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serenity-bdd + cucumber + springboot code coverage

In this repository are expose two ways of get the code coverage of the springboot application under test, when using Serenity-BDD with cucumber and rest assured for executing Integration tests.

For both cases the application and tests are running locally, but the configuration can be moved to any CI/CD server

code coverage

code coverage

1. First Way: Use manually jacoco agent and cli jars

Simple but in real life we would have to store and kill springboot app PID from terminal

See springboot-app/

#Don't run this file, It wont work, this is an example
# run each line in separate terminal if needed
java -javaagent:jacocoagent.jar=address=*,port=36320,destfile=jacoco-it.exec,output=tcpserver -jar target/spring-boot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
#Run your tests here
# e.g
# cd ../integration-tests-folder && mvn clean verify && cd ../back-here
java -jar jacococli.jar dump --address localhost --port 36320 --destfile target/jacoco-it.exec
java -jar jacococli.jar report target/jacoco-it.exec --classfiles target/classes/com --sourcefiles src/main/java/ --html target/jacoco-report

2. Second Way: Optionally run springboot app with serenity-BDD + cucumber + rest assured project

The application itself is added as a dependency to the test project serenity-integration-test-project/pom.xml and only if env var contains 'local-it' the test execution will raise the app before the integration tests otherwise it will run only the tests

For starting the jacoco agent I used maven jacoco plugin, but I still had to use jacococli.jar for generating the report as the plugin don't support custom source path.

So for execute it, first install springboot-app in you local maven repository

cd springboot-app/
mvn clean install

To run tests and get coverage report run:

cd serenity-integration-test-project/
mvn clean verify


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