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@polkadot.{js} React Native (via react-native cli)

A very basic template pulling in the libs and using it to display an ever-increasing block number via subscription.

The versions used here, via react-native --version -

react-native-cli: 2.0.1
react-native: 0.57.8

Project setup -

  • Project created via react-native init pjsrnrncli
  • @polkadot/api added yarn add @polkadot/api
  • runtime libs for compat, yarn add node-libs-react-native
  • metro.config.js added in root to include compat libs

Project code -

  • index.js adapted to import node-libs-react-native/globals first
  • App.js edited to display the current blockNumber

Running iOS emulator -

  • react-native start called in one terminal window
  • react-native run-ios called in another terminal window to launch the simulator
  • ... some waiting... (intial build)

Additional config for Android -

  • Update to latest gradle in android/gradle/
  • Update bundle to reflect new version, commenting wrapper
  • react-native start called in one terminal window
  • ANDROID_HOME=<path> PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools react-native run-android called to launch simulator