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Rails Lite

MVC framework written in Ruby, inspired by the main functionality of Rails. Includes ActiveRecord Lite, a lightweight object-relational mapper (ORM) between Ruby and SQL.

The purpose of this Rails Lite project is to demonstrate an understanding of the Ruby on Rails framework and MVC frameworks in general as well as ORMs and ActiveRecord assisted SQL queries.

Server Infrastructure

Rails Lite uses a Rack server, which is located in bin/router_server. The API handles HTTP requests and responses.

Stack Tracer

Static Assets

Static assets contained in /public/ are made available when a GET request is submitted with /public/ after the hostname.

The Static server at bin/static_server matches the requested path and responds with the asset at the corresponding location.

Architecture and MVC

Rails Lite includes a custom router, controller base, and model base(ActiveRecord Lite)


The router uses metaprogramming to dynamically create routes for each controller action. It runs routes to call controller actions corresponding to passed requests.

Controller Base

The Controller Base roughly corresponds to Rails' ActionController::Base, providing standard methods to user-defined controllers. Methods include #render, #redirect_to, #session, and #flash.

Model Base

ActiveRecord Lite's Model Base (active_record_lite/model_base.rb) is a lightweight version of Rails' ActiveRecord::Base which provides base methods for user-generated models. It includes standard query methods #all, #find #insert, #update and #save.

Model Base also allows access to methods from the extended Associatable and Searchable modules found in active_record_lite/associatable and active_record_lite/searchable.

Additional Features


Authenticates user session using Rack cookie setter and getter methods.


Displays notifications to the client either immediately on render using Flash#now or after a redirect by storing a cookie.

CSRF Protection

Protects against cross-ste request forgery (CSRF) attacks by setting and validating authentication tokens.


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