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Hello there! This is a C program for the vigenere cipher. The program uses multiple files, using a make file. What this means is that there is a main file, where the main function is writen. The other functions are written in different files and the program entirely is compiled using the make file. What is a make file? All thats required right now is that the make file makes the compilation easy.
What is a vigenere cipher?
Run the code and choose option 1 for the explaination
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Tech Stack

  • language: c
  • tools: mingw

Getting Started

Here's How you can get the program running in your machines :
First, install mingw compiler for the mentioned website: and then add to path in environment variables
Now, run the following commands to run the code

  1. Open command prompt(cmd) and traverse to the directory where you have cloned this repo
  2. Type the given command in cmd to compile the code: mingw32-make -f
  3. To run the code type a.out or a.exe

About the project

Is this project beginner friendly? YES


Maintainers : karunakc , gmail

Vigenere Cipher

  1. Explaination
  2. Encryption (input from user)
  3. Decryption (user from user)
  4. Encryption (input from file)
  5. Decryption (input from file)


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Contributors 4
