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array-view provides collection-like functionality to standard arrays. This allows you to have persistent sorting, filters, and even pagination on an array, while at the same time keeping the Array object type. This allows you to work with libraries that expect arrays, such as Angular.js in ng-repeat.

Note: views are meant for displaying array's on a page within a framework such as Angular.js. They are not optimized for heavy array processing and would not be a good choice in something that alters the array's constantly, such as multiple times every frame.

How it works

var view = myarray.view()

This creates a new array that is bound to the source array. Initially it is an exact copy of the source array, and stays in sync with the source array as long as methods are used for altering the arrays.


These methods (along with pop, unshift, and splice) will automatically update the view. In addition, using the same methods on the view will push or pop the item from the source array, keeping a single source of truth.

A view can be made from another view as well.

var paginatedView = filteredView.view();

Keeping two arrays in sync isn't necessarily useful. array-view really starts to become valuable when you use it's filtering, sorting, and pagnation features.


The views created with array-view persist filters and sorting that are done on them, while still maintaining a link to the source array.

var src = [1, 5, 8, -2, 9, -4, 2];
var view = src.view();
view.addFilter(function(item) {
  return item >= 0;
}); // view = [1, 5, 6, 9, 2]

view; // view = [1, 5, 9, 2, 8]

As items are added to the source array, they will show up in the view array, unless they do not pass the filter. Also note, the return from a call to addFilter is the view itself, since it is doing a filter on itself (this is similar to how the native array sort method works).

Filters may be removed by reference or by name if you pass in a name when adding them.

view.addFilter('positive', function(item) {
  return item >= 0;
}).addFilter(function notNull(item) {
  return item != null;


If you don't pass any arguments into removeFilter() then filters will be removed in the reverse order they were added. e.g. the last filter added will be removed first.


Views may also have a sort applied to them. They optionally follow the same API as the native sort method, taking a function with two arguments that returns a positive, negative, or zero number. The difference is that the sort persists, so any new items added to the original array appear in the view in sorted order, automatically.

var source = [4, 3, 17, 1, -3];
var view = source.view();
view.setSort(); // [-3, 1, 17, 3, 4]; note that the default sort isn't numerical
view; // [-3, 1, 17, 2, 3, 4];

view.setSort(function(a, b) {
  return a - b;
}); // [-3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 17];

In addition to the built-in sorting functionality, array-view provides a sorting API to sort objects (the most common items in arrays used by domain models). You may sort ascending or descending on one or more properties, and the properties may be chained using the dot-syntax. Below are some examples.

view.setSort('dateCreated', 'desc');
view.setSort('lastName.toLowerCase()', 'firstName.toLowerCase()', ['age', 'desc']);
view.setSort('comments.length', ['postDate', 'desc']);
view.setSort(['dateCreated', 'desc'], ['title', 'asc']);


When only sorting by one property, you may use asc/desc as the second parameter. 'asc' is always the default and is not necessary. When sorting by multiple properties an array is required to add the sort order 'desc'. Chained properties (such as name.first or comments.length) may be as deep as needed and will null- terminate so no errors will occur. A null will be treated as LESS THAN a non- null value. Functions may even be used. If anything more complex than this is required, just use a sort function.

Note that although the sort API allows you to sort on multiple fields, there is only one actual sort on a view, so subsequent calls to setSort will override the previous sorts, and removeSort() takes no arguments, only removing the current sort.

Because views employ persistance with their source, the native sort() function will return a copy of the view in its current state, sorted


Views provide pagination on top of their filtering and sorting capabilities. All of these features may be used on the same view at once. Filters will be applied first, then sorting, then pagination, providing the the correct items to show up on each page.

var source = [3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 8, 9, 7, 6];
var view = source.view().setSort();
view; // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
view.pageNumber(); // 1
view; // [6, 7, 8, 9];
view.pageCount(); // 2

This paginates a view with 5 items per page. You can change the page number by calling pageNumber(num) and get the page number by calling the same without any arguments. pageCount() gives the current number of pages the array fits into. Using these values you should be able to implement paging naviation for selecting the page you need.

Sometimes it is useful to find the page a particular item is on. For example, if you want to jump to it in a large paginated array, you may go to the page it is on.

var page = view.itemPageNumber(7);
view.pageNumber(page); // [6, 7, 8, 9];

If the item doesn't exist in the view because either it isn't in the source array or it is filtered out from the view, itemPageNumber will return 0. The pages start at 1 and go up from there. They are not zero-based like an array's indices.


When done with a view you can detach it from the source array for garbage collection. If both view and source arrays are no longer referenced they should both be collected by the runtime and no detach will be needed.



When working with the objects within an array, be sure to call view.update() when the object changes properites that affect sort order or filtering. The view only updates when items are added or removed, or the filtering or sorting change. It can't know when any property of any object within it is changed. Also, to update all views on an array you can call source.updateViews().

Other Uses

While often array-view may be used as a view onto a source array, it may also be use as an array that persists its filters and sorts or adds pagination. You don't need to keep a handle on the source array to use the view.

var friends = [].view();
friends.setSort('lastName.toLowerCase()', 'firstName.toLowerCase()')

friends.push(friend1, friend2, friend3); // remains sorted at all times


MIT License


Collection-like functionality for standard arrays.







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