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Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command, politely.


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Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command, politely.

Few examples:

➜ apt-get install vim
E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)
E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?

➜ oops
sudo apt-get install vim
[sudo] password for nvbn:
Reading package lists... Done
➜ git push
fatal: The current branch master has no upstream branch.
To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use

    git push --set-upstream origin master

➜ oops
git push --set-upstream origin master
Counting objects: 9, done.
➜ puthon
No command 'puthon' found, did you mean:
 Command 'python' from package 'python-minimal' (main)
 Command 'python' from package 'python3' (main)
zsh: command not found: puthon

➜ oops
Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct  8 2014, 13:08:17)
➜ git brnch
git: 'brnch' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

Did you mean this?

➜ oops
git branch
* master
➜ lein rpl
'rpl' is not a task. See 'lein help'.

Did you mean this?

➜ oops
lein repl
nREPL server started on port 54848 on host - nrepl://
REPL-y 0.3.1

If you are scared to blindly run changed command, there's require_confirmation settings option:

➜ apt-get install vim
E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)
E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?

➜ oops
sudo apt-get install vim [Enter/Ctrl+C]
[sudo] password for nvbn:
Reading package lists... Done


  • pip
  • python
  • python-dev


Install Oops! with pip:

sudo pip install theoops

Or using an OS package manager (OS X, Ubuntu, Arch).

And add to .bashrc or .zshrc or .bash_profile(for OSX):

alias oops='eval $(theoops $(fc -ln -1))'
# You can use whatever you want as an alias, like for Mondays:
alias oops='oops'

On in your shell config (Bash, Zsh, Fish, Powershell).

Changes will be available only in a new shell session.


sudo pip install theoops --upgrade

How it works

Oops! tries to match rule for the previous command, create new command using matched rule and run it. Rules enabled by default:

  • brew_unknown_command – fixes wrong brew commands, for example brew docto/brew doctor;
  • cd_parent – changes cd.. to cd ..;
  • cd_mkdir – creates directories before cd'ing into them;
  • cp_omitting_directory – adds -a when you cp directory;
  • fix_alt_space – replaces Alt+Space with Space character;
  • git_no_command – fixes wrong git commands like git brnch;
  • git_push – adds --set-upstream origin $branch to previous failed git push;
  • has_exists_script – prepends ./ when script/binary exists;
  • lein_not_task – fixes wrong lein tasks like lein rpl;
  • mkdir_p – adds -p when you trying to create directory without parent;
  • no_command – fixes wrong console commands, for example vom/vim;
  • pip_unknown_command – fixes wrong pip commands, for example pip instatl/pip install;
  • python_command – prepends python when you trying to run not executable/without ./ python script;
  • sl_ls – changes sl to ls;
  • rm_dir – adds -rf when you trying to remove directory;
  • ssh_known_hosts – removes host from known_hosts on warning;
  • sudo – prepends sudo to previous command if it failed because of permissions;
  • switch_layout – switches command from your local layout to en.

Bundled, but not enabled by default:

  • ls_lah – adds -lah to ls;
  • rm_root – adds --no-preserve-root to rm -rf / command.

Creating your own rules

For adding your own rule you should create in ~/.theoops/rules. Rule should contain two functions: match(command: Command, settings: Settings) -> bool and get_new_command(command: Command, settings: Settings) -> str.

Command has three attributes: script, stdout and stderr.

Settings is a special object filled with ~/.theoops/ and values from env, more.

Simple example of the rule for running script with sudo:

def match(command, settings):
    return ('permission denied' in command.stderr.lower()
            or 'EACCES' in command.stderr)

def get_new_command(command, settings):
    return 'sudo {}'.format(command.script)

More examples of rules, utility functions for rules.


Oops! has a few settings parameters, they can be changed in ~/.theoops/

  • rules – list of enabled rules, by default theoops.conf.DEFAULT_RULES;
  • require_confirmation – require confirmation before running new command, by default False;
  • wait_command – max amount of time in seconds for getting previous command output;
  • no_colors – disable colored output.

Or via environment variables:

  • THEoops_RULES – list of enabled rules, like DEFAULT_RULES:rm_root or sudo:no_command;
  • THEoops_REQUIRE_CONFIRMATION – require confirmation before running new command, true/false;
  • THEoops_WAIT_COMMAND – max amount of time in seconds for getting previous command output;
  • THEoops_NO_COLORS – disable colored output, true/false.


Install Oops! for development:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python develop

Run tests:


License MIT

Project License can be found here.


Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command, politely.









  • Python 100.0%