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Jacky Mallett edited this page Nov 11, 2016 · 3 revisions

Threadneedle is an Agent Based Economic Simulation Framework based on a double entry book keeping implementation of the modern fractional reserve banking system. As agents are being added it is becoming a tool for creating larger and more developed economic simulations, which which can be used by to explore the systemic behaviours of the economic constructs that we inhabit. In contrast to other agent based modelling projects, including those using balance sheet account (the level above double entry book keeping), Threadneedle does not embody any economic equations or "models" of the economy.

The initial rational for Threadneedle was that as there was considerable confusion about how the banking system operates, an accurate simulation would at least help clear this up. Besides, nobody else seemed to have ever built a double entry simulation of banking, which is as good a reason as any. Subsequently we have realised that double entry book keeping is to all intents and purposes the atomic level of the modern financial system's structure, and so that by creating economic simulations rooted in this level of detail we can bring a much more scientifically grounded approach to the problem of analysing and troubleshooting economic systems.

It also turns out to be embarrassingly easy to disprove a rather large amount of economic theory, even with very simple simulated economies and banking systems.


Threadneedle has been funded by the Icelandic Institute of Intelligent Machines on the initiative of its Principle Investigator and Senior Researcher Dr. Jacky Mallett, and IIIM's Director Dr. Kris R. Thórisson. IIIM has benefited from competitive research grants organized by the Science and Technology Policy Board of Iceland and administered by Rannís, Iceland.




Author: Jacky Mallett (

David Gudjonsson (Branch Banking)
Jordi Bieger (Bug fixes, Windows compatibility)
Thröstur Thorarensen (Stock Market)

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