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conda create -n factormatte python=3.9 anaconda
conda activate factormatte
Use conda or pip to install requirements.txt

Example Video

Download Dataset and put into the datasets/ folder

Stage 1

python --name sand_car_3layer_v4_rgbwarp1e-1_alphawarp1e-1_flowrecon1e-2 --stage 1 --dataset_mode omnimatte_GANCGANFlip148 --model omnimatte_GANFlip --dataroot ./datasets/sand_car --height 192 --width 288 --save_by_epoch --prob_masks --lambda_rgb_warp 1e-1 --lambda_alpha_warp 1e-1 --model_v 4 --residual_noise --strides 0,0,0 --num_Ds 0,0,0 --n_layers 0,0,0 --display_ind 63 --pos_ex_dirs , --batch_size 16 --n_epochs 1200 --bg_noise --gpu_ids 1,0 --lambda_recon_flow 1e-2

Copy the trained weights to the next stage's training folder: cp 1110_checkpoints/sand_car_3layer_v4_rgbwarp1e-1_alphawarp1e-1_flowrecon1e-2/*1200* 1110_checkpoints/sand_car_3layer_13GAN1e-3_strides22crop_D1_v4_rgbwarp1e-1_alphawarp1e-1_noninter_flowmask_flowrecon1e-2

Run test to generate the background image: python --name sand_car_3layer_v4_rgbwarp1e-1_alphawarp1e-1_flowrecon1e-2 --dataset_mode omnimatte_GANCGANFlip148 --model omnimatte_GANFlip --dataroot ./datasets/DVM_manstatic --prob_masks --model_v 4 --residual_noise --strides 0,0,0 --num_Ds 0,0,0 --n_layers 0,0,0 --pos_ex_dirs , --epoch 1200 --stage 1 --gpu_ids 0 --start_ind 0 --width 512 --height 288

And put it in the data folder, it'll be used for the following stages. cp results/sand_car_3layer_v4_rgbwarp1e-1_alphawarp1e-1_flowrecon1e-2/test_1200_/panorama.png datasets/sand_car/bg_gt.png

Stage 2

python --name sand_car_3layer_13GAN1e-3_strides22crop_D1_v4_rgbwarp1e-1_alphawarp1e-1_noninter_flowmask_flowrecon1e-2 --init_flowmask --lambda_recon_flow 1e-2 --dataset_mode factormatte_GANCGANFlip148 --model factormatte_GANFlip --dataroot ./datasets/sand_car --save_by_epoch --prob_masks --lambda_rgb_warp 1e-1 --lambda_alpha_warp 1e-1 --residual_noise --strides 0,2,2 --num_Ds 0,1,3 --n_layers 0,3,3 --start_ind 0 --noninter_only --width 288 --height 192 --discriminator_transform randomcrop --pos_ex_dirs 0uniform_0gaussian_dark_0flip_0elastic_0.25blursigma0.20.2k5_0.25gaussian_noise_std27mean0_rawframes,0rot_0flip_0.25blursigma0.20.2k5_0.25gaussian_noise_std27mean0_ --gpu_ids 0 --n_epochs 2400 --continue_train --epoch 1200 --stage 2 --display_ind 15

Copy the trained weights to the next stage's training folder: cp 1110_checkpoints/sand_car_3layer_13GAN1e-3_strides22crop_D1_v4_rgbwarp1e-1_alphawarp1e-1_noninter_flowmask_flowrecon1e-2/*2400* 1110_checkpoints/sand_car_3layer_13GAN1e-3_strides22crop_D1_v4_rgbwarp1e-1_alphawarp1e-1_l2arecon1e-1dilate_recon2_148_othersretro_stage22000cont_flowrecon1e-1

Stage 3

python --name sand_car_3layer_13GAN1e-3_strides22crop_D1_v4_rgbwarp1e-1_alphawarp1e-1_l2arecon1e-1dilate_recon2_148_othersretro_stage22000cont_flowrecon1e-1 --lambda_recon 2 --lambda_recon_flow 1e-1 --dataset_mode factormatte_GANCGANFlip148 --model factormatte_GANFlip --dataroot ./datasets/sand_car --save_by_epoch --prob_masks --lambda_rgb_warp 1e-1 --lambda_alpha_warp 1e-1 --residual_noise --strides 0,2,2 --num_Ds 0,1,3 --display_ind 63 --init_flowmask --lambda_recon_3 1e-1 --start_ind 0 --discriminator_transform randomcrop --steps 148 --pos_ex_dirs 0uniform_0gaussian_dark_0flip_0elastic_0.25blursigma0.20.2k5_0.25gaussian_noise_std27mean0_rawframes,0rot_0flip_0.25blursigma0.20.2k5_0.25gaussian_noise_std27mean0_ --stage 3 --height 192 --width 288 --n_epochs 3200 --gpu_ids 0 --continue_train --epoch 2400 --overwrite_lambdas

Pretrained Weights

For convenience, you can also download the weights of any stage for this dataset and start training from there on.

Stage 1 weights:

Stage 2 weights:

Stage 3 weights:

Generate Results

python --name sand_car_3layer_13GAN1e-3_strides22crop_D1_v4_rgbwarp1e-1_alphawarp1e-1_l2arecon1e-1dilate_recon2_148_othersretro_stage22000cont_flowrecon1e-1 --dataset_mode factormatte_GANCGANFlip148 --model factormatte_GANFlip --dataroot ./datasets/sand_car --gpu_ids 0 --prob_masks --residual_noise --pos_ex_dirs , --epoch 3200 --stage 3 --width 288 --height 192 --init_flowmask --test_suffix texts_to_put_after_fixed_folder_name

Custom Dataset

To train on your custom video, please prepare it as follows: (Assume all file names are [xxxxx].png, e.g. 00001.png, 00100.png, 10001.png)

  1. Extract all RGB frames and put them in "rgb" folder.

  2. Arrange corresponding binary masks in the same order and put them in mask/01 folder.

  3. run data/ to copy mask/01 to mask_nocushionmask/02, and generate mask_nocushionmask/01. Please refer to the doc in data/ for details. (Redundant, TODO: generate this on the fly.)

  4. Estimate the homography between every two consecutive frames and flatten each matrix following the template of data/homographies.txt We provide a script in data/keypoint_homography_estimate.ipynb. It'll generate a file homographies_raw.txt. To get the final homographies.txt, run python datasets/ --homography_path ./datasets/[your_folder_name]/homographies_raw.txt --width [W] --height [H]

  5. Flow estimation by RAFT: python --path datasets/[your_folder_name]/rgb --model weight/raft-things.pth --step 1

python --path datasets/[your_folder_name]/rgb --model weight/raft-things.pth --step 4

python --path datasets/[your_folder_name]/rgb --model weight/raft-things.pth --step 8
(As mentioned in section 7, we use multiple time scales (1, 4, 8) to reinforce consistency.)
Move the generated flow matrices to your data folder:

mv RAFT_result/datasets[your_folder_name]rgb/*flow* datasets/[your_folder_name]

  1. Confidence estimate for flows: python datasets/ --dataroot ./datasets/[your_folder_name] --step 1

python datasets/ --dataroot ./datasets/[your_folder_name] --step 4

python datasets/ --dataroot ./datasets/[your_folder_name] --step 8

  1. Find the simpler frames if you want to use the tricks in Section 7. Separate the frame indices as in data/noninteraction_ind.txt. If there's no such frames or you wish not to use such tricks, simply write "0, 1" in that file.

  2. After Stage 1, run python to generate positive examples for the foreground. Run data/gen_backgroundPosEx.ipynb to generate positive examples for the background.

  3. In short, there should be these folders in data/[your_folder_name]:

forward_flow_step1, forward_flow_step4, forward_flow_step8
backward_flow_step1, backward_flow_step4, backward_flow_step8
confidence_step1, confidence_step4, confidence_step8
homographies.txt (if you use data/keypoint_homography_estimate.ipynb, there should also be a "homographies_raw.txt")
mask_nocushionmask (2 subfolders: "01", "02")
mask (1 subfolder containing the segmentaion mask of the foreground object: "01")
zbar.pth (Automatically generated to make sure the model starts with a fixed random noise.)
dis_real_l1, dis_real_l2 (Generated after running Stage 1.)


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