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🏆 Brief introduction about a project:

An online shopping mart permits a customer to submit online orders for items and/or services from a store that serves both walk- in customers and online customers. The Online Store System presents an online display of all the items they want to sell. This web based application helps customers to choose their daily needs and add products to their shopping cart. Customers provide their complete detail of address and contact so they can get their chosen products at their home. This web application saves lots of time of customers.

We will be using php/html for the front-end and php MyAdmin for the back-end. The styling part will be done using CSS while the functionality will be added using JavaScript. We plan on making it as user-friendly as possible, with preplanned packages and even custom packages available which user can choose according to his preference.

This system provides a lot of features to manage the products in a very well manner. This system contains a lot of advance modules which makes the back end system very powerful.Online grocery store system provides the searching facilities based on the various factors such that products, customers, payment, categories, stock. It can track all the information products, customers, categories, stock and payment.

Today the era has changed completely and the people are not much interested in going to local stores rather they prefer to shop online. This trend has made a revolutionary change in online shopping industry and today every business organization has their own online store. It has become one of the biggest industries in terms of revenue and customers.

In our project The admin is responsible for maintaining Database of store. Admin will control the store i.e, can add and remove items can see the performance of the store and can check which item is require to add or not. Login module refers to authenticating the user and granting the access to their account. They can login with their registered username and password and do their work. We have total 8 categories in our site which can be added and remove depending upon developer and admin , these categories are bread and bakery , dairy products ,cleaning materials, chocolates etc. Products and its prices in these categories can also be added and remove dynamically. User can add their choice of item in this cart module and later can place order. User can contact to the store with the help of this module. User can read details of Flowers world in about us module.

🏆 Objectives

📗 To Reduction of expiry items.
📗 Increase in sale by the observation of sale of products by the customers.
📗 Coming back to track which they were kicked off by malls and big shops connected online..
📗 Promoting digitalizing scheme.
📗 To provide services at doorstep.
📗 To provide a way of digitalization for the sellers and customers.

🏆 Features :

📘 Admin Panel
📘 User Login/Sign Up
📘 Categories
📘 Cart
📘 Contact Us
📘 About Us Us

🏆 ER Diagram:


🏆 Languages/Frameworks Used:

🍧 JS
🍧 Bootstrap

🏆 Database:

✈️ MySQL

🏆 Software:


🏆 Group Members :

📘 Krishna Gupta
📘 Mukul Agrawal
📘 Nitin Kumar