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Gameboy Emulator


  • rustc and cargo v1.49.0 (for building the emulator)
  • nodejs v12.16.2 (for building the frontend)
  • rgbds v0.4.2 (for building the testrom)

Running emulator

cd gameboy-emulator/emulator/testrom && make # this makes the test rom cd gameboy-emulator/ui && npm i && npm run build # this builds the rust code, as well as the typescript cd build && python3 -m http.server # this serves the files Proceed to localhost:8000 in your browser and upload a rom file

Running tests

cd gameboy-emulator/emulator && cargo run

cd gameboy-emulator/ui && npm test

Included testrom

The test rom included is a very simple demo of all the features of the gameboy. Press a and b to move left and right

Functional Requirements

FR1 - App.PWA. :: PGE shall be a progressive web app, and thus work offline after the initial installation

This can be verified to be complete by running the gameboy emulator and playing a game. Then turning off your internet and refreshing the page.

FR2 - App.Delete. :: PGE shall allow users a way to delete all saved user data

This can be verified to be complete by moving the gamepad around then clicking delete user data and refreshing the page.

FR3 - App.Upload. :: PGE shall have an interface to allow users to upload ROM files to emulate

This can be verified by opening the page, as you are greeted with the upload rom display.

FR4 - Extra.Mute. :: PGE shall have a method by which to disable sound

This can be verified by viewing the sidebar (mute toggle).

FR5 - Extra.Save. :: PGE shall have a way to save progress to resume later

This can be verified by viewing the sidebar (save button).

FR6 - Extra.Load. :: PGE shall have a way to load saved progress

This can be verified by viewing the sidebar (load button).

FR7 - Controls.Touchpad. :: PGE shall have an onscreen button pad to allow mobile users to use it

This can be verified by loading a rom and seeing the onscreen button pad.

FR8 - Controls.CustomKeymap. :: PGE shall allow users to set a custom keyboard mapping for accessibility reasons

This can be verified by hitting the configure keyboard button, then setting your own custom keys.

FR9 - Controls.CustomTouchpad. :: PGE shall have a customizable on screen button pad to ensure it works on a variety of screen sizes

This can be verified by hitting the configure gamepad toggle, then dragging the buttons around.

FR10 - CPU.Registers. :: The CPU shall contain 8 8-bit registers named A, F, B, C, D, E, H, L and should also have the capability to combine them into 16-bit registers named AF, BC, DE, HL. The CPU should also contain 2 16-bit registers for the stack pointer and program counter.

This can be verified by running test cpu::test::test_getter_setter_register or running a rom file in the emulator

FR11 - CPU.LoadAndStoreOpCodes. :: The CPU shall emulate all load operations including direct, indirect and immediate load operations.

This can be verified by running all of the cpu tests or running a rom file in the emulator

FR12 - CPU.ArithmeticOpCodes. :: The CPU shall emulate all arithmetic operations including add, subtract, and, or, xor, postincrement, pre decrement, complement and decimal adjust operations.

This can be verified by running test cpu::test::test_sbc, cpu::test::test_sbcimm, cpu::test::test_sub, cpu::test::test_orimm, cpu::test::test_subimm, cpu::test::test_or, cpu::test::test_dec, cpu::test::test_inc, cpu::test::test_cpimm, cpu::test::test_cp, cpu::test::test_and, cpu::test::test_andimm, cpu::test::test_addimm, cpu::test::test_add, cpu::test::test_adcimm, cpu::test::test_addhl16, cpu::test::test_adc, cpu::test::test_adcimm, cpu::test::test_xor, cpu::test::test_xorimm, or running a rom file in the emulator

FR13 - CPU.StackOperations. :: The CPU shall emulate all stack operations including load, push, pop and store stack pointer operations onto 16-bit registers.

This can be verified by running test cpu::test::test_pop, cpu::test::test_ret, cpu::test::test_call, cpu::test::test_addsp, cpu::test::test_addhl16, cpu::test::test_push, or running a rom file in the emulator

FR14 - CPU.BitShiftAndRotate. :: The CPU shall emulate all bit shift, bit set, bit reset and register rotate operations including rotate right and rotate left.

This can be verified by running test cpu::test::test_set, cpu::test::test_bit, cpu::test::test_srl, cpu::test::test_sla, cpu::test::test_res, cpu::test::test_sra, cpu::test::test_rl, cpu::test::test_rrc, or running a rom file in the emulator

FR15 - CPU.ControlFlowOperations. :: The CPU shall emulate all jump, call and return control flow operations.

This can be verified by running tests cpu::test::test_ret, cpu::test::test_ret_c, cpu::test::test_reti, cpu::test::test_ret_nc, cpu::test::test_ret_nz, cpu::test::test_ret_z, cpu::test::test_rst, cpu::test::test_jmp_absolute, cpu::test::test_jmp_absolute_cc, cpu::test::test_call, cpu::test::test_call_cc, or running a rom file in the emulator

FR16 - CPU.MiscellaneousOperations. :: The CPU shall emulate all miscellaneous operations including clearing the carry flag, setting the carry flag, NOP, halt, stop, reset, swapping nibbles and enabling/disabling interrupts.

This can be verified by running test cpu::test::test_getter_setter_register, cpu::test::test_swap, cpu::test::test_reti, cpu::test::test_ccf or running a rom file in the emulator

FR17 - CPU.Speed. :: The CPU shall run at a speed of 4MHz.

This can be verified running a rom file in the emulator and seeing if it runs in real time

FR18 - PPU.Background. :: The PPU should be able to draw the tiles that form the background layer.

This can be verified running a rom file in the emulator and seeing if it draws the screen, or by running test test ppu::test::test_ppu_tick

FR19 - PPU.Scrolling. :: The PPU shall support scrolling on both the x and y axis for the background layer

This can be verified running a rom file in the emulator and seeing if it draws the screen, or by running test test ppu::test::test_ppu_tick_scroll

FR20 - PPU.Window. :: The PPU shall support rendering the window layer on top of the background layer

This can be verified running a rom file in the emulator and seeing if it draws the screen, or by running test test ppu::test::test_ppu_tick

FR21 - PPU.Sprites. :: The PPU shall support rendering up to 10 sprites per line, and up to 40 sprites total. Sprites may be either 8 or 16 pixels tall which will be global to the game.

This can be verified running a rom file in the emulator and seeing if it draws the screen, or by running test test ppu::test::test_tile_decode

FR22 - PPU.Timing. :: The PPU shall emulate the timing accurately to allow for video effects that rely on precise timing. Ex) Wobble

This can be verified running a rom file in the emulator and seeing if it draws the screen, or by running test test ppu::test::test_ppu_tick

FR23 - PPU.Palettes. :: The PPU shall support configurable palettes, as how the Gameboy did

This can be verified running a rom file in the emulator and seeing if it draws the screen, or by running test test ppu::test::test_pixel_color_lookup

FR24 - APU.Channels. :: The APU shall produce 4 channels of audio data. 2 wave generators, 1 that plays data from ram, and one noise generator.

This can be verified by running the apu tests channel1::test::test_NR10_read_write, channel1::test::test_NR11_read_write, channel1::test::test_NR12_read_write, channel1::test::test_NR13_read_write, channel1::test::test_NR14_read_write, channel2::test::test_NR21_read_write, channel2::test::test_NR22_read_write, channel2::test::test_NR23_read_write, channel2::test::test_NR24_read_write, channel3::test::test_NR30_read_write, channel3::test::test_NR31_read_write, channel3::test::test_NR32_read_write, channel3::test::test_NR33_read_write, channel3::test::test_NR34_read_write, channel4::test::test_NR41_read_write, channel4::test::test_NR42_read_write, channel4::test::test_NR43_read_write, channel4::test::test_NR44_read_write

FR25 - APU.Terminals. :: The APU shall produce sound to emulate the sound terminals in the gameboy

This cannot be verified

FR26 - APU.Registers. :: The APU shall emulate the 21 audio registers of the gameboy to provide an identical interface for sound that a gameboy would to games.

This can be verified by running the apu tests channel1::test::test_NR10_read_write, channel1::test::test_NR11_read_write, channel1::test::test_NR12_read_write, channel1::test::test_NR13_read_write, channel1::test::test_NR14_read_write, channel2::test::test_NR21_read_write, channel2::test::test_NR22_read_write, channel2::test::test_NR23_read_write, channel2::test::test_NR24_read_write, channel3::test::test_NR30_read_write, channel3::test::test_NR31_read_write, channel3::test::test_NR32_read_write, channel3::test::test_NR33_read_write, channel3::test::test_NR34_read_write, channel4::test::test_NR41_read_write, channel4::test::test_NR42_read_write, channel4::test::test_NR43_read_write, channel4::test::test_NR44_read_write, apu::test::test_NR50_read_write, apu::test::test_NR51_read_write, apu::test::test_NR52_read_write

FR27 - APU.WaveRAM. :: The APU shall emulate the waveform RAM to allow producing arbitrary audio data.

This can be verified by running test channel3::test::test_waveram_read_write

FR28 - Interrupt.Flag. :: Stops program flow when an interrupt is generated

This can be verified by running a rom file which uses interrupts for drawing [Eg) Dr Mario]

FR29 - Interrupt.Handle. :: Handles the interrupt

This can be verified by running a rom file which uses interrupts for drawing [Eg) Dr Mario]


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