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Slap: Easily build Slack Apps with Go

A Slack application framework inspired by Slack's Bolt Framework and the net/http library.


Slash Commands

app.RegisterCommand("/hi", func(req *slap.CommandRequest) error {
    // Respond with 200 and an ephemeral message immediately
        ResponseType: slap.RespondEphemeral,
        Text: "Hi, how are you?"

    // Send another message!
    channel, ts, err := req.Client.PostEphemeral(req.Payload.ChannelID, req.Payload.UserID, slack.MsgOptionText("You said: " + req.Payload.Text))
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Open a modal!
    res, err := req.Client.OpenView(req.Payload.TriggerID, slack.ModalViewRequest{ 
        Type: "modal",
        CallbackID: "form-modal",
        Title: &slack.TextBlockObject{
            Type: "plain_text",
            Text: "Form"

    return nil

View Submissions

app.RegisterViewSubmission("form-modal", func(req *slap.ViewSubmissionRequest) error {
    // Get a value from the view submission
    text := req.Payload.View.State.Values["text-input"]["text-input"]
    if !isTextValid(text) {
        // Respond with 200 and an error visible to the user
            ResponseAction: slap.ViewResponseErrors,
            Errors: map[string]string{
                "text-input": "Please input a valid sentence"
        return nil

    // Close the modal stack using the "clear" response action
        ResponseAction: slap.ViewResponseClear

    // Do something with the text value - save it to a store with the user's ID
    if err :=, text); err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

Block Actions

app.RegisterBlockAction("start-button", func(req *slap.BlockActionRequest) error {
    // Respond to Slack with 200

    // Open a modal!
    res, err := req.Client.OpenView(req.Payload.TriggerID, slack.ModalViewRequest{ 
        Type: "modal",
        CallbackID: "form-modal",
        Title: &slack.TextBlockObject{
            Type: "plain_text",
            Text: "Form"

    return nil

Events API

app.RegisterEventHandler("message", func(req *slap.EventRequest) error {
    // Parse the inner Events API event
    var message slack.MessageEvent
    if err := json.Unmarshal(req.Payload.Event, &message); err != nil {
        return err

    // Respond to Slack with 200

    // Ignore messages that your bot has sent or you will get stuck in recursive message hell
    if message.BotId != "" {
        return nil

    // Do something with the message
    slog.Info("Received message", "message", message.Text)
    _, _, err := req.Client.PostMessage(message.Channel, slack.MsgOptionText("You wrote: " + message.Text, false))
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

Quick Start

  1. Create a Slack App at and install it to your workspace (Settings -> Install App)
  2. Set the following environment variables from your Slack App Settings
    export BOT_TOKEN={Settings -> Install App -> Bot User OAuth Token}
    export SIGNING_SECRET={Settings -> Basic Information -> Signing Secret}
  3. Add the following to your main.go
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        router := http.NewServeMux()
        app := slap.New(slap.Config{
            Router: router,
            BotToken: func(teamID string) (string, error) {
                return os.Getenv("BOT_TOKEN"), nil
            SigningSecret: os.Getenv("SIGNING_SECRET"),
        app.RegisterCommand("/start", func(req *slap.CommandRequest) error {
                ResponseType: slap.RespondInChannel,
                Text:         "Hello world!",
            return nil
        server := &http.Server{
            Addr:    ":4000",
            Handler: router,
  4. Run go run main.go
  5. Use ngrok to get a public URL for your local environment
  6. Update your Slack App Settings:
    1. Slash Commands -> Create New Command
      • Command: /start
      • Request URL: https://{YOUR NGROK URL}/commands
  7. Use the /start command in your Slack Client

Usage Guide

Slack API Settings

To use Slap, you will need to update your Slack App's settings at

Slash Commands

For all Slash Commands:

  • Request URL: https://{YOUR PUBLIC URL}/commands

Interactivity & Shortcuts

  • Turn on Interactivity
  • Request URL: https://{YOUR PUBLIC URL}/interactions

Event Subscriptions

  • Enable Events
  • Request URL: https://{YOUR PUBLIC URL}/events
    • Slap will automatically complete URL verification

Multiple Workspace Distribution

Slap supports app distribution to multiple workspaces with the BotTokenGetter in slap.Config:

app := slap.New(slap.Config{
    BotToken: func(teamID string) (string, error) {
        token, err := db.GetBotTokenByTeamID(teamID)
        if err != nil {
            return "", err
        return token, nil

This allows for the fetching of a workspace's bot token from your store by the workspace's Team ID, which is then used by the Slack API client.

To Do

  • Add shortcut support
  • Add view_closed support
  • Add block_suggestion support
  • Add support for Gorilla Mux
  • Add support for Echo

Special Thanks

Thank you to the contributors at for creating and maintaining the Slack API client and types which are needed to make Slap work.