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Drush List

A Simple extension of Drush

This module augments Drush's command set to include the ability to list various entities.

A task that I found was not as simple as it should be in Drush was listing entities, i.e list all users, list all nodes, list all webforms, etc.

While this can be done with SQL queries, Drush provided similar functionality for other commands. For example, drush role:list or drush views:list.

📖 Contents

🔨 Requirements

  • PHP >=8.0.0
  • Drush >=12.0.0
  • Drupal >= 10.0.0

🏗️ Installation

composer require jackwrfuller/drush-list

Since this package is considered a Drupal module, you need to enable the module as well:

drush pm:install drush_list

💭 Usage

drush entity:list

Returns a list of all fieldable object types

drush entity:list webform

Returns a list of all webforms.

drush user:list

Returns a table with user IDs and usernames for all users in the database.

Optionally, you can filter the columns using --field=<column>, i.e:

drush user:list --field=uid

to get just a list of user IDs.

drush node:list [...node_type]

Display a list of all nodes, optionally filtering by node types.

📃 License

Drush User List is distributed under MIT license 🚀 Enjoy! ❤️


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