking a step back & fix bugs

###1.2 stuff

  • exposing things (like popups) that are used internally but not available via API
  • Fetchlinks (coming in 1.2), taking navigation model & exposing it.
  • overflow regions
  • responsive layouts

###Resources for prototyping

jQM works with Backbone & sorts

Lots of books available

All collected at

Use to play

Can always use more help so get in touch

Stay in the loop:

  • @jquerymobile


#Web vs Apps ##Dion Almaer and Ben Galbraith @dalmaer & @bgalbs

Microsoft said at IE9:

"With HTML5, you can make as rich an experience as an app"

"HTML5 is a beautiful thing. You get lost in the experience and forget that you are on the web"

People using mobile apps more and more (and in some cases even more than websites on a day to day basis)

Now days it's very easy to install new software compared to in the past

Native & Platform both have big advantages.

Continuous delpoyment much easier on web than via an App Store

Released Thorax, built on Backbone, Underscore, Lumbar, etc:

#Pitfalls and opportunities of single page applications ##Jorn Zaefferer @bassistance

(does QUnit - need to check that out)

###Building single page apps

  • static files & JSON API
  • no page reloads
  • Backbone.js, ember, whatever
  • simple applications architecture
  • better user experience
  • super frameworks to help out

###Pitfalls & potential solutions

###Better user experience? ####urls not changing on link clicks

  • urls don't change when page changes - can't bookmark, link, etc, or opening in new window doesn't work
  • use HTML5 history API (no support in IE < 10 - surprised?, Opera < 11.5, Safari < 5 ), need to use fallbacks

####HTML history API

  • history.pushState()
  • history.replaceState()
  • document.addEventListener("popstate", callback, false) //not quite consistent - use library to work around

####HTML history libraries

  • history.js
  • Backbone.history.start()
  • simple-history.js

###Github repo for code examples:

server side rendering: node.js

###What could go wrong?

  • in space no one can hear you scream
  • in browsers no one can hear your code scream

###Error handling

  • catch on client & send to server
  • aggregate errors

####Error Types

  • SyntaxError (silly) only likely during testing
  • TypeError
  • Ajax

to catch errors you can bind to the window's error event

window.onerror = function(message, file, line) {}
$(document).ajaxError(function(event, xhr, options, error) {}

####Aggregation Options

  • custom
  • analytics tool
  • airbrake, bugsense

whatever you do, catch them all!

###Is it worth the trouble?

  • better UX
  • good first impression
  • stable product

#QUnit ##Laurent Delcambre @tquila_laurent

###Why use Unit tests

  • check business logic validity
  • repeating tests easily
  • detecting regressions
  • ease cross browser testing
  • siwtching from bottom-up to top-down
  • business logic in the front end
  • TDD is awesome

###Steps to use QUnit

####Set up HTML structure to display results

#qunit-header /* name of test suite */
#qunit-banner /* show up red / green if test fail / pass */
#qunit-userAgent /* show uA */
#quinit-tests /*container for test results */

####Asserting Results

ok(boolean [,message]);
test("ok test", function() {
  ok(true, "ok succeeds");
  ok(false, "ok fails");
equals(actual, expected [,message]);

same is the better version of equals, it uses === and compares content of objects

same(actual, expected [,message]);

####Testing Asynchronous Callbacks problem: don't wait for the result of the asynchronous operations solution: call stop() before any asynchronous operation, call start() after all assertions are done, which means test runner can continue

###Perspectives BDD: Behaviour Driven Development

  • Jasmine
  • Screw.unit
  • JSpec

check out phantom.js for command line testing

#Christian Heilmann ##Embracing & Celebrating Redundancy @codepo8 Slides:

###Bad browsers gave us a few options

  • cater to the lowest common denominator?
  • block out old browsers?
  • abstract browser differences into a library?

###jQuery chose the third option

  • created an API to work around browser differences
  • introduced chaining
  • replace the DOM
  • access everything with CSS selectors (Sizzle)

###jQuery simulates the browser we wanted

  • specialised for content maniplation
  • easy interface effects and animations
  • easier event handling
  • Ajax without the X

###Abstraction != Obstruction (going over the top) we keep abstracting on abstractions and this is BAD (lots of things do this)


  • if browsers didn't suck anymore
  • and what if that has actually happened?
  • jQuery won, it showed a better way
  • and now it's time to reap the rewards, change to the native web tech
  • we should give Microsoft a chance again

There's a backlash! "\\".replace('s','')

Remember that events bubble up (since IE5!), so delegate!

Stop changing CSS with jQuery, leaves a tight bond between struct & behav. It's presentation on the behaviour layer.

document.querySelector is $

Don't do an onclick handler on a form - use the submit event so it works with keyboards

preventDefault exists in native JS

Assign event listeners to parent and check if the element you're interacting with is what you want:

someVar.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
  var t =;
  if(t.tagName === "LI") { ... }

(Example of todo list & all the corresponding code is in the slides (linked to above))

###Techniques to write less

  • delegate, don't loop
  • add classes to CSS
  • fancy stuff in CSS, not JS

Start sites with sensible HTML structures. Think about it!

###Trickery for Small Code

  • semantic HTML
  • animations & transitions with CSS - smooth! (hardware accelerated)
  • reusing variables (using a URL hash as ID, etc)

###Christian's Wishes

  • use what browsers natively give you
  • plan and architect solutions, don't pile effect on effect
  • structure your code in cached elements and reusable functions
  • don't answer any JS questions with use jQuery
  • don't write plugins for edge cases (this is nearly PHP land)
  • use what browsers have and give browsers feedback. Fix source, don't abstract.

#Haymo Meran ##Aloha Editor @draftkraft

Aloha Editor makes contnet in your browser editable


Edit the web - like MS Word

WYSIWYGs are supposed to show SIMILAR but most just suck

Uses contenteditable (HTML attribute)

Issues with it as the standard wasn't defined, each browser does it differently. So Aloha was made to solve these issues and make a cross browser editor.

jQuery UI captures mouse events (draggables) so sometimes it gets in the way with Aloha. To solve, add a handle to each draggable (or whatever)

check out for real time collaboration - looks awesome.

#Paul Irish ##Webapp Development Stack & Tooling @paul_irish

  • We all want rich web apps, responsive, fast, fun & good experiences
  • Development is focused lots on common tasks rather than being what's unique to the on eproject
  • We want to stop doing common tasks and build fun stuff

Hixie live dom viewer

###What is frontend tooling? Optional software that assists in development of web apps.

###The Webapp Lifecycle - tooling contexualised

  • boilerplate
  • authoring abstractions
  • frameworks
  • iteration workflow
  • performance tuning
  • build & optimization
  • deploy


  • blueprint, html5bp, mobile boilerplate

####Authoring Abstractions


  • sass, less, compass (sits ontop of sass)
  • less = nieve version of sass
  • stylus (another layer on top of sass, looks good)


  • HAML
  • Markdown
  • jade
  • handlebars


  • coffeescript "think in JS but type less"
  • TameJS
  • dart

####Frameworks & The Application Stack

TodoMVC - shows a simple todo app in lots of JS frameworks

You need tools to support your stack

####Iteration Workflow

Iteration Automators

####Editors & IDES

  • lots of options, irrelevant which one you use, just LEARN IT

####Browser Dev Tools (Chrome) get chrome canaray for new stuff

  • can now override user agent in Chrome Dev tools

  • can dock to right of screen

  • use closure compiler to minify everything down, this also creates a sourcemap json file

  • prettyprint in dev tools helps but doesn't rename short variables

  • "enable source maps" in Chrome Dev tools uses the sourcemap file closure creates and shows you the original JS. Fuck yeah.

  • can debug on android devices with toolkit on your laptop. Note to self: buy an Android phone!

####JSHint / JSLint

  • hook it up with your editor to give you JS help & feedback


#Large Scale Applications Development with jQuery & JavaScript ##Addy Osmani @addyosmani

###Basic Concepts


  • separates unit of code that don't depend on each other
  • break a large module down into lots of smaller pieces and then you can reuse them.
  • reduce the risk of brekaage when other modules fail
  • use pub/sub


  • logically decouple objects generating events
  • from those reacting to them #####Ways of doing them
  • jQuery custom events
$(document).on('eventName', function() {})
  • Ben Alman's wrapper (on the slides)
  • some more options (on the slides)

####Potential Problems

  • if one part of your application breaks, can the app fix this break itself?
  • how much of what we create is easily reusable
  • can our models be tested independently
  • how secure is your application from itself Work arounds coming up!


code in slides

####Facade Pattern

  • simplifies a module through a simple API that is exposed to the public, with complexity hidden behind
  • hides implementation level details

####Mediator Pattern

  • analogy: air traffic control:
  • tower handles what places can take off or land
  • all communication done from planes to tower
  • centralised controller
  • pub/sub via a centralised mediator, event driven
  • as calls pass through, it can perform validation and much more


  • AMD
  • module pattern
  • object literals

###Large Applications

  • difficult to define
  • most of manipulation & display falls to browser

####What are we looking for?

  • loosely coupled architecture
  • smaller independent modules
  • flexibility to change


  • notify when something happens
  • don't touch what they don't have to
  • can't stop entire app from working

###Solution: Mix of Everything!

####Application Core

  • manages the module lifecycle, starts, stops, restarts if necessary
  • reacts to actions passed back from a sandbox (facade), handles logic
  • enable adding & removing modules without causing breaks
  • handles error detection and management


  • abstraction of the core that's an API for common tasks, used by modules
  • interface for ensuring modules don't directly access the core & libraries
  • permissions manager, securing what modules can/can't access


  • unique (independent) blocks
  • initialize & destroy functions
  • initialize can subscribe to notifications

github repo for the demo:

#Contextual jQuery ##Doug Neiner @dougneiner

Approaches to jQuery:


  • repeated code
  • heavy use of IDs
  • changes to HTML require changes to JS (vice-versa)
  • lots going on document ready


  • heavy use of classes, simple selectors
  • delegated events sometimes
  • less repeated code
  • changes to HTML requires changes to jQuery
  • lots on document ready


  • minimal use of IDs, some classes
  • leverages selectors & traversing
  • very little repeated code
  • HTML follows convention so edits require less changes to JS
  • virtually nothing on document ready

###Benefits of Contextual jQuery

  • flexible & more responsible code
  • focussed
  • less code overall
  • easier to maintain & reuse


####Minimise Setup

  • use no-js / js class on body
  • use CSS to control state
  • use modernizr!
  • do what modernizr does for your own thing. Add CSS classes like signed-in, etc. Show / Hide / Traverse gets moved out of JS and into CSS

#####Just in Time Initialization

  • set up areas of your page only when needed
  • leverage user actions or probable actions as indiciation of what to initialise
  • click, mouseenter, mouseleave, scrolling, focusin/focusout

####Delegated Events

  • can be setup as soon as the context element is ready (when document is ready, so pretty much all the time, don't need to use $(document).ready()

####Traversal, Filters & Selectors

  • brittle vs flexible traversal
  • eg use closest rather than parent
  • not always needed to write the fastest code possible, often more maintainable code is better

####HTML Conventions

Conventions are patterns

  • you can build them yourself
  • need to be consisten
  • a promise you make
  • change between projects
  • have to work for you

Keep your markup clean think before you add markup to solve a JavaScript problem

Always use $(this).attr("href") as jQuery normalises & fixes cross browser

###Write code like you spend money!

  • opt to pay a little more later so you don't risk losing it all on something that never happens

###Write code like you buy a car!

  • always weigh the difference between cost and quality

###Write code like you ask for directions or building something!

  • try to get there on your own first!



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