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Use the turtlebot simulator (state) to learn short path algorithm.

Global Planner

How to use

Every thing work inside the following given docker image

Prepare your terminal (X11 redirection)

xhost +

Start the container (ros humble)

sudo docker run -it -p 2222:22 --name global_planner -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix

On the opened container terminal load env:

source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
cd /home/tp/ros_ws/
source install/setup.bash

Start stage simulator :

 ros2 run stage_ros stageros src/stage_ros2/world/

for all next ros2 command , open another terminal on the started container:

 xhost +
 sudo docker exec -it <container ID> /bin/bash

load env:

 source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
 cd /home/tp/ros_ws/
 source install/setup.bash

(New container terminal) Start navigation for stage simulator :

ros2 launch stage_ros nav:=true

(New container terminal) Start map_sever :

ros2 run nav2_util lifecycle_bringup map_server

(New container terminal) Launch the custom short path computation

cd /home/tp/ros_ws/src
git clone
cd /home/tp/ros_ws
colcon build --packages-select global_planner_short_path_student
source install/setup.bash
ros2 run global_planner_short_path_student ShortPathMng

On the rviz panel click on the publish point button to select a goal on the map. Your algorithm begins


Parameters can be modified into the file :

        def __init__(self, resolution=8, shortPathMethod='GREEDY_BEST_FIRST_SEARCH', isLocalPlanner=False, 
  • Define the grid resolution (caution large grid lead to long processing...) resolution=8

  • Define the default short path method shortPathMethod='GREEDY_BEST_FIRST_SEARCH' (possible 'WAVEFRONT', 'ASTAR', 'DIJKSTRA', 'GREEDY_BEST_FIRST_SEARCH')

  • Activate custom local planner or not: isLocalPlanner=False

  • Define the inflate radius of obstacles inflate_radius=0.3

the job to do

1 Inflate the obstacles of your map according to the robot radius and the grid resolution

    # **************************************************
    # ***************   INFLATE MAP    *****************
    # **************************************************

    def inflate_map(self,map,map_resolution):
        ### TODO
        ### map :original map ( like a grid[][] )
        ### map_resolution :original map resolution (e.g 0.05)
        ### self.inflate_radius : radius of obstacle inflate (0.3 m)
        ### self.MAP_OBSTACLE_VALUE : value into the map of an obstacle (-100)
        #                       TODO

        return map
        # return new_inflated_map

2 Complete the files to add the Dijkstra short path algorithm

class Dijsktra(AbstractShortPath):
    def __init__(self):

    def goto(self, source, target, matrix, pub_marker, marker_container):
        prev = {}
        ### TODO
        ################### Function Paramters ###################
        ### source: coordinate of the robot position source['x'] return the x position, source['y'] return the y position
        ### target: coordinate of the target position target['x'] return the x position, target['y'] return the y position
        ### matrix: rescaled map (including obstacles) matrix[i][j] return the value of the cell i,j of the matrix
        ### elf.MAP_OBSTACLE_VALUE: value of an obstacle into the matrix (-100)
        ### pub_marker: marker publisher to visualize information into rviz (usage pub_marker.publish(marker_container) )
        ### marker_container: marker container where where new marker are added as point
        ################### Function Toolboxes ###################
        #   # create a visual information
        #   self.createFontierUnitMarker(v, marker_container)
        #    # publish visual information
        #    pub_marker.publish(marker_container)
        #    # create a visual information
        #    self.createClosedMarker(u, marker_container)
        #                       TODO
        ### prev:  disctionary holding node precedence
        ### CAUTION prev dictionary has to be completed as follow:
        ### prev[str(v['x']) + '_' + str(v['y'])] = str(u['x']) + '_' + str(u['y'])
        ### where v['x'] return the x position of the node v in the resized map
        ### where v['y'] return the y position of the node v in the resized map
        return prev

3 Complete the files to add the AStar short path algorithm

class AStar(AbstractShortPath):
    def __init__(self):

    def goto(self, source, target, matrix, pub_marker, marker_container):
        prev = {}
        ### TODO
        ################### Function Paramters ###################
        ### source: coordinate of the robot position source['x'] return the x position, source['y'] return the y position
        ### target: coordinate of the target position target['x'] return the x position, target['y'] return the y position
        ### matrix: rescaled map (including obstacles) matrix[i][j] return the value of the cell i,j of the matrix
        ### elf.MAP_OBSTACLE_VALUE: value of an obstacle into the matrix (-100)
        ### pub_marker: marker publisher to visualize information into rviz (usage pub_marker.publish(marker_container) )
        ### marker_container: marker container where where new marker are added as point
        ################### Function Toolboxes ###################
        #   # create a visual information
        #   self.createFontierUnitMarker(v, marker_container)
        #    # publish visual information
        #    pub_marker.publish(marker_containers)
        #    # create a visual information
        #    self.createClosedMarker(u, marker_container)
        #                       TODO
        ### prev:  disctionary holding node precedence
        ### CAUTION prev dictionary has to be completed as follow:
        ### prev[str(v['x']) + '_' + str(v['y'])] = str(u['x']) + '_' + str(u['y'])
        ### where v['x'] return the x position of the node v in the resized map
        ### where v['y'] return the y position of the node v in the resized map
        return prev

4 Link your global planner to your local planner

 def __init__(self, resolution, shortPathMethod,isLocalPlanner,inflate_radius):
	# ------------------#
        # ---- Service -----#
        # ------------------#
        self.local_planner_service =""
        ### TODO
        ### create the link between our navigation ros node and our local_planner
        ### self.local_planner_service: service container to call the local_planner node
        #                       TODO

5 Complete in the case of using your local planner

   def pushGoals(self,mapNode,start,markerArray,isreverted,isPathOnService):
	 if isPathOnService:

		    ### TODO
		    ### call here the local planner service (self.local_planner_service)
		    ### goalQueue: queue of goal to acheive (Posestamped ros message)
		    ### self.local_planner_service: service to call the local planner ( TODO need to be created on the ShortPathMng constructor)
		    #                       TODO

Example of results (videos)


Behavior Result

Wave front

Behavior Result
Wave front Alt text


Behavior Result
Dijsktra Alt text


Behavior Result
AStar Alt text