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⚠️ This is a WIP as it is not a drop in replacement for tink-worker yet ⚠️

tinklet is an implementation of the tinkerbell worker.


  • support multiple container runtimes
  • define standard interfaces for preparing container environments and running actions
  • designed for ease of maintainance, testability, and extension

Notable Features

  • support for multiple container runtimes [docker, kubernetes]
  • auth for multiple container registries
  • multiple client-side TLS options for communicating with Tink server


  tinklet [flags] <subcommand>

  docker  run the tinklet using the docker backend.
  kube    run the tinklet using the kubernetes backend.

  -config tinklet.yaml                       config file (optional)
  -identifier ...                            worker id (required)
  -loglevel info                             log level (optional)
  -registry {"Name":"","User":"","Pass":""}  container image registry (optional)
  -tink ...                                  tink server url (required)
  -tls false                                 tink server TLS (optional)

Design Philosophies

Tinklet uses the design philosophies from here and well as the following:

  1. prefer easy to understand over easy to do
  2. pkg packages do not log only return errors
  3. pkg is generic, reuseable code
  4. functions/methods should follow the single responsibility principle
  5. less code, less bugs
  6. prefer explicit over implicit
  7. avoid global/package level variables as much as possible

Why not contribute to tink-worker?

I found that for tink-worker to accommodate some of my desired updates and changes it would need significant modification to its foundation. Unfortunately, I felt that the codebase was too fragile to make these changes. Understanding the execution flow of the codebase was also a significant barrier to overcome.

The following are some of the factors I felt contribute to the fragility of tink-worker:

  • Low unit test coverage
  • Large, complex, and difficult to test functions
  • Scattered calls to os.Exit and os.Getenv
  • Tight coupling to the container runtime (docker)
  • Difficult to modify or test tightly coupled functions and methods
  • The action execution flow code is complex and difficult to follow and understand
  • The Tink server interactions are difficult to follow and understand
  • The Tink workflow status reporting call result is coupled to the worker exit status
  • Lack of documentation and code comments