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BNB Miner Intro

BNB Miner is a daily ROI platform that allows you to earn 3% daily return on your investment sustainably through a tax system on transactions. It also allows team building through a referral system. It is recommended to keep a 6-1 ratio, meaning you should compound 6 times, withdraw 1 time, compound 6 times, withdraw 1 time, etc.


Signing transactions via this script requires the use of a wallet's private key meaning you need to handle your private key locally on the computer from which you want to run this script on. By using this script you agrees to take full responsibility for your private key and wallets security! I take no responsibility in lost funds, wallets or anything related to using this script. The script relies on many things - such as blockchain congestion, dropped network packages, etc. I have tried to implement some resilience to the script but even though it runs by itself, you have the responsibility to watch it, maintain it and make sure it doesn't run wild or unexpectingly.


  1. A clean and secure computer/nuc/raspberry pi that can run 24/7.
  2. Minor programming knowledge

The BNB Miner

The BNB Miner is a high risk, high reward contract that operates similar to a high yield certificate of deposit. You can participate by investing through these steps:

  1. Go to BNB Miner and deposit a minimum of 0.1 BNB

The purpose of this code is to automate a compound/withdraw strategy for you.


This code was specifically written to be as secure as possible, since signing transactions requires the use of a wallet's private key. It's imparative you use the encryption outlined in the code to best protect yourself in the event your computer is ever compomised.

  1. Download Python if you do not already have it. I was not able to get this code to work on Python 3.9, so I would recommending using Python 3.7 or 3.8. There are a number of resources that will walk you through installing Python depending on your operating system.

  2. Once Python is installed, the following packages need to be installed.

web3, cryptography, python-dotenv

$ python -m pip install web3
$ python -m pip install cryptography
$ python -m pip install python-dotenv
  1. In a python terminal, import cryptography and encrypt your private key
>>>from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
>>>key = Fernet.generate_key()
  1. Open .env.example and replace the key with the output from key.decode(). Copy in without plingers. Save the file without '.example' at the end. Make sure the file type is saved as 'ENV'.

  2. Go back to the python terminal and do the following:

>>>fernet = Fernet(key)
>>>encMessage = fernet.encrypt('YOURPRIVATEKEYHERE'.encode())
  1. Take the output value from the last line encMessage.decode(), create a file called key.txt and save the output in the file.

  2. Save the key.txt to the root of the project.

  3. Create a file called pa.txt, paste your public wallet address in and save the file to the root of the project.

  4. Copy the file cycle_config.example.json and save it as cycle_config.json. This file contains the definition of your strategy cycle. See the Cycle settings on how to modify your cycle strategy.

Cycle settings

The script includes a cycle-manager. This means that you can determine a cycle on when to compound and when to withdraw. The file called cycle_config.example.json shows an example on how a cycle could look like. One cycle includes 4 inputs:

  • Id (1-indexed, meaning that the first cycle should always start with 1)
  • Type (either use compound or withdraw)
  • EndTimerAt (Specifies the time of day where the cycle ends. For example with "20:00" (8pm) or "08:00" (8am). You can set the time of day as you please. By adding two or more cycles, you can setup your strategy to run every 3rd day, 12h or all the way down to each minute)
  • MinimumBnb (you might be able to compound because 24h has past but you only want to compound, when you have a minimum BNB of this value)

Each cycle is defined by one iteration. Set as many iterations you want - just make sure to increment the Id of each iteration. When the cycle ends, it starts again from the top.

Defaults for each iteration in the example is set to compound and to execute every day at "20:00" (8pm).

Persisted cycle settings

Cycle settings from your cycle_config.json are persisted. This means that the nextCycleId property is updated at the end of every cycle and you cycle loop never changes, so if you ever have to restart the script your cycle will never lose state and it will start from where it left off.


In a terminal window, navigate to the location where you saved all the files. Run the file.

$ python

This terminal window will always need to remain open for the script to function. If the terminal window closes, just execute python again.


If this script helps you, consider supporting me by sending an airdrop:

  • wallet: 0x361472B5784e83fBF779b015f75ea0722741f304

Or using my referral code:

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