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Baroclinic Ocean Gyre

(in directory: :filelink:`verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre`)

This section describes an example experiment using MITgcm to simulate a baroclinic, wind and buoyancy-forced, double-gyre ocean circulation. Unlike tutorial :ref:`Barotropic Ocean Gyre <sec_eg_baro>`, which used a Cartesian grid and a single vertical layer, here the grid employs spherical polar coordinates with 15 vertical layers. The configuration is similar to the double-gyre setup first solved numerically in Cox and Bryan (1984) :cite:`cox:84`: the model is configured to represent an enclosed sector of fluid on a sphere, spanning the tropics to mid-latitudes, 60^{\circ} \times 60^{\circ} in lateral extent. The fluid is 1.8 km deep and is forced by a zonal wind stress which is constant in time, \tau_{\lambda}, varying sinusoidally in the north-south direction. The Coriolis parameter, f, is defined according to latitude \varphi

f(\varphi) = 2 \Omega \sin( \varphi )

with the rotation rate, \Omega set to \frac{2 \pi}{86164} \text{s}^{-1} (i.e., corresponding the to standard Earth rotation rate). The sinusoidal wind-stress variations are defined according to

\tau_{\lambda}(\varphi) = -\tau_{0}\cos \left(2 \pi \frac{\varphi-\varphi_o}{L_{\varphi}} \right)

where L_{\varphi} is the lateral domain extent (60^{\circ}), \varphi_o is set to 15^{\circ} \text{N} and \tau_0 is 0.1 \text{ N m}^{-2}. :numref:`baroclinic_gyre_config` summarizes the configuration simulated. As indicated by the axes in the lower left of the figure, the model code works internally in a locally orthogonal coordinate (x,y,z). For this experiment description the local orthogonal model coordinate (x,y,z) is synonymous with the coordinates (\lambda,\varphi,r) shown in :numref:`sphere_coor`. Initially the fluid is stratified with a reference potential temperature profile that varies from \theta=30 \text{ } ^{\circ}C in the surface layer to \theta=2 \text{ } ^{\circ}C in the bottom layer. The equation of state used in this experiment is linear:

 \rho = \rho_{0} ( 1 - \alpha_{\theta}\theta^{\prime} )

which is implemented in the model as a density anomaly equation

\rho^{\prime} = -\rho_{0}\alpha_{\theta}\theta^{\prime}

with \rho_{0}=999.8\,{\rm kg\,m}^{-3} and \alpha_{\theta}=2\times10^{-4}\,{\rm K}^{-1}. Given the linear equation of state, in this configuration the model state variable for temperature is equivalent to either in-situ temperature, T, or potential temperature, \theta. For consistency with later examples, in which the equation of state is non-linear, here we use the variable \theta to represent temperature.

baroclinic gyre configuration

Schematic of simulation domain and wind-stress forcing function for baroclinic gyre numerical experiment. The domain is enclosed by solid walls.

Temperature is restored in the surface layer to a linear profile:

{\cal F}_\theta = - \frac{1}{\tau_{\theta}} (\theta-\theta^*), \phantom{WWW}
\theta^* = \frac{\theta_{\rm max} - \theta_{\rm min}}{L_\varphi} (\varphi - \varphi_o)

where the relaxation timescale \tau_{\theta} = 30 days and \theta_{\rm max}=30^{\circ} C, \theta_{\rm min}=0^{\circ} C.

Equations solved

For this problem the implicit free surface, HPE form of the equations (see :numref:`hydro_and_quasihydro`; :numref:`press_meth_linear`) described in Marshall et al. (1997) :cite:`marshall:97a` are employed. The flow is three-dimensional with just temperature, \theta, as an active tracer. The viscous and diffusive terms provides viscous dissipation and a diffusive sub-grid scale closure for the momentum and temperature equations, respectively. A wind-stress momentum forcing is added to the momentum equation for the zonal flow, u. Other terms in the model are explicitly switched off for this experiment configuration (see :numref:`sec_eg_baroclinic_code_config`). This yields an active set of equations solved in this configuration, written in spherical polar coordinates as follows:

\frac{Du}{Dt} - fv -\frac{uv}{a}\tan{\varphi} +
\frac{1}{\rho_c a \cos{\varphi}}\frac{\partial p^{\prime}}{\partial \lambda} +
 \nabla _h \cdot (-A_{h}  \nabla _h u) + \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \left( -A_{z}\frac{\partial u}{\partial z} \right)
=  \mathcal{F}_u
\frac{Dv}{Dt} + fu + \frac{u^2}{a}\tan{\varphi} +
\frac{1}{\rho_c a}\frac{\partial p^{\prime}}{\partial \varphi} +
 \nabla _h \cdot (-A_{h}  \nabla _h v) + \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \left( -A_{z}\frac{\partial v}{\partial z} \right)
= \mathcal{F}_v
\frac{\partial \eta}{\partial t} + \frac{1}{a \cos{\varphi}}  \left( \frac{\partial H \widehat{u}}{\partial \lambda} +
\frac{\partial H \widehat{v} \cos{\varphi}}{\partial \varphi} \right) = 0
\frac{D\theta}{Dt} +  \nabla _h \cdot (-\kappa_{h}  \nabla _h \theta)
+ \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \left( -\kappa_{z}\frac{\partial \theta}{\partial z} \right)
= \mathcal{F}_\theta
p^{\prime} =    g\rho_{c} \eta + \int^{0}_{z} g \rho^{\prime} dz

where u and v are the components of the horizontal flow vector \vec{u} on the sphere (u=\dot{\lambda},v=\dot{\varphi}), a is the distance from the center of the Earth, \rho_c is a fluid density (which appears in the momentum equations, and can be set differently than \rho_0 in :eq:`rhoprime_lineareos`), A_h and A_v are horizontal and vertical viscosity, and \kappa_h and \kappa_v are horizontal and vertical diffusivity, respectively. The terms H\widehat{u} and H\widehat{v} are the components of the vertical integral term given in equation :eq:`free-surface` and explained in more detail in :numref:`press_meth_linear`. However, for the problem presented here, the continuity relation :eq:`baroc_gyre_cont` differs from the general form given in :numref:`press_meth_linear`, equation :eq:`linear-free-surface=P-E` because the source terms {\mathcal P}-{\mathcal E}+{\mathcal R} are all zero.

The forcing terms \mathcal{F}_u, \mathcal{F}_v, and \mathcal{F}_\theta are applied as source terms in the model surface layer and are zero in the interior. The windstress forcing, {\mathcal F}_u and {\mathcal F}_v, is applied in the zonal and meridional momentum equations, respectively; in this configuration, \mathcal{F}_u = \tau_x / (\rho_c\Delta z_s) (where \Delta z_s is the depth of the surface model gridcell), and \mathcal{F}_v = 0. Similarly, \mathcal{F}_\theta is applied in the temperature equation, as given by :eq:`baroc_restore_theta`.

In :eq:`baroc_gyre_press` the pressure field, p^{\prime}, is separated into a barotropic part due to variations in sea-surface height, \eta, and a hydrostatic part due to variations in density, \rho^{\prime}, integrated through the water column. Note the g in the first term on the right hand side is MITgcm parameter :varlink:`gBaro` whereas in the seond term g is parameter :varlink:`gravity`; allowing for different gravity constants here is useful, for example, if one wanted to slow down external gravity waves.

In the momentum equations, lateral and vertical boundary conditions for the \nabla_{h}^{2} and \partial_z^2 operators are specified in the runtime configuration - see :numref:`sec_eg_baroclinic_code_config`. For temperature, the boundary condition along the bottom and sidewalls is zero-flux.

Discrete Numerical Configuration

The domain is discretized with a uniform grid spacing in latitude and longitude \Delta \lambda=\Delta \varphi=1^{\circ}, so that there are 60 active ocean grid cells in the zonal and meridional directions. As in tutorial :ref:`Barotropic Ocean Gyre <sec_eg_baro>`, a border row of land cells surrounds the ocean domain, so the full numerical grid size is 62\times62 in the horizontal. The domain has 15 levels in the vertical, varying from \Delta z = 50 m deep in the surface layer to 190 m deep in the bottom layer, as shown by the faint red lines in :numref:`baroclinic_gyre_config`. The internal, locally orthogonal, model coordinate variables x and y are initialized from the values of \lambda, \varphi, \Delta \lambda and \Delta \varphi in radians according to:

\begin{aligned} x &= a\cos(\varphi)\lambda, \phantom{WWW} \Delta x = a\cos(\varphi)\Delta \lambda \\
y &= a\varphi, \phantom{WWWWWW} \Delta y =  a\Delta \varphi \end{aligned}

See :numref:`operators` for additional description of spherical coordinates.

As described in :numref:`tracer_eqns`, the time evolution of potential temperature \theta in :eq:`barooc_gyre_theta` is evaluated prognostically. The centered second-order scheme with Adams-Bashforth II time stepping described in :numref:`sub_tracer_eqns_ab` is used to step forward the temperature equation.

Prognostic terms in the momentum equations are solved using flux form as described in :numref:`flux-form_momentum_equations`. The pressure forces that drive the fluid motions, \partial_{\lambda} p^\prime and \partial_{\varphi} p^\prime, are found by summing pressure due to surface elevation \eta and the hydrostatic pressure, as discussed in :numref:`baroc_eq_solved`. The hydrostatic part of the pressure is diagnosed explicitly by integrating density. The sea-surface height is found by solving implicitly the 2-D (elliptic) surface pressure equation (see :numref:`press_meth_linear`).

Numerical Stability Criteria

The analysis in this section is similar to that discussed in tutorial :ref:`Barotropic Ocean Gyre <barotropic_gyre_stab_crit>`, albeit with some added wrinkles. In this experiment, we not only have a larger model domain extent, with greater variation in the Coriolis parameter between the southernmost and northernmost gridpoints, but also significant variation in the grid \Delta x spacing.

In order to choose an appropriate time step, note that our smallest gridcells (i.e., in the far north) have \Delta x \approx 29 km, which is similar to our grid spacing in tutorial :ref:`Barotropic Ocean Gyre <barotropic_gyre_stab_crit>`. Thus, using the advective CFL condition, first assuming our solution will achieve maximum horizontal advection |c_{\rm max}| ~ 1 ms-1)

S_{\rm adv} = 2 \left( \frac{ |c_{\rm max}| \Delta t}{ \Delta x} \right) < 0.5 \text{ for stability}

we choose the same time step as in tutorial :ref:`Barotropic Ocean Gyre <barotropic_gyre_stab_crit>`, \Delta t = 1200 s (= 20 minutes), resulting in S_{\rm adv} = 0.08. Also note this time step is stable for propagation of internal gravity waves: approximating the propagation speed as \sqrt{g' h} where g' is reduced gravity (our maximum \Delta \rho using our linear equation of state is \rho_{0} \alpha_{\theta} \Delta \theta = 6 kg/m3) and h is the upper layer depth (we'll assume 150 m), produces an estimated propagation speed generally less than |c_{\rm max}| = 3 ms--1 (see Adcroft 1995 :cite:`adcroft:95` or Gill 1982 :cite:`gill:82`), thus still comfortably below the threshold.

Using our chosen value of \Delta t, numerical stability for inertial oscillations using Adams-Bashforth II

S_{\rm inert} = f {\Delta t} < 0.5 \text{ for stability}

evaluates to 0.17 for the largest f value in our domain (1.4\times10^{-4} s--1), below the stability threshold.

To choose a horizontal Laplacian eddy viscosity A_{h}, note that the largest \Delta x value in our domain (i.e., in the south) is \approx 110 km. With the Munk boundary width as follows,

M = \frac{2\pi}{\sqrt{3}}  \left( \frac { A_{h} }{ \beta } \right) ^{\frac{1}{3}}

in order to to have a well resolved boundary current in the subtropical gyre we will set A_{h} = 5000 m2 s--1. This results in a boundary current resolved across two to three grid cells in the southern portion of the domain.

Given that our choice for A_{h} in this experiment is an order of magnitude larger than in tutorial :ref:`Barotropic Ocean Gyre <barotropic_gyre_stab_crit>`, let's re-examine the stability of horizontal Laplacian friction:

S_{\rm Lh} = 2 \left( 4 \frac{A_{h} \Delta t}{{\Delta x}^2} \right)  < 0.6 \text{ for stability}

evaluates to 0.057 for our smallest \Delta x, which is below the stability threshold. Note this same stability test also applies to horizontal Laplacian diffusion of tracers, with \kappa_{h} replacing A_{h}, but we will choose \kappa_{h} \ll A_{h} so this should not pose any stability issues.

Finally, stability of vertical diffusion of momentum:

S_{\rm Lv} = 4 \frac{A_{v} \Delta t}{{\Delta z}^2} < 0.6 \text{ for stability}

Here we will choose A_{v} = 1\times10^{-2} m2 s--1, so S_{lv} evaluates to 0.02 for our minimum \Delta z, well below the stability threshold. Note if we were to use Adams Bashforth II for diffusion of tracers the same check would apply, with \kappa_{v} replacing A_{v}. However, we will instead choose an implicit scheme for computing vertical diffusion of tracers (see :numref:`baroc_input_data`), which is unconditionally stable.


The model configuration for this experiment resides under the directory :filelink:`verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/`.

The experiment files

contain the code customizations, parameter settings, and input data files for this experiment. Below we describe these customizations in detail.

Compile-time Configuration

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/packages.conf
    :caption: verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/packages.conf

Here we specify which MITgcm packages we want to include in our configuration. gfd is a pre-defined "package group" (see :ref:`using_packages`) of standard packages necessary for most setups; it is also the :ref:`default compiled packages <default_pkg_list>` setting and the minimum set of packages necessary for GFD-type setups. In addition to package group gfd we include two additional packages (individual packages, not package groups), :filelink:`mnc </pkg/mnc>` and :filelink:`diagnostics </pkg/diagnostics>`. Package :filelink:`mnc </pkg/mnc>` is required for output to be dumped in netCDF format. Package :filelink:`diagnostics </pkg/diagnostics>` allows one to choose output from a extensive list of model diagnostics, and specify output frequency, with multiple time averaging or snapshot options available. Without this package enabled, output is limited to a small number of snapshot output fields. Subsequent tutorial experiments will explore the use of packages which expand the physical and scientific capabilities of MITgcm, e.g., such as physical parameterizations or modeling capabilities for tracers, ice, etc., that are not compiled unless specified.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/SIZE.h
    :caption: verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/SIZE.h

For this second tutorial, we will break the model domain into multiple tiles. Although initially we will run the model on a single processor, a multi-tiled setup is required when we demonstrate how to run the model using either MPI or using multiple threads.

The following lines calculate the horizontal size of the global model domain (NOT to be edited). Our values for :filelink:`SIZE.h <verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/SIZE.h>` parameters below must multiply so that our horizontal model domain is 62\times62:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/SIZE.h
      :start-at: sNx*nSx
      :end-at: sNy*nSy

Now let's look at all individual :filelink:`SIZE.h <verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/SIZE.h>` parameter settings.

  • Although our model domain is 62\times62, here we specify the size of a single tile to be one-half that in both x and y. Thus, the model requires four of these tiles to cover the full ocean sector domain (see below, where we set :varlink:`nSx` and :varlink:`nSy`). Note that the grid can only be subdivided into tiles in the horizontal dimensions, not in the vertical.

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/SIZE.h
         :start-at: sNx =
         :end-at: sNy =
  • As in tutorial :ref:`Barotropic Ocean Gyre <barotropic_gyre_stab_crit>`, here we set the overlap extent of a model tile to the value 2 in both x and y. In other words, although our model tiles are sized 31\times31, in MITgcm array storage there are an additional 2 border rows surrounding each tile which contain model data from neighboring tiles. Some horizontal advection schemes and other parameter and setup choices require a larger overlap setting (see :numref:`adv_scheme_summary`). In our configuration, we are using a second-order center-differences advection scheme (the MITgcm default) which does not requires setting a overlap beyond the MITgcm minimum 2.

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_barotropic_gyre/code/SIZE.h
         :start-at: OLx =
         :end-at: OLy =
  • These lines set parameters :varlink:`nSx` and :varlink:`nSy`, the number of model tiles in the x and y directions, respectively, which execute on a single process. Initially, we will run the model on a single core, thus both :varlink:`nSx` and :varlink:`nSy` are set to 2 so that all 2 \times 2 = 4 tiles are integrated forward in time.

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/SIZE.h
         :start-at: nSx =
         :end-at: nSy =
  • These lines set parameters :varlink:`nPx` and :varlink:`nPy`, the number of processes to use in the x and y directions, respectively. As noted, initially we will run using a single process, so for now these parameters are both set to 1.

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/SIZE.h
         :start-at: nPx =
         :end-at: nPy =
  • Here we tell the model we are using 15 vertical levels.

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/SIZE.h
         :start-at: Nr  =
         :end-at: Nr  =
.. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/DIAGNOSTICS_SIZE.h
    :caption: verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/DIAGNOSTICS_SIZE.h

In the default version :filelink:`/pkg/diagnostics/DIAGNOSTICS_SIZE.h` the storage array for diagnostics is purposely set quite small, in other words forcing the user to assess how many diagnostics will be computed and thus choose an appropriate size for a storage array. In the above file we have modified the value of parameter :varlink:`numDiags`:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/DIAGNOSTICS_SIZE.h
     :start-at: numDiags =
     :end-at: numDiags =

from its default value 1*Nr, which would only allow a single 3-D diagnostic to be computed and saved, to 20*Nr, which will permit up to some combination of up to 20 3-D diagnostics or 300 2-D diagnostic fields.

Run-time Configuration

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
    :caption: verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data

Parameters for this configuration are set as follows.

PARM01 - Continuous equation parameters
  • These lines set parameters :varlink:`viscAh` and :varlink:`viscAr`, the horizontal and vertical Laplacian viscosities respectively, to 5000 m2 s--1 and 1 \times 10^{-2} m2 s--1. Note the subscript r is used for the vertical, reflecting MITgcm's generic r-vertical coordinate capability (i.e., the model is capable of using either a z-coordinate or a p-coordinate system).

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
         :start-at: viscAh
         :end-at: viscAr
  • These lines set parameters to specify the boundary conditions for momentum on the model domain sidewalls and bottom. Parameter :varlink:`no_slip_sides` is set to .TRUE., i.e., no-slip lateral boundary conditions (the default), which will yield a Munk (1950) :cite:`munk:50` western boundary solution. Parameter :varlink:`no_slip_bottom` is set to .FALSE., i.e., free-slip bottom boundary condition (default is true). If instead of a Munk layer we desired a Stommel (1948) :cite:`stommel:48` western boundary layer solution, we would opt for free-slip lateral boundary conditions and no-slip conditions along the bottom.

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
         :start-at: slip_sides
         :end-at: slip_bottom
  • These lines set parameters :varlink:`diffKhT` and :varlink:`diffKrT`, the horizontal and vertical Laplacian temperature diffusivities respectively, to 1000 m2 s--1 and 1 \times 10^{-5} m2 s--1.The boundary condition on this operator is zero-flux at all boundaries.

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
         :start-at: diffKhT
         :end-at: diffKrT
  • By default, MITgcm does not apply any parameterization to mix statically unstable columns of water. In a coarse resolution, hydrostatic configuration, typically such a parameterization is desired. We recommend a scheme which simply applies (presumably, large) vertical diffusivity between statically unstable grid cells in the vertical. This vertical diffusivity is set by parameter :varlink:`ivdc_kappa`, which here we set to 1.0 m2 s--1. This scheme requires that :varlink:`implicitDiffusion` is set to .TRUE. (see :numref:`implicit-backward-stepping`; more specifically, applying a large vertical diffusivity to represent convective mixing requires the use of an implicit time-stepping method for vertical diffusion, rather than Adams Bashforth II). Alternatively, a traditional convective adjustment scheme is available; this can be activated through the :varlink:`cAdjFreq` parameter, see :numref:`ocean_convection_parms`.

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
         :start-at: ivdc
         :end-at: implicitDiff
  • The following parameters tell the model to use a linear equation of state. Note a list of :varlink:`Nr` (=15, from :filelink:`SIZE.h <verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/SIZE.h>`) potential temperature values in oC is specified for parameter :varlink:`tRef`, ordered from surface to depth. :varlink:`tRef` is used for two purposes here. First, anomalies in density are computed using this reference \theta, \theta'(x,y,z) = \theta(x,y,z) - \theta_{\rm ref}(z); see use in :eq:`rho_lineareos` and :eq:`rhoprime_lineareos`. Second, the model will use these reference temperatures for its initial state, as we are not providing a pickup file nor specifying an initial temperature hydrographic file (in later tutorials we will demonstrate how to do so). For each depth level the initial and reference profiles will be uniform in x and y. Note when checking static stability or computing N^2, the density gradient resulting from these specified reference levels is added to \partial \rho' / \partial z from :eq:`rhoprime_lineareos`. Finally, we set the thermal expansion coefficient \alpha_{\theta} (:varlink:`tAlpha`) as used in :eq:`rho_lineareos` and :eq:`rhoprime_lineareos`, while setting the haline contraction coefficient (:varlink:`sBeta`) to zero (see :eq:`rho_lineareos`, which omits a salinity contribution to the linear equation of state; like tutorial :ref:`Barotropic Ocean Gyre <sec_eg_baro>`, salinity is not included as a tracer in this very idealized model setup).

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
         :start-at: eosType
         :end-at: sBeta
  • This line sets parameter \rho_0 (:varlink:`rhoNil`) to 999.8 kg/m3, the surface reference density for our linear equation of state, i.e., the density of water at tRef(k=1). This value will also be used as \rho_c (parameter :varlink:`rhoConst`) in :eq:`baroc_gyre_umom`-:eq:`baroc_gyre_press`, lacking a separate explicit assignment of :varlink:`rhoConst` in data. Note this value is the model default value for :varlink:`rhoNil`.

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
         :start-at: rhoNil
         :end-at: rhoNil
  • This line sets parameter :varlink:`gravity`, the acceleration due to gravity g in :eq:`baroc_gyre_press`, and this value will also be used to set :varlink:`gBaro`, the barotopic (i.e., free surface-related) gravity parameter which we set in tutorial :ref:`Barotropic Ocean Gyre <barotropic_gyre_stab_crit>`. This is the MITgcm default value.

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
         :start-at: gravity
         :end-at: gravity
  • These lines set parameters which prescribe the linearized free surface formulation, similar to tutorial :ref:`Barotropic Ocean Gyre <barotropic_gyre_stab_crit>`. Note we have added parameter :varlink:`exactConserv`, set to .TRUE.: this instructs the model to recompute divergence after the pressure solver step, ensuring volume conservation of the free surface solution (the model default is NOT to recompute divergence, but given the small numerical cost, we typically recommend doing so).

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
         :start-at: rigidLid
         :end-at: exactConserv
  • As in tutorial :ref:`Barotropic Ocean Gyre <barotropic_gyre_stab_crit>`, we suppress MITgcm’s forward time integration of salt in the tracer equations.

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
         :start-at: saltStepping
         :end-at: saltStepping
PARM02 - Elliptic solver parameters

These parameters are unchanged from tutorial :ref:`Barotropic Ocean Gyre <barotropic_gyre_stab_crit>`.

PARM03 - Time stepping parameters
  • In tutorial :ref:`Barotropic Ocean Gyre <barotropic_gyre_stab_crit>` we specified a starting iteration number :varlink:`nIter0` and a number of time steps to integrate, :varlink:`nTimeSteps`. Here we opt to use another approach to control run start and duration: we set a :varlink:`startTime` and :varlink:`endTime`, both in units of seconds. Given a starting time of 0.0, the model starts from rest using specified initial values of temperature (here, as previously noted, from the :varlink:`tRef` parameter) rather than attempting to restart from a saved checkpoint file. The specified value for :varlink:`endTime`, 12000.0 seconds is equivalent to 10 time steps, set for testing purposes. To integrate over a longer, more physically relevant period of time, uncomment the :varlink:`endTime` and :varlink:`monitorFreq` lines located near the end of this parameter block. Note, for simplicity, our units for these time choices assume a 360-day "year" and 30-day "month" (although lacking a seasonal cycle in our forcing, defining a "year" is immaterial; we will demonstrate how to apply time-varying forcings in later tutorials).

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
         :start-at: startTime
         :end-at: endTime
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
         :start-at: for longer
         :end-at: Freq=2592
  • Remaining time stepping parameter choices (specifically, \Delta t, checkpoint frequency, output frequency, and monitor settings) are described in tutorial :ref:`Barotropic Ocean Gyre <barotropic_gyre_stab_crit>`; refer to the description :ref:`here <baro_time_stepping_parms>`.

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
         :start-at: deltaT
         :end-at: monitorSelect
  • The parameter :varlink:`tauThetaClimRelax` sets the time scale, in seconds, for restoring potential temperature in the model's top surface layer (see :eq:`baroc_restore_theta`). Our choice here of 2,592,000 seconds is equal to 30 days.

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
         :start-at: tauTheta
         :end-at: tauTheta
PARM04 - Gridding parameters
  • This line sets parameter :varlink:`usingSphericalPolarGrid`, which specifies that the simulation will use spherical polar coordinates (and affects the interpretation of other grid coordinate parameters).

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
         :start-at: usingSpherical
         :end-at: usingSpherical
  • These lines set the horizontal grid spacing, as vectors :varlink:`delX` and :varlink:`delY` (i.e., \Delta x and \Delta y respectively), with units of degrees as dictated by our choice :varlink:`usingSphericalPolarGrid`. As before, this syntax indicates that we specify 62 values in both the x and y directions, which matches the global domain size as specified in :filelink:`SIZE.h <verification/tutorial_barotropic_gyre/code/SIZE.h>`. Our ocean sector domain starts at 0^\circ longitude and 15^\circ N; accounting for a surrounding land row of cells, we thus set the origin in longitude to -1.0^\circ and in latitude to 14.0^\circ. Again note that our origin specifies the southern and western edges of the gridcell, not the cell center location. Setting the origin in latitude is critical given that it affects the Coriolis parameter f (which appears in :eq:`baroc_gyre_umom` and :eq:`baroc_gyre_vmom`); the default value for :varlink:`ygOrigin` is 0.0^\circ. Note that setting :varlink:`xgOrigin` is optional, given that absolute longitude does not appear in the equation discretization.

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
         :start-at: delX
         :end-at: ygOrigin
  • This line sets parameter :varlink:`delR`, the vertical grid spacing in the z-coordinate (i.e., \Delta z), to a vector of 15 depths (in meters), from 50 m in the surface layer to a bottom layer depth of 190 m. The sum of these specified depths equals 1800 m, the full depth H of our idealized ocean sector.

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
         :start-at: delR
         :end-at: delR
PARM05 - Input datasets
  • Similar to tutorial :ref:`Barotropic Ocean Gyre <barotropic_gyre_stab_crit>`, these lines specify filenames for bathymetry and surface wind stress forcing files.

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
         :start-at: bathyFile
         :end-at: zonalWindFile
  • This line specifies parameter :varlink:`thetaClimFile`, the filename for the (2-D) restoring temperature field.

    .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data
         :start-at: thetaClimFile
         :end-at: thetaClimFile
.. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data.pkg
    :caption: verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data.pkg

Here we activate two MITgcm packages that are not included with the model by default: package :filelink:`mnc <pkg/mnc>` (see :numref:`pkg_mnc`) specifies that model output should be written in netCDF format, and package :filelink:`diagnostics <pkg/diagnostics>` (see :numref:`sub_outp_pkg_diagnostics`) allows user-selectable diagnostic output. The boolean parameters set are :varlink:`useMNC` and :varlink:`useDiagnostics`, respectively. Note these add-on packages also need to be specified when the model is compiled, see :numref:`tut_baroc_code_config`. Apart from these two additional packages, only standard packages (i.e., those compiled in MITgcm by default) are required for this setup.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data.mnc
    :caption: verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data.mnc

This file sets parameters which affect package :filelink:`pkg/mnc` behavior; in fact, with :filelink:`pkg/mnc` enabled, it is required (many packages look for file data.«PACKAGENAME» and will terminate if not present). By setting the parameter :varlink:`monitor_mnc` to .FALSE. we are specifying NOT to create separate netCDF output files for :filelink:`pkg/monitor` output, but rather to include this monitor output in the standard output file (see :numref:`baro_gyre_build_run`). See :numref:`pkg_mnc_inputs` for a complete listing of :filelink:`pkg/mnc` namelist parameters and their default settings.

Unlike raw binary output, which overwrites any existing files, when using mnc output the model will create new directories if the parameters :varlink:`mnc_use_outdir` and :varlink:`mnc_outdir_str` are set, as above; the model will append a 4-digit number to :varlink:`mnc_outdir_str`, starting at 0001, incrementing as needed if existing directories already exist. If these parameters are NOT set, the model will terminate with an error if one attempts to overwrite an existing .nc file (in other words, to re-run in an previous run directory, one must delete all *.nc files before restarting). Note that our subdirectory name choice mnc_test_ is required by :ref:`MITgcm automated testing <code_testing_protocols>` protocols, and can be changed to something more mnemonic, if desired.

In general, it is good practice to write diagnostic output into subdirectories, to keep the top run directory less "cluttered"; some unix file systems do not respond well when very large numbers of files are produced, which can occur in setups divided into many tiles and/or when many diagnostics are selected for output.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data.diagnostics
    :caption: verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data.diagnostics

DIAGNOSTICS_LIST - Diagnostic Package Choices

In this section we specify what diagnostics we want to compute, how frequently to compute them, and the name of output files. Multiple diagnostic fields can be grouped into individual files (i.e., an individual output file here is associated with a 'list' of diagnostics).

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data.diagnostics
    :start-at: fields(1:3,1
    :end-at: frequency(1

The above lines tell MITgcm that our first list will consist of three diagnostic variables:

  • ETAN - the linearized free surface height (m)
  • TRELAX - the heat flux entering the ocean due to surface temperature relaxation (W/m2)
  • MXLDEPTH - the depth of the mixed layer (m), as defined here by a given magnitude decrease in density from the surface (we'll use the model default for \Delta \rho)

Note that all these diagnostic fields are 2-D output. 2-D and 3-D diagnostics CANNOT be mixed in a diagnostics list. These variables are specified in parameter :varlink:`fields`: the first index is specified as 1:«NUMBER_OF_DIAGS», the second index designates this for diagnostics list 1. Next, the output filename for diagnostics list 1 is specified in variable :varlink:`fileName`. Finally, for this list we specify variable :varlink:`frequency` to provide time-averaged output every 31,104,000 seconds, i.e., once per year. Had we entered a negative value for :varlink:`frequency`, MITgcm would have instead written snapshot data at this interval. Next, we set up a second diagnostics list for several 3-D diagnostics.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data.diagnostics
    :start-at: fields(1:5,2
    :end-at: frequency(2

The diagnostics in list 2 are:

  • THETA - potential temperature (oC )
  • PHYHYD - hydrostatic pressure potential anomaly (m2/s2)
  • UVEL, VVEL, WVEL - the zonal, meridional, and vertical velocity components respectively (m/s)

Here we did not specify parameter :varlink:`levels`, so all depth levels will be included in the output. An example of syntax to limit which depths are output is levels(1:5,2) = 1.,2.,3.,, which would dump just the top three levels. We again specify an output file name via parameter :varlink:`fileName`, and specify a time-average period of one year through parameter :varlink:`frequency`.

DIAG_STATIS_PARMS - Diagnostic Per Level Statistics

It is also possible to request output statistics averaged for global mean and by level average (for 3-D diagnostics) over the full domain, and/or for a pre-defined (x,y) region of the model grid. The statistics computed for each diagnostic are as follows:

  • (area weighted) mean (in both space and time, if time-averaged frequency is selected)
  • (area weighted) standard deviation
  • minimum value
  • maximum value
  • volume of the area used in the calculation (multiplied by the number of time steps if time-averaged).

While these statistics could in theory also be calculated (by the user) from 2-D and 3-D :varlink:`DIAGNOSTICS_LIST` output, the advantage is that much higher frequency statistical output can be achieved without filling up copious amounts of disk space.

Options for namelist :varlink:`DIAG_STATIS_PARMS` are set as follows:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data.diagnostics
    :start-at: stat_fields(1
    :end-at: stat_freq

The syntax here is analogous with :varlink:`DIAGNOSTICS_LIST` namelist parameters, except the parameter names begin with stat (here, :varlink:`stat_fields`, :varlink:`stat_fName`, :varlink:`stat_freq`). Frequency can be set to snapshot or time-averaged output, and multiple lists of diagnostics (i.e., separate output files) can be specified. The only major difference from :varlink:`DIAGNOSTICS_LIST` syntax is that 2-D and 3-D diagnostics can be mixed in a list. As noted, it is possible to select limited horizontal regions of interest, in addition to the full domain calculation.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/eedata
    :caption: verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/eedata

As shown, this file is configured for a single-threaded run, but will be modified later in this tutorial for a multi-threaded setup (:numref:`baroc_openmp`).

Files input/bathy.bin, input/windx_cosy.bin

The purpose and format of these files is similar to tutorial :ref:`Barotropic Ocean Gyre <baro_gyre_bathy_file>`, and were generated by matlab script :filelink:`verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/gendata.m` (alternatively, python script :filelink:` <verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/>`). See :numref:`sec_mitgcm_inp_file_format` for additional information on MITgcm input data file format specifications.

File input/SST_relax.bin

This file specifies a 2-D(x,y) map of surface relaxation temperature values, as generated by :filelink:`verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/gendata.m` or :filelink:` <verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/>`.

Building and running the model

To build and run the model on a single processor, follow the procedure outlined in :numref:`baro_gyre_build_run`. To run the model for a longer period (i.e., to obtain a reasonable solution; for testing purposes, by default the model is set to run only a few time steps) uncomment the lines in data which specify larger numbers for parameters :varlink:`endTime` and :varlink:`monitorFreq`. This will run the model for 100 years, which will likely take several hours on a single processor (depending on your computer specs); below we also give instructions for running the model in parallel either using MPI or multi-threaded (OpenMP), which will cut down run time significantly.

Output Files

As in tutorial :ref:`sec_eg_baro`, standard output is produced (redirected into file output.txt as specified in :numref:`baro_gyre_build_run`); like before, this file includes model startup information, parameters, etc. (see :numref:`barotropic_gyre_std_out`). And because we set :varlink:`monitor_mnc` =.FALSE. in :ref:`data.mnc <baroc_datamnc>`, our standard output file will include all monitor statistics output. Note monitor statistics and cg2d information are evaluated over the global domain, despite the bifurcation of the grid into four separate tiles. As before, the file STDERR.0000 will contain a log of any run-time errors.

With :filelink:`pkg/mnc` compiled and activated in data.pkg, other output is in netCDF format: grid information, snapshot output specified in data, diagnostics output specified in data.diagnostics and separate files containing hydrostatic pressure data (see below). There are two notable differences from standard binary output. Recall that we specified that the grid was subdivided into four separate tiles (in :ref:`SIZE.h <baroc_code_size>`); instead of a .XXX.YYY. file naming scheme for different tiles (as discussed :ref:`here <tut_barotropic_tilenaming>`), with :filelink:`pkg/nmc` the file names contain .t«nnn». where «nnn» is the tile number. Secondly, model data from multiple time snapshots (or periods) is included in a single file. Although an iteration number is still part of the file name (here, 0000000000), this is the iteration number at the start of the run (instead of marking the specific iteration number for the data contained in the file, as the case for standard binary output). Note that if you dump data frequently, standard binary can produce huge quantities of separate files, whereas using netCDF will greatly reduce the number of files. On the other hand, the netCDF files created can instead become quite large.

To more easily process and plot our results as a single array over the full domain, we will first reassemble the individual tiles into new netCDF format global data files. To accomplish this, we will make use of utility script :filelink:`utils/python/MITgcmutils/scripts/gluemncbig`. From the output run (top) directory, type:

% ln -s ../../../utils/python/MITgcmutils/scripts/gluemncbig .
% ./gluemncbig -o mnc_test_*/grid.t*.nc
% ./gluemncbig -o mnc_test_*/state*.t*.nc
% ./gluemncbig -o mnc_test_*/dynDiag*.t*.nc
% ./gluemncbig -o mnc_test_*/surfDiag*.t*.nc
% ./gluemncbig -o mnc_test_*/phiHyd*.t*.nc
% ./gluemncbig -o mnc_test_*/phiHydLow*.t*.nc
% ln -s mnc_test_0001/

For help using this utility, type gluemncbig --help (note, this utility requires python). The files,, etc. are concatenated from the separate t001, t002, t003, t004 files into global grid files of horizontal dimension 62\times62. gluemncbig is a fairly intelligent script, and by inserting the wildcards in the path/filename specification, it will grab the most recent run (in case you have started up runs multiple times in this directory, thus having mnc_test_0001, mnc_test_0002, etc. directories present; see :numref:`baroc_datamnc`). Note that the last line above is simply making a link to a file in the mnc_test_0001 output subdirectory; this is the :ref:`statistical-dynamical diagnostics <baroc_stat_diags>` output, which is already assembled over the global domain (and also note here we are required to be specific which mnc_test_ directory to link from). For convenience we simply place the link at the top level of the run directory, where the other assembled .nc files are saved by gluemncbig.

Let's proceed through the netcdf output that is produced.

  • - includes all the model grid variables used by MITgcm. This includes the grid cell center points and separation (:varlink:`XC`, :varlink:`YC`, :varlink:`dxC`, :varlink:`dyC`), corner point locations and separation (:varlink:`XG`, :varlink:`YG`, :varlink:`dxG`, :varlink:`dyG`), the separation between velocity points (:varlink:`dyU`, :varlink:`dxV`), vertical coordinate location and separation (:varlink:`RC`, :varlink:`RF`, :varlink:`drC`, :varlink:`drF`), grid cell areas (:varlink:`rA`, :varlink:`rAw`, :varlink:`rAs`, :varlink:`rAz`), and bathymetry information (:varlink:`Depth`, :varlink:`HFacC`, :varlink:`HFacW`, :varlink:`HFacS)`. See :numref:`spatial_discret_dyn_eq` for definitions and description of the C grid staggering of these variables. There are also grid variables in vector form that are not used in the MITgcm source code (X, Y, Xp1, Yp1, Z, Zp1, Zu, Zl); see description in The variables named p1 include an additional data point and are dimensioned +1 larger than the standard array size; for example, Xp1 is the longitude of the gridcell left corner, and includes an extra data point for the last gridcell's right corner longitude.
  • - includes snapshots of state variables U, V, W, Temp, S, and Eta at model times T in seconds (variable iter(T) stores the model iteration corresponding with these model times). Also included are vector forms of grid variables X, Y, Z, Xp1, Yp1, and Zl. As mentioned, in model output-by-tile files, e.g.,, the iteration number 0000000000 is the parameter :varlink:`nIter0` for the model run (recall, we initialized our model with :varlink:`nIter0` =0). Snapshots of model state are written for model iterations 0, 25920, 51840, ... according to our data file parameter choice :varlink:`dumpFreq` (:varlink:`dumpFreq`/:varlink:`deltaT` = 25920).
  • - includes output diagnostics as specified from list 1 in :ref:`data.diagnostics <baroc_diags_list>`. Here we specified that list 1 include 2-D diagnostics ETAN, TRELAX, and MXLDEPTH. Also includes an array of model times corresponding to the end of the time-average period, the iteration number corresponding to these model times, and vector forms of grid variables which describe these data. A Z index is included in the output arrays, even though its dimension is one (given that this list contains only 2-D fields).
  • - similar to except this file contains the time-averaged 3-D diagnostics we specified in list 2 of :ref:`data.diagnostics <baroc_diags_list>`: THETA, PHIHYD, UVEL, VVEL, WVEL.
  • - includes output statistical-dynamical diagnostics as specified in the DIAG_STATIS_PARMS section of :filelink:`data.diagnostics <verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data.diagnostics>`. Like it also includes an array of model times and corresponding iteration numbers for each time-average period end. Output variables are 3-D: (time, region, depth). In :filelink:`data.diagnostics <verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/data.diagnostics>`, we have not defined any additional regions (and by default only global output is produced, "region 1"). Depth-integrated statistics are computed (in which case the depth subscript has a range of one element; this is also the case for surface diagnostics such as TRELAX), but output is also tabulated at each depth for some variables (i.e., the depth subscript will range from 1 to :varlink:`Nr`).
  •, - these files contain a snapshot 3-D field of hydrostatic pressure potential anomaly (p'/\rho_c, see :numref:`finding_the_pressure_field`) and a snapshot 2-D field of bottom hydrostatic pressure potential anomaly, respectively. These are technically not MITgcm state variables, as they are computed during the time step (normal snapshot state variables are dumped after the time step), ergo they are not included in file Like output however these fields are written at interval according to :varlink:`dumpFreq`, except are not written out at time :varlink:`nIter0` (i.e., have one time record fewer than Also note when writing standard binary output, these filenames begin as PH and PHL respectively.

The hydrostatic pressure potential anomaly \phi' is computed as follows:

\phi' = \frac{1}{\rho_c} \left( \rho_c g \eta + \int_{z}^{0} (\rho - \rho_0) g dz \right)

following :eq:`rho_lineareos`, :eq:`rhoprime_lineareos` and :eq:`baroc_gyre_press`. Note that with the linear free surface approximation, the contribution of the free surface position \eta to \phi' involves the constant density \rho_c and not the density anomaly \rho', in contrast with contributions from below z=0.

Several additional files are output in standard binary format. These are:, RhoRef.meta - this is a 1-D (k=1...:varlink:`Nr`) array of reference density, defined as:

\rho_{\rm ref}(k) = \rho_0  \big[ 1 - \alpha_{\theta} (\theta_{\rm ref}(k) - \theta_{\rm ref}(1)) \big], PHrefC.meta,, PHrefF.meta - these are 1-D (k=1...:varlink:`Nr` for PHrefC and k=1...:varlink:`Nr`+1 for PHrefF) arrays containing a reference hydrostatic “pressure potential” \phi = p/\rho_c (see :numref:`finding_the_pressure_field`). Using a linear equation of state, PHrefC is simply \frac{\rho_c g |z|}{\rho_c}, with output computed at the midpoint of each vertical cell, whereas PHrefF is computed at the surface and bottom of each vertical cell. Note that these quantities are not especially useful when using a linear equation of state (to compute the full hydrostatic pressure potential, one would use RhoRef and integrate downward, and add phiHyd, rather than use these fields), but are of greater utility using a non-linear equation of state., pickup.ckptA.001.001.meta,, pickup.0000518400.001.001.meta etc. - as described in detail in :ref:`tutorial Barotropic Gyre <barot_describe_checkp>`, these are temporary and permanent checkpoint files, output in binary format. Note that separate checkpoint files are written for each model tile.

And finally, because we are using the diagnostics package, upon startup the file available_diagnostics.log will be generated. This (plain text) file contains a list of all diagnostics available for output in this setup, including a description of each diagnostic and its units, and the number of levels for which the diagnostic is available (i.e., 2-D or 3-D field). This list of available diagnostics will change based on what packages are included in the setup. For example, if your setup includes a seaice package, many seaice diagnostics will be listed in available_diagnostics.log that are not available for the :ref:`tutorial Baroclinic Gyre <tutorial_baroclinic_gyre>` setup.

Running with MPI

In the :filelink:`verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code` directory there is a alternate file :filelink:`verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/SIZE.h_mpi`. Overwrite :filelink:`verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/SIZE.h` with this file and re-compile the model from scratch (the most simple approach is to create a new build directory build_mpi; if instead you wanted to re-compile in your existing build directory, you should make CLEAN first, which will delete any existing files and dependencies you had created previously):

% ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods ../code -mpi -of=«/PATH/TO/OPTFILE»
% make depend
% make

Note we have added the option -mpi to the :filelink:`genmake2 <tools/genmake2>` command that generates the makefile. A successful build requires MPI libraries installed on your system, and you may need to add to your $PATH environment variable and/or set environment variable $MPI_INC_DIR (for more details, see :numref:`build_mpi`). If there is a problem finding MPI libraries, :filelink:`genmake2 <tools/genmake2>` output will complain.

Several lines in :filelink:`verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/SIZE.h_mpi` are different from the standard version. First, we change :varlink:`nSx` and :varlink:`nSy` to 1, so that each process integrates the model for a single tile.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/SIZE.h_mpi
    :start-at: nSx =
    :end-at: nSy =

Next, we we change :varlink:`nPx` and :varlink:`nPy` so that we use two processes in each dimension, for a total of 2*2 = 4 processes. Effectively, we have subdivided the model grid into four separate tiles, and the model equations are solved in parallel on four separate processes (presumably, on a unique physical processor or core). Because of the overlap regions (i.e., gridpoints along the tile edges are duplicated in two or more tiles), and limitations in the transfer speed of data between processes, the model will not run 4\times faster, but should be at least 2-3\times faster than running on a single process.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/SIZE.h_mpi
    :start-at: nPx =
    :end-at: nPy =

Finally, to run the model (from your run directory), using four processes running in parallel:

% mpirun -np 4 ../build_mpi/mitgcmuv

On some systems the MPI run command (and the subsequent command-line option -np) might be something other than mpirun; ask your local system administrator. When using a large HPC cluster, prior steps might be required to allocate four processor cores to your job, and/or it might be necessary to write this command within a batch scheduler script; again, check with your local system documentation or system administrator. If four cores are not available when you execute the above mpirun command, an error will occur.

When running in parallel, :filelink:`pkg/mnc` output will create separate output subdirectories for each process, assuming option :varlink:`mnc_use_outdir` is set to TRUE (here, by specifying -np 4 four directories will be created, one for each tile -- mnc_test_00001 through mnc_test_00004 -- the first time the model is run). The (global) statistical-dynamical diagnostics output file will be written in only the first of these directories. The gluemncbig steps outlined :ref:`above <baroc_gluemnc_steps>` remain unchanged (if in doubt, one can always tell gluemncbig which specific directories to read, e.g., in bash mnc_test_{0009..0012} will grab only directories 0009, 0010, 0011, 0012). Also note it is no longer necessary to redirect standard output to a file such as output.txt; rather, separate STDOUT.xxxx and STDERR.xxxx files are created by each process, where xxxx is the process number (starting from 0000). Other than some additional MPI-related information, the standard output content is similar to that from the single-process run.

Running with OpenMP

To run multi-threaded (using shared memory, OpenMP), the original :filelink:`SIZE.h <verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/SIZE.h>` file is used. In our example, for compatibility with MITgcm :ref:`testing protocols <code_testing_protocols>`, we will run using two separate threads, but the user should feel free to experiment using four threads if their local machine contains four cores. Like the :ref:`previous section <baroc_mpi>` we must first re-compile the executable from scratch, using a special command line option (for this configuration, -omp). However it is not necessary to specify how many threads at compile-time (unlike MPI, which requires specific processor count information to be set in :filelink:`SIZE.h <verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/SIZE.h>`). Create and navigate into a new build directory build_openmp and type:

% ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods ../code -omp -of=«/PATH/TO/OPTFILE»
% make depend
% make

In a run directory, overwrite the contents of :filelink:`eedata <verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/eedata>` with file :filelink:`verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/eedata.mth`. The parameter :varlink:`nTy` is changed; we now specify to use two threads across the y-domain. Since our model domain is subdivided into four tiles, each thread will now integrate two tiles in the x-domain. Alternatively, to run a multi-threaded example using four threads, both lines should be set to 2.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/input/eedata.mth
    :start-at: nTx=
    :end-at: nTy=

To run the model, we first need to set two environment variables, before invoking the executable:

% export OMP_STACKSIZE=400M
% export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
% ../build_openmp/mitgcmuv >output.txt

Your system's environment variables may differ from above; see :numref:`running_openmp` and/or ask your system administrator (also note, above is bash shell syntax; different syntax is required for C shell). The important point to note is that we must tell the operating system environment how many threads will be used, prior to running the executable. The total number of threads set in OMP_NUM_THREADS must match :varlink:`nTx` * :varlink:`nTy` as specified in file eedata. Moreover, the model domain must be subdivided into sufficient number of tiles in :filelink:`SIZE.h <verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/code/SIZE.h>` through the choices of :varlink:`nSx` and :varlink:`nSy`: the number of tiles (:varlink:`nSx` * :varlink:`nSy`) must be equal to or greater than the number of threads. More specifically, :varlink:`nSx` must be equal to or an integer multiple of :varlink:`nTx`, and :varlink:`nSy` must be equal to or an integer multiple of :varlink:`nTy`.

Also note that at this time, :filelink:`pkg/mnc` is automatically disabled for multi-threaded setups, so output is dumped in standard binary format (i.e., using :filelink:`pkg/msdio`). You will receive a gentle warning message if you run this multi-threaded setup and keep :varlink:`useMNC` set to .TRUE. in data.pkg. The full filenames for grid variables (e.g., XC, YC, etc.), snapshot output (e.g., Eta, T, PHL) and :filelink:`pkg/diagnostics` output (e.g., surfDiag, oceStDiag, etc.) include a suffix that contains the time iteration number and tile identification (tile 001 includes .001.001 in the filename, tile 002 .002.001, tile 003 .001.002, and tile 004 .002.002). Unfortunately there is no analogous script to :filelink:`utils/python/MITgcmutils/scripts/gluemncbig` to concatenate raw binary files, but it is relatively straightforward to do so in matlab (reading in files using :filelink:`utils/matlab/rdmds.m`), or equally simple in python -- or, one could simply set :varlink:`globalFiles` to .TRUE. and the model will output global files for you (note, this global option is not available for :filelink:`pkg/mnc` output). One additional difference between :filelink:`pkg/msdio` and :filelink:`pkg/mnc` is that :ref:`Diagnostics Per Level Statistics <baroc_stat_diags>` are written in plain text, not binary, with :filelink:`pkg/msdio`.

Model solution

In this section, we will examine details of the model solution, using monthly and annual mean time average data provided in diagnostics files,, and See companion :filelink:`matlab <verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/analysis/matlab_plots.m>` or :filelink:`python <verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/analysis/>` (or :filelink:`python using xarray <verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/analysis/>`) script which shows the code to read output netCDF files and create figures shown in this section.

Our ocean sector model is forced mechanically by wind stress and thermodynamically though temperature relaxation at the surface. As such, we expect our solution to not only exhibit wind-driven gyres in the upper layers, but also include a deep, overturning circulation. Our focus in this section will be on the former; this component of the solution equilibrates on a time scale of decades, more or less, whereas the deep cell depends on a slower, diffusive timescale. We will begin by examining some of our :ref:`Diagnostics Per Level Statistics <baroc_stat_diags>` output, to assess how close we are to equilibration at different ocean model levels. Recall we've requested these statistics to be computed monthly.

Load diagnostics TRELAX_ave, THETA_lv_avg, and THETA_lv_std from file In :numref:`baroclinic_gyre_trelax_timeseries`a we plot the global model surface mean heat flux (TRELAX_ave) as a function of time. At the beginning of the run, we observe that the ocean is cooling dramatically; this is mainly because our ocean surface layer is initialized to a uniform 30^{\circ} C (as specified :ref:`here <tut_baroc_linear_eos>`), which results in very strong relaxation initially in the northern portion of ocean model, where the restoring temperature is just above 0^{\circ} C. (As an aside comment, such large initialization shocks are often best avoided if possible, as they may cause model instability, which may necessitate smaller time steps at model onset and/or more realistic initial conditions.) However, this initial burst of cooling quickly diminishes over the first decade of integration, as the surface layer approaches temperature values close to the specified profile; see :numref:`baroclinic_gyre_trelax_timeseries`b where the mean temperature at surface, thermocline, and abyssal depth are plotted as a function of time. Note that while the total heat flux shows that the global heat content is slowly decreasing, even after 100 years, the temperature of the deepest water is slowly warming. In :numref:`baroclinic_gyre_trelax_timeseries`c we plot standard deviation of temperature (by level) over time. Given that each level is initialized at uniform temperature, initially the standard deviation is zero, but should tend to level off at some non-zero value over time, as the solution at each depth equilibrates. Not surprisingly, the largest gradients in temperature exist at the surface, whereas in the abyss the differences in temperature are quite small. In summary, we conclude that while the surface appears to approach equilibrium rapidly, even after 100 years there are changes occurring in deep circulation, presumably related to the meridional overturning circulation. We leave it as an exercise to the reader to integrate the solution further and/or examine and calculate the meridional overturning circulation strength over time.

baroclinic gyre surface heat flux

a) Surface heat flux due to temperature restoring, negative values indicate heat flux out of the ocean; b) and c) potential temperature mean and standard deviation by level, respectively.

Next, let's examine the effect of wind stress on the ocean's upper layers. Given the orientation of the wind stress and its variation over a full sine wave as shown in :numref:`baroclinic_gyre_config` (crudely mimicking easterlies in the tropics, mid-latitude westerlies, and polar easterlies), we anticipate a double-gyre solution, with a subtropical gyre and a subpolar gyre. Let's begin by examining the free surface solution (load diagnostics ETAN and TRELAX from file In :numref:`baroclinic_gyre_trelax_freesurface` we show contours of free surface height (ETAN; this is what we plotted in our :ref:`barotropic gyre tutorial solution <barotropic_gyre_solution>`) overlaying a 2-D color plot of TRELAX (blue is where heat is released from the ocean, red where heat enters the ocean), averaged over year 100. Note that a subtropical gyre is readily apparent, as suggested by geostropic currents in balance with the free surface elevation (not shown, but the reader is encouraged to load diagnostics UVEL and VVEL and plot the circulation at various levels). Heat is entering the ocean mainly along the southern boundary, where upwelling of cold water is occurring, but also along the boundary current between 50^{\circ}N and 65^{\circ}N, where we would expect southward flow (i.e., advecting water that is colder than the local restoring temperature). Heat is exiting the ocean where the western boundary current transports warm water northward, before turning eastward into the basin at 40^{\circ}N, and also weakly throughout the higher latitude bands, where deeper mixed layers occur (not shown, but variations in mixed layer depth can be easily visualized by loading diagnostic MXLDEPTH).

baroclinic gyre free surface and relaxation

Contours of free surface height (m) averaged over year 100; shading is surface heat flux due to temperature restoring (W/m2), blue indicating cooling.

So what happened to our model solution subpolar gyre? Let's compute depth-integrated velocity U_{\rm bt}, V_{\rm bt} (units: m2 s-1) and use it calculate the barotropic transport streamfunction:

U_{\rm bt} = - \frac{\partial \Psi}{\partial y}, \phantom{WW} V_{\rm bt} = \frac{\partial \Psi}{\partial x}

Compute U_{\rm bt} by summing the diagnostic UVEL multiplied by gridcell depth ( variable :varlink:`drF`, i.e., the separation between gridcell faces in the vertical). Now do a cumulative sum of -U_{\rm bt} times the gridcell spacing the in the y direction (you will need to load variable :varlink:`dyG`, the separation between gridcell faces in y). A plot of the resulting \Psi field is shown in :numref:`baroclinic_gyre_psi`. Note one could also cumulative sum V_{\rm bt} times the grid spacing in the x-direction and obtain a similar result.

baroclinic gyre barotropic streamfunction

Barotropic streamfunction (Sv) as computed over year 100.

When velocities are integrated over depth, the subpolar gyre is readily apparent, as might be expected given our wind stress forcing profile. The pattern in :numref:`baroclinic_gyre_psi` in fact resembles the double-gyre free surface solution we observed in :numref:`baro_jet_solution` from tutorial :ref:`sec_eg_baro`, when our model grid was only a single layer in the vertical.

Is the magnitude of \Psi we obtain in our solution reasonable? To check this, consider the Sverdrup transport:

\rho v_{\rm bt} = \hat{\boldsymbol{k}} \cdot \frac{ \nabla  \times \vec{\boldsymbol{\tau}}}{\beta}

If we plug in a typical mid-latitude value for \beta (2 \times 10^{-11} m-1 s-1) and note that \tau varies by 0.1 Nm —2 over 15^{\circ} latitude, and multiply by the width of our ocean sector, we obtain an estimate of approximately 20 Sv. This estimate agrees reasonably well with the strength of the circulation in :numref:`baroclinic_gyre_psi`.

Finally, let's examine the model solution potential temperature field averaged over year 100. Read in diagnostic THETA from the file :numref:`baroclinic_gyre_thetaplots`a shows a plan view of temperature at 220 m depth (vertical level k=4). :numref:`baroclinic_gyre_thetaplots`b shows a slice in the xz plane at 28.5^{\circ}N (y-dimension j=15), through the center of the subtropical gyre.

baroclinic gyre plots of theta

Contour plot of potential temperature at year 100 a) at a depth of 220 m and b) through a section at 28.5^{\circ}N. Contour interval is 2K.

The dynamics of the subtropical gyre are governed by Ventilated Thermocline Theory (see, for example, Pedlosky (1996) :cite:`pedlosky:96` or Vallis (2017) :cite:`vallis:17`). Note the presence of warm "mode water" on the western side of the basin; the contours of the warm water in the southern half of the sector crudely align with the free surface heights we observed in :numref:`baroclinic_gyre_psi`. In :numref:`baroclinic_gyre_thetaplots`b note the presence of a thermocline, i.e., the bunching up of the contours between 200 m and 400 m depth, with weak stratification below the thermocline. What sets the penetration depth of the subtropical gyre? Following a simple advective scaling argument (see Vallis (2017) :cite:`vallis:17` or Cushman-Roisin and Beckers (2011) :cite:`cushmanroisin:11`; this scaling is obtained via thermal wind and the linearized barotropic vorticity equation), the depth of the thermocline h should scale as:

h = \left( \frac{w_{\rm Ek} f^2 L_x}{\beta \Delta b} \right) ^2 = \left( \frac{(\tau / L_y) f L_x}{\beta \rho'} \right) ^2

where w_{\rm Ek} is a representive value for Ekman pumping, \Delta b = g \rho' / \rho_0 is the variation in buoyancy across the gyre, and L_x and L_y are length scales in the x and y directions, respectively. Plugging in applicable values at 30^{\circ}N, we obtain an estimate for h of 200 m, which agrees quite well with that observed in :numref:`baroclinic_gyre_thetaplots`b.