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A library for type-aware parsing, serialization and validation of OCPP 1.6-J and OCPP 2.0.1 messages, built against the official JSON Schema documents published by the Open Charge Alliance.


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A library for type-aware parsing, serialization and validation of OCPP 1.6-J and OCPP 2.0.1 messages, built against the official JSON Schema documents published by the Open Charge Alliance.



This library requires an instance of Ajv with support for string formats, as provided by the ajv-formats plugin. See and

import Ajv from 'ajv';
import formats from 'ajv-formats';
import { setAjv } from 'typed-ocpp';

setAjv(formats(new Ajv()));

OCPP16 and OCPP20 namespaces

This library exports all functions and typings related to OCPP 1.6 and OCPP 2.0.1 under, respectively, the OCPP16 and OCPP20 namespaces:

import { OCPP16, OCPP20 } from 'typed-ocpp';

Both namespaces export identical APIs while typings and schemas differ according to the differences in the respective OCPP versions.


The parse() function return a fully-typed and validated "view" of the original array. No additional transformation is applied beside the eventual JSON.parse() if a string is provided.

import { OCPP16 } from 'typed-ocpp';

const raw = '[2,"test","BootNotification",{"chargePointModel":"model","chargePointVendor":"vendor"}]';
const parsed = OCPP.parse(raw);

Array.isArray(parsed); // true
import { OCPP20 } from 'typed-ocpp';

const raw = '[2,"test","BootNotification",{ "chargingStation": { "model": "test", "vendorName": "test" }, "reason": "PowerUp"}]';
const parsed = OCPP.parse(raw);

Array.isArray(parsed); // true

Values returned by parse() have one of the following types:

OCPP16.Call                 // union of all types for Call messages
OCPP16.CallError            // type for Call Error messages
OCPP16.UncheckedCallResult  // generic type for Call Result messages

OCPP20.Call                 // union of all types for Call messages
OCPP20.CallError            // type for Call Error messages
OCPP20.UncheckedCallResult  // generic type for Call Result messages

As returned values are fully-typed, the TS compiler can use known types to infer others:

if (parsed[0] === OCPP16.MessageType.CALL) {
  parsed[2];                                        // TS gives type "OCPP.Action"          
  if (parsed[2] === OCPP16.Action.BootNotification) {
    // TS infers the shape of the call payload based on the action
    parsed[3].chargePointModel;                     // TS gives type "string"
    parsed[3].randomProp;                           // TS compilation error


Call Result messages are first returned as having type UncheckedCallResult and must be checked against the originating messages of type Call for further validation and type-awareness.

If checkCallResult() does not throw the returned values are guaranteed to be valid CallResult objects matching the provided Call objects.

While CallResult type is the union of all Call Result message types, the TS compiler will infer the specific type of Call Result based on the action of the provided Call:

const call = '[2,"test","BootNotification",{"chargePointModel":"model","chargePointVendor":"vendor"}]';
const result = '[3, "test", { status: "Accepted", currentTime: "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", interval: 10 }]';

const parsedCall = OCPP16.parse(call);
const parsedResult = OCPP16.parse(result);

if (parsedCall[0] === OCPP16.MessageType.CALL && parsedResult[0] === OCPP16.MessageType.CALLRESULT) {
  if (parsedCall[2] === OCPP16.Action.BootNotification) {
    const checkedResult = OCPP16.checkCallResult(parsedResult, parsedCall);
    checkedResult[2].status;        // TS gives type "Accepted"|"Pending"|"Rejected"


Returns the JSON serialization of the provided OCPP object.

const serialized = OCPP16.stringify(parsed);
const serialized = OCPP20.stringify(parsed);


Within both the OCPP16 and OCPP20 namespaces, typed-ocpp provides a set of typings and schemas that covers most aspects of OCPP messages.

We've already mentioned the primary types returned by parse() and checkCallResult():

OCPP16.Call                 // union type of all Call message types
OCPP16.CallResult           // union type of all Call Result message types
OCPP16.CallError            // type of Call Error messages
OCPP16.UncheckedCallResult  // type of unchecked Call Result messages

OCPP20.Call                 // union type of all Call message types
OCPP20.CallResult           // union type of all Call Result message types
OCPP20.CallError            // type of Call Error messages
OCPP20.UncheckedCallResult  // type of unchecked Call Result messages

Specific types for Call and Call Result messages use the Call and CallResult suffixes: AuthorizeCall, AuthorizeCallResult, MeterValuesCall, MeterValuesCallResult and so on:

/* ... */

/* ... */

The following enumerations are used within these primary types:

OCPP16.MessageType          // enum of message types (CALL = 2, CALLRESULT = 3, CALLERROR = 4)
OCPP16.Action               // enum of actions in Call messages ("Authorize", "BootNotification", ...)
OCPP16.ErrorCode            // enum of error code in Call Error messages ("NotImplemented", "NotSupported", ...)

OCPP20.MessageType          // enum of message types (CALL = 2, CALLRESULT = 3, CALLERROR = 4)
OCPP20.Action               // enum of actions in Call messages ("Authorize", "BootNotification", ...)
OCPP20.ErrorCode            // enum of error code in Call Error messages ("NotImplemented", "NotSupported", ...)

Utility types for OCPP 1.6

Additionally, the following types may be used to model value descriptors within MeterValues Call messages:

OCPP16.Context              // sampling context ("Transaction.Begin", "Sample.Periodic", ...)
OCPP16.Measurand            // value measurand ("Power.Active.Import", "Frequency", ...)
OCPP16.Phase                // AC phase ("L1", "L2", "L1-N", ...)
OCPP16.Location             // sampling location ("Inlet", "Outlet", ...)
OCPP16.Unit                 // value unit ("Wh", "kWh", ...)
OCPP16.Format               // value format ("Raw" or "SignedData")
OCPP16.SampledValue         // individual entry of the "sampledValue" array
OCPP16.MeterValue           // individual entry of the "meterValue" array

JSON Schema(s)

Both the OCPP16 and the OCPP20 namespaces export the official JSON Schema documents provided by the OCPP Alliance as ready-to-use objects, slightly tweaked to maximize compat with different versions and configurations of Ajv:

import { OCPP16, OCPP20 } from 'typed-ocpp';

/* ... */

/* ... */

Building and testing

See file.


MIT. See LICENSE file.


A library for type-aware parsing, serialization and validation of OCPP 1.6-J and OCPP 2.0.1 messages, built against the official JSON Schema documents published by the Open Charge Alliance.





