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Updating Julia Packages

Jago Strong-Wright edited this page Jul 6, 2022 · 1 revision

This will be a brief description of how to push updates to this (and presumably most) Julia package. Writing it down so I don't have to work it all out again when I forget again.

  1. Create new branch
  2. Update code in new branch
  3. (Update and) Run the test suite by running julia -i --project --check-bounds=yes -e 'import Pkg;; Pkg.test("SugarKelp"; coverage=true)' in the project directory
  4. Update documentation and examples
  5. Push code to new branch
  6. Merge with main
  7. Comment on the final commit of the merge @JuliaRegistrator register
  8. When this releases create a tag as described by the comment
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