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Software Architecture

This chapter focuses on describing the WRAPPER environment within which both the core numerics and the pluggable packages operate. The description presented here is intended to be a detailed exposition and contains significant background material, as well as advanced details on working with the WRAPPER. The tutorial examples in this manual (see :numref:`chap_modelExamples`) contain more succinct, step-by-step instructions on running basic numerical experiments, of various types, both sequentially and in parallel. For many projects, simply starting from an example code and adapting it to suit a particular situation will be all that is required. The first part of this chapter discusses the MITgcm architecture at an abstract level. In the second part of the chapter we described practical details of the MITgcm implementation and the current tools and operating system features that are employed.

Overall architectural goals

Broadly, the goals of the software architecture employed in MITgcm are three-fold:

  • To be able to study a very broad range of interesting and challenging rotating fluids problems;
  • The model code should be readily targeted to a wide range of platforms; and
  • On any given platform, performance should be comparable to an implementation developed and specialized specifically for that platform.

These points are summarized in :numref:`mitgcm_goals`, which conveys the goals of the MITgcm design. The goals lead to a software architecture which at the broadest level can be viewed as consisting of:

  1. A core set of numerical and support code. This is discussed in detail in :numref:`discret_algorithm`.
  2. A scheme for supporting optional “pluggable” packages (containing for example mixed-layer schemes, biogeochemical schemes, atmospheric physics). These packages are used both to overlay alternate dynamics and to introduce specialized physical content onto the core numerical code. An overview of the package scheme is given at the start of :numref:`packagesI`.
  3. A support framework called WRAPPER (Wrappable Application Parallel Programming Environment Resource), within which the core numerics and pluggable packages operate.
span of mitgcm goals

The MITgcm architecture is designed to allow simulation of a wide range of physical problems on a wide range of hardware. The computational resource requirements of the applications targeted range from around 107 bytes ( \approx 10 megabytes) of memory to 1011 bytes ( \approx 100 gigabytes). Arithmetic operation counts for the applications of interest range from 109 floating point operations to more than 1017 floating point operations.

This chapter focuses on describing the WRAPPER environment under which both the core numerics and the pluggable packages function. The description presented here is intended to be a detailed exposition and contains significant background material, as well as advanced details on working with the WRAPPER. The “Getting Started” chapter of this manual (:numref:`chap_getting_started`) contains more succinct, step-by-step instructions on running basic numerical experiments both sequentially and in parallel. For many projects simply starting from an example code and adapting it to suit a particular situation will be all that is required.


A significant element of the software architecture utilized in MITgcm is a software superstructure and substructure collectively called the WRAPPER (Wrappable Application Parallel Programming Environment Resource). All numerical and support code in MITgcm is written to “fit” within the WRAPPER infrastructure. Writing code to fit within the WRAPPER means that coding has to follow certain, relatively straightforward, rules and conventions (these are discussed further in :numref:`specify_decomp`).

The approach taken by the WRAPPER is illustrated in :numref:`fit_in_wrapper`, which shows how the WRAPPER serves to insulate code that fits within it from architectural differences between hardware platforms and operating systems. This allows numerical code to be easily retargeted.

schematic of a wrapper

Numerical code is written to fit within a software support infrastructure called WRAPPER. The WRAPPER is portable and can be specialized for a wide range of specific target hardware and programming environments, without impacting numerical code that fits within the WRAPPER. Codes that fit within the WRAPPER can generally be made to run as fast on a particular platform as codes specially optimized for that platform.

Target hardware

The WRAPPER is designed to target as broad as possible a range of computer systems. The original development of the WRAPPER took place on a multi-processor, CRAY Y-MP system. On that system, numerical code performance and scaling under the WRAPPER was in excess of that of an implementation that was tightly bound to the CRAY system’s proprietary multi-tasking and micro-tasking approach. Later developments have been carried out on uniprocessor and multiprocessor Sun systems with both uniform memory access (UMA) and non-uniform memory access (NUMA) designs. Significant work has also been undertaken on x86 cluster systems, Alpha processor based clustered SMP systems, and on cache-coherent NUMA (CC-NUMA) systems such as Silicon Graphics Altix systems. The MITgcm code, operating within the WRAPPER, is also routinely used on large scale MPP systems (for example, Cray T3E and IBM SP systems). In all cases, numerical code, operating within the WRAPPER, performs and scales very competitively with equivalent numerical code that has been modified to contain native optimizations for a particular system (see Hoe et al. 1999) :cite:`hoe:99` .

Supporting hardware neutrality

The different systems mentioned in :numref:`target_hardware` can be categorized in many different ways. For example, one common distinction is between shared-memory parallel systems (SMP and PVP) and distributed memory parallel systems (for example x86 clusters and large MPP systems). This is one example of a difference between compute platforms that can impact an application. Another common distinction is between vector processing systems with highly specialized CPUs and memory subsystems and commodity microprocessor based systems. There are numerous other differences, especially in relation to how parallel execution is supported. To capture the essential differences between different platforms the WRAPPER uses a machine model.

WRAPPER machine model

Applications using the WRAPPER are not written to target just one particular machine (for example an IBM SP2) or just one particular family or class of machines (for example Parallel Vector Processor Systems). Instead the WRAPPER provides applications with an abstract machine model. The machine model is very general; however, it can easily be specialized to fit, in a computationally efficient manner, any computer architecture currently available to the scientific computing community.

Machine model parallelism

Codes operating under the WRAPPER target an abstract machine that is assumed to consist of one or more logical processors that can compute concurrently. Computational work is divided among the logical processors by allocating “ownership” to each processor of a certain set (or sets) of calculations. Each set of calculations owned by a particular processor is associated with a specific region of the physical space that is being simulated, and only one processor will be associated with each such region (domain decomposition).

In a strict sense the logical processors over which work is divided do not need to correspond to physical processors. It is perfectly possible to execute a configuration decomposed for multiple logical processors on a single physical processor. This helps ensure that numerical code that is written to fit within the WRAPPER will parallelize with no additional effort. It is also useful for debugging purposes. Generally, however, the computational domain will be subdivided over multiple logical processors in order to then bind those logical processors to physical processor resources that can compute in parallel.


Computationally, the data structures (e.g., arrays, scalar variables, etc.) that hold the simulated state are associated with each region of physical space and are allocated to a particular logical processor. We refer to these data structures as being owned by the processor to which their associated region of physical space has been allocated. Individual regions that are allocated to processors are called tiles. A processor can own more than one tile. :numref:`domain_decomp` shows a physical domain being mapped to a set of logical processors, with each processor owning a single region of the domain (a single tile). Except for periods of communication and coordination, each processor computes autonomously, working only with data from the tile that the processor owns. If instead multiple tiles were allotted to a single processor, each of these tiles would be computed on independently of the other allotted tiles, in a sequential fashion.

domain decomposition

The WRAPPER provides support for one and two dimensional decompositions of grid-point domains. The figure shows a hypothetical domain of total size N_{x}N_{y}N_{z}. This hypothetical domain is decomposed in two-dimensions along the N_{x} and N_{y} directions. The resulting tiles are owned by different processors. The owning processors perform the arithmetic operations associated with a tile. Although not illustrated here, a single processor can own several tiles. Whenever a processor wishes to transfer data between tiles or communicate with other processors it calls a WRAPPER supplied function.

Tile layout

Tiles consist of an interior region and an overlap region. The overlap region of a tile corresponds to the interior region of an adjacent tile. In :numref:`tiled-world` each tile would own the region within the black square and hold duplicate information for overlap regions extending into the tiles to the north, south, east and west. During computational phases a processor will reference data in an overlap region whenever it requires values that lie outside the domain it owns. Periodically processors will make calls to WRAPPER functions to communicate data between tiles, in order to keep the overlap regions up to date (see :numref:`comm_primitives`). The WRAPPER functions can use a variety of different mechanisms to communicate data between tiles.

global earth subdivided into tiles

A global grid subdivided into tiles. Tiles contain a interior region and an overlap region. Overlap regions are periodically updated from neighboring tiles.

Communication mechanisms

Logical processors are assumed to be able to exchange information between tiles (and between each other) using at least one of two possible mechanisms, shared memory or distributed memory communication. The WRAPPER assumes that communication will use one of these two styles. The underlying hardware and operating system support for the style used is not specified and can vary from system to system.

Shared memory communication

Under this mode of communication, data transfers are assumed to be possible using direct addressing of regions of memory. In the WRAPPER shared memory communication model, simple writes to an array can be made to be visible to other CPUs at the application code level. So, as shown below, if one CPU (CPU1) writes the value 8 to element 3 of array a, then other CPUs (here, CPU2) will be able to see the value 8 when they read from a(3). This provides a very low latency and high bandwidth communication mechanism. Thus, in this way one CPU can communicate information to another CPU by assigning a particular value to a particular memory location.

  CPU1                    |        CPU2
  ====                    |        ====
a(3) = 8                  |        WHILE ( a(3) .NE. 8 )
                          |         WAIT
                          |        END WHILE

Under shared communication independent CPUs are operating on the exact same global address space at the application level. This is the model of memory access that is supported at the basic system design level in “shared-memory” systems such as PVP systems, SMP systems, and on distributed shared memory systems (e.g., SGI Origin, SGI Altix, and some AMD Opteron systems). On such systems the WRAPPER will generally use simple read and write statements to access directly application data structures when communicating between CPUs.

In a system where assignments statements map directly to hardware instructions that transport data between CPU and memory banks, this can be a very efficient mechanism for communication. In such case multiple CPUs can communicate simply be reading and writing to agreed locations and following a few basic rules. The latency of this sort of communication is generally not that much higher than the hardware latency of other memory accesses on the system. The bandwidth available between CPUs communicating in this way can be close to the bandwidth of the systems main-memory interconnect. This can make this method of communication very efficient provided it is used appropriately.

Memory consistency

When using shared memory communication between multiple processors, the WRAPPER level shields user applications from certain counter-intuitive system behaviors. In particular, one issue the WRAPPER layer must deal with is a systems memory model. In general the order of reads and writes expressed by the textual order of an application code may not be the ordering of instructions executed by the processor performing the application. The processor performing the application instructions will always operate so that, for the application instructions the processor is executing, any reordering is not apparent. However, machines are often designed so that reordering of instructions is not hidden from other second processors. This means that, in general, even on a shared memory system two processors can observe inconsistent memory values.

The issue of memory consistency between multiple processors is discussed at length in many computer science papers. From a practical point of view, in order to deal with this issue, shared memory machines all provide some mechanism to enforce memory consistency when it is needed. The exact mechanism employed will vary between systems. For communication using shared memory, the WRAPPER provides a place to invoke the appropriate mechanism to ensure memory consistency for a particular platform.

Cache effects and false sharing

Shared-memory machines often have local-to-processor memory caches which contain mirrored copies of main memory. Automatic cache-coherence protocols are used to maintain consistency between caches on different processors. These cache-coherence protocols typically enforce consistency between regions of memory with large granularity (typically 128 or 256 byte chunks). The coherency protocols employed can be expensive relative to other memory accesses and so care is taken in the WRAPPER (by padding synchronization structures appropriately) to avoid unnecessary coherence traffic.

Operating system support for shared memory

Applications running under multiple threads within a single process can use shared memory communication. In this case all the memory locations in an application are potentially visible to all the compute threads. Multiple threads operating within a single process is the standard mechanism for supporting shared memory that the WRAPPER utilizes. Configuring and launching code to run in multi-threaded mode on specific platforms is discussed in :numref:`multi-thread_exe`. However, on many systems, potentially very efficient mechanisms for using shared memory communication between multiple processes (in contrast to multiple threads within a single process) also exist. In most cases this works by making a limited region of memory shared between processes. The MMAP and IPC facilities in UNIX systems provide this capability as do vendor specific tools like LAPI and IMC. Extensions exist for the WRAPPER that allow these mechanisms to be used for shared memory communication. However, these mechanisms are not distributed with the default WRAPPER sources, because of their proprietary nature.

Distributed memory communication

Under this mode of communication there is no mechanism, at the application code level, for directly addressing regions of memory owned and visible to another CPU. Instead a communication library must be used, as illustrated below. If one CPU (here, CPU1) writes the value 8 to element 3 of array a, then at least one of CPU1 and/or CPU2 will need to call a function in the API of the communication library to communicate data from a tile that it owns to a tile that another CPU owns. By default the WRAPPER binds to the MPI communication library for this style of communication (see for more information about the MPI Standard).

  CPU1                    |        CPU2
  ====                    |        ====
a(3) = 8                  |        WHILE ( a(3) .NE. 8 )
CALL SEND( CPU2,a(3) )    |         CALL RECV( CPU1, a(3) )
                          |        END WHILE

Many parallel systems are not constructed in a way where it is possible or practical for an application to use shared memory for communication. For cluster systems consisting of individual computers connected by a fast network, there is no notion of shared memory at the system level. For this sort of system the WRAPPER provides support for communication based on a bespoke communication library. The default communication library used is MPI. It is relatively straightforward to implement bindings to optimized platform specific communication libraries. For example the work described in Hoe et al. (1999) :cite:`hoe:99` substituted standard MPI communication for a highly optimized library.

Communication primitives

Optimized communication support is assumed to be potentially available for a small number of communication operations. It is also assumed that communication performance optimizations can be achieved by optimizing a small number of communication primitives. Three optimizable primitives are provided by the WRAPPER.

global sum and exchange comm primitives

Three performance critical parallel primitives are provided by the WRAPPER. These primitives are always used to communicate data between tiles. The figure shows four tiles. The curved arrows indicate exchange primitives which transfer data between the overlap regions at tile edges and interior regions for nearest-neighbor tiles. The straight arrows symbolize global sum operations which connect all tiles. The global sum operation provides both a key arithmetic primitive and can serve as a synchronization primitive. A third barrier primitive is also provided, which behaves much like the global sum primitive.

  • EXCHANGE This operation is used to transfer data between interior and overlap regions of neighboring tiles. A number of different forms of this operation are supported. These different forms handle:
    • Data type differences. Sixty-four bit and thirty-two bit fields may be handled separately.
    • Bindings to different communication methods. Exchange primitives select between using shared memory or distributed memory communication.
    • Transformation operations required when transporting data between different grid regions. Transferring data between faces of a cube-sphere grid, for example, involves a rotation of vector components.
    • Forward and reverse mode computations. Derivative calculations require tangent linear and adjoint forms of the exchange primitives.
  • GLOBAL SUM The global sum operation is a central arithmetic operation for the pressure inversion phase of the MITgcm algorithm. For certain configurations, scaling can be highly sensitive to the performance of the global sum primitive. This operation is a collective operation involving all tiles of the simulated domain. Different forms of the global sum primitive exist for handling:
    • Data type differences. Sixty-four bit and thirty-two bit fields may be handled separately.
    • Bindings to different communication methods. Exchange primitives select between using shared memory or distributed memory communication.
    • Forward and reverse mode computations. Derivative calculations require tangent linear and adjoint forms of the exchange primitives.
  • BARRIER The WRAPPER provides a global synchronization function called barrier. This is used to synchronize computations over all tiles. The BARRIER and GLOBAL SUM primitives have much in common and in some cases use the same underlying code.

Memory architecture

The WRAPPER machine model is aimed to target efficient systems with highly pipelined memory architectures and systems with deep memory hierarchies that favor memory reuse. This is achieved by supporting a flexible tiling strategy as shown in :numref:`tiling_detail`. Within a CPU, computations are carried out sequentially on each tile in turn. By reshaping tiles according to the target platform it is possible to automatically tune code to improve memory performance. On a vector machine a given domain might be subdivided into a few long, thin regions. On a commodity microprocessor based system, however, the same region could be simulated use many more smaller sub-domains.

tiling strategy in WRAPPER

The tiling strategy that the WRAPPER supports allows tiles to be shaped to suit the underlying system memory architecture. Compact tiles that lead to greater memory reuse can be used on cache based systems (upper half of figure) with deep memory hierarchies, whereas long tiles with large inner loops can be used to exploit vector systems having highly pipelined memory systems.


Following the discussion above, the machine model that the WRAPPER presents to an application has the following characteristics:

  • The machine consists of one or more logical processors.
  • Each processor operates on tiles that it owns.
  • A processor may own more than one tile.
  • Processors may compute concurrently.
  • Exchange of information between tiles is handled by the machine (WRAPPER) not by the application.

Behind the scenes this allows the WRAPPER to adapt the machine model functions to exploit hardware on which:

  • Processors may be able to communicate very efficiently with each other using shared memory.
  • An alternative communication mechanism based on a relatively simple interprocess communication API may be required.
  • Shared memory may not necessarily obey sequential consistency, however some mechanism will exist for enforcing memory consistency.
  • Memory consistency that is enforced at the hardware level may be expensive. Unnecessary triggering of consistency protocols should be avoided.
  • Memory access patterns may need to be either repetitive or highly pipelined for optimum hardware performance.

This generic model, summarized in :numref:`tiles_and_wrapper`, captures the essential hardware ingredients of almost all successful scientific computer systems designed in the last 50 years.

summary figure tiles and wrapper

Summary of the WRAPPER machine model.

Using the WRAPPER

In order to support maximum portability the WRAPPER is implemented primarily in sequential Fortran 77. At a practical level the key steps provided by the WRAPPER are:

  1. specifying how a domain will be decomposed
  2. starting a code in either sequential or parallel modes of operations
  3. controlling communication between tiles and between concurrently computing CPUs.

This section describes the details of each of these operations. :numref:`specify_decomp` explains the way a domain is decomposed (or composed) is expressed. :numref:`starting_code` describes practical details of running codes in various different parallel modes on contemporary computer systems. :numref:`controlling_comm` explains the internal information that the WRAPPER uses to control how information is communicated between tiles.

Specifying a domain decomposition

At its heart, much of the WRAPPER works only in terms of a collection of tiles which are interconnected to each other. This is also true of application code operating within the WRAPPER. Application code is written as a series of compute operations, each of which operates on a single tile. If application code needs to perform operations involving data associated with another tile, it uses a WRAPPER function to obtain that data. The specification of how a global domain is constructed from tiles or alternatively how a global domain is decomposed into tiles is made in the file :filelink:`SIZE.h <model/inc/SIZE.h>`. This file defines the following parameters:

Together these parameters define a tiling decomposition of the style shown in :numref:`size_h`. The parameters sNx and sNx define the size of an individual tile. The parameters OLx and OLy define the maximum size of the overlap extent. This must be set to the maximum width of the computation stencil that the numerical code finite-difference operations require between overlap region updates. The maximum overlap required by any of the operations in the MITgcm code distributed at this time is four grid points (some of the higher-order advection schemes require a large overlap region). Code modifications and enhancements that involve adding wide finite-difference stencils may require increasing OLx and OLy. Setting OLx and OLy to a too large value will decrease code performance (because redundant computations will be performed), however it will not cause any other problems.

explanation of SIZE.h domain decomposition

The three level domain decomposition hierarchy employed by the WRAPPER. A domain is composed of tiles. Multiple tiles can be allocated to a single process. Multiple processes can exist, each with multiple tiles. Tiles within a process can be spread over multiple compute threads.

The parameters nSx and nSy specify the number of tiles that will be created within a single process. Each of these tiles will have internal dimensions of sNx and sNy. If, when the code is executed, these tiles are allocated to different threads of a process that are then bound to different physical processors (see the multi-threaded execution discussion in :numref:`starting_code`), then computation will be performed concurrently on each tile. However, it is also possible to run the same decomposition within a process running a single thread on a single processor. In this case the tiles will be computed over sequentially. If the decomposition is run in a single process running multiple threads but attached to a single physical processor, then, in general, the computation for different tiles will be interleaved by system level software. This too is a valid mode of operation.

The parameters sNx, sNy, OLx, OLy, nSx and nSy are used extensively by numerical code. The settings of sNx, sNy, OLx, and OLy are used to form the loop ranges for many numerical calculations and to provide dimensions for arrays holding numerical state. The nSx and nSy are used in conjunction with the thread number parameter myThid. Much of the numerical code operating within the WRAPPER takes the form:

DO bj=myByLo(myThid),myByHi(myThid)
 DO bi=myBxLo(myThid),myBxHi(myThid)
    a block of computations ranging
    over 1,sNx +/- OLx and 1,sNy +/- OLy grid points

communication code to sum a number or maybe update
tile overlap regions

DO bj=myByLo(myThid),myByHi(myThid)
 DO bi=myBxLo(myThid),myBxHi(myThid)
    another block of computations ranging
    over 1,sNx +/- OLx and 1,sNy +/- OLy grid points

The variables myBxLo(myThid), myBxHi(myThid), myByLo(myThid) and myByHi(myThid) set the bounds of the loops in bi and bj in this schematic. These variables specify the subset of the tiles in the range 1, nSx and 1, nSy1 that the logical processor bound to thread number myThid owns. The thread number variable myThid ranges from 1 to the total number of threads requested at execution time. For each value of myThid the loop scheme above will step sequentially through the tiles owned by that thread. However, different threads will have different ranges of tiles assigned to them, so that separate threads can compute iterations of the bi, bj loop concurrently. Within a bi, bj loop, computation is performed concurrently over as many processes and threads as there are physical processors available to compute.

An exception to the the use of bi and bj in loops arises in the exchange routines used when the :ref:`exch2 package <sub_phys_pkg_exch2>` is used with the cubed sphere. In this case bj is generally set to 1 and the loop runs from 1, bi. Within the loop bi is used to retrieve the tile number, which is then used to reference exchange parameters.

The amount of computation that can be embedded in a single loop over bi and bj varies for different parts of the MITgcm algorithm. Consider a code extract from the 2-D implicit elliptic solver:

REAL*8  cg2d_r(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
REAL*8  err
  other computations
err = 0.
DO bj=myByLo(myThid),myByHi(myThid)
 DO bi=myBxLo(myThid),myBxHi(myThid)
  DO J=1,sNy
   DO I=1,sNx
     err = err + cg2d_r(I,J,bi,bj)*cg2d_r(I,J,bi,bj)

CALL GLOBAL_SUM_R8( err   , myThid )
err = SQRT(err)

This portion of the code computes the L_2-Norm of a vector whose elements are held in the array cg2d_r, writing the final result to scalar variable err. Notice that under the WRAPPER, arrays such as cg2d_r have two extra trailing dimensions. These right most indices are tile indexes. Different threads with a single process operate on different ranges of tile index, as controlled by the settings of myByLo(myThid), myByHi(myThid), myBxLo(myThid) and myBxHi(myThid). Because the L_2-Norm requires a global reduction, the bi, bj loop above only contains one statement. This computation phase is then followed by a communication phase in which all threads and processes must participate. However, in other areas of the MITgcm, code entries subsections of code are within a single bi, bj loop. For example the evaluation of all the momentum equation prognostic terms (see :filelink:`dynamics.F <model/src/dynamics.F>`) is within a single bi, bj loop.

The final decomposition parameters are nPx and nPy. These parameters are used to indicate to the WRAPPER level how many processes (each with nSx\timesnSy tiles) will be used for this simulation. This information is needed during initialization and during I/O phases. However, unlike the variables sNx, sNy, OLx, OLy, nSx and nSy the values of nPx and nPy are absent from the core numerical and support code.

Examples of :filelink:`SIZE.h <model/inc/SIZE.h>` specifications

The following different :filelink:`SIZE.h <model/inc/SIZE.h>` parameter setting illustrate how to interpret the values of sNx, sNy, OLx, OLy, nSx, nSy, nPx and nPy.

    &           sNx =  90,
    &           sNy =  40,
    &           OLx =   3,
    &           OLy =   3,
    &           nSx =   1,
    &           nSy =   1,
    &           nPx =   1,
    &           nPy =   1)

    This sets up a single tile with x-dimension of ninety grid points, y-dimension of forty grid points, and x and y overlaps of three grid points each.

    &           sNx =  45,
    &           sNy =  20,
    &           OLx =   3,
    &           OLy =   3,
    &           nSx =   1,
    &           nSy =   1,
    &           nPx =   2,
    &           nPy =   2)

    This sets up tiles with x-dimension of forty-five grid points, y-dimension of twenty grid points, and x and y overlaps of three grid points each. There are four tiles allocated to four separate processes (nPx=2, nPy=2) and arranged so that the global domain size is again ninety grid points in x and forty grid points in y. In general the formula for global grid size (held in model variables Nx and Ny) is

    Nx  = sNx*nSx*nPx
    Ny  = sNy*nSy*nPy
    &           sNx =  90,
    &           sNy =  10,
    &           OLx =   3,
    &           OLy =   3,
    &           nSx =   1,
    &           nSy =   2,
    &           nPx =   1,
    &           nPy =   2)

    This sets up tiles with x-dimension of ninety grid points, y-dimension of ten grid points, and x and y overlaps of three grid points each. There are four tiles allocated to two separate processes (nPy=2) each of which has two separate sub-domains nSy=2. The global domain size is again ninety grid points in x and forty grid points in y. The two sub-domains in each process will be computed sequentially if they are given to a single thread within a single process. Alternatively if the code is invoked with multiple threads per process the two domains in y may be computed concurrently.

    &           sNx =  32,
    &           sNy =  32,
    &           OLx =   3,
    &           OLy =   3,
    &           nSx =   6,
    &           nSy =   1,
    &           nPx =   1,
    &           nPy =   1)

    This sets up tiles with x-dimension of thirty-two grid points, y-dimension of thirty-two grid points, and x and y overlaps of three grid points each. There are six tiles allocated to six separate logical processors (nSx=6). This set of values can be used for a cube sphere calculation. Each tile of size 32 \times 32 represents a face of the cube. Initializing the tile connectivity correctly (see :numref:`cubed_sphere_comm`. allows the rotations associated with moving between the six cube faces to be embedded within the tile-tile communication code.

Starting the code

When code is started under the WRAPPER, execution begins in a main routine :filelink:`eesupp/src/main.F` that is owned by the WRAPPER. Control is transferred to the application through a routine called :filelink:`model/src/the_model_main.F` once the WRAPPER has initialized correctly and has created the necessary variables to support subsequent calls to communication routines by the application code. The main stages of the WRAPPER startup calling sequence are as follows:

|--EEBOOT               :: WRAPPER initialization
|  |
|  |-- EEBOOT_MINMAL    :: Minimal startup. Just enough to
|  |                       allow basic I/O.
|  |-- EEINTRO_MSG      :: Write startup greeting.
|  |
|  |-- EESET_PARMS      :: Set WRAPPER parameters
|  |
|  |-- EEWRITE_EEENV    :: Print WRAPPER parameter settings
|  |
|  |-- INI_PROCS        :: Associate processes with grid regions.
|  |
|  |-- INI_THREADING_ENVIRONMENT   :: Associate threads with grid regions.
|       |
|       |--INI_COMMUNICATION_PATTERNS :: Initialize between tile
|                                     :: communication data structures
|--CHECK_THREADS    :: Validate multiple thread start up.
|--THE_MODEL_MAIN   :: Numerical code top-level driver routine

The steps above preceeds transfer of control to application code, which occurs in the procedure :filelink:`the_main_model.F <model/src/the_model_main.F>`

Multi-threaded execution

Prior to transferring control to the procedure :filelink:`the_main_model.F <model/src/the_model_main.F>` the WRAPPER may cause several coarse grain threads to be initialized. The routine :filelink:`the_main_model.F <model/src/the_model_main.F>` is called once for each thread and is passed a single stack argument which is the thread number, stored in the :varlink:`myThid`. In addition to specifying a decomposition with multiple tiles per process (see :numref:`specify_decomp`) configuring and starting a code to run using multiple threads requires the following steps.


First the code must be compiled with appropriate multi-threading directives active in the file :filelink:`eesupp/src/main.F` and with appropriate compiler flags to request multi-threading support. The header files :filelink:`eesupp/inc/MAIN_PDIRECTIVES1.h` and :filelink:`eesupp/inc/MAIN_PDIRECTIVES2.h` contain directives compatible with compilers for Sun, Compaq, SGI, Hewlett-Packard SMP systems and CRAY PVP systems. These directives can be activated by using compile time directives -DTARGET_SUN, -DTARGET_DEC, -DTARGET_SGI, -DTARGET_HP or -DTARGET_CRAY_VECTOR respectively. Compiler options for invoking multi-threaded compilation vary from system to system and from compiler to compiler. The options will be described in the individual compiler documentation. For the Fortran compiler from Sun the following options are needed to correctly compile multi-threaded code

-stackvar -explicitpar -vpara -noautopar

These options are specific to the Sun compiler. Other compilers will use different syntax that will be described in their documentation. The effect of these options is as follows:

  1. -stackvar Causes all local variables to be allocated in stack storage. This is necessary for local variables to ensure that they are private to their thread. Note, when using this option it may be necessary to override the default limit on stack-size that the operating system assigns to a process. This can normally be done by changing the settings of the command shell’s stack-size. However, on some systems changing this limit will require privileged administrator access to modify system parameters.
  2. -explicitpar Requests that multiple threads be spawned in response to explicit directives in the application code. These directives are inserted with syntax appropriate to the particular target platform when, for example, the -DTARGET_SUN flag is selected.
  3. -vpara This causes the compiler to describe the multi-threaded configuration it is creating. This is not required but it can be useful when troubleshooting.
  4. -noautopar This inhibits any automatic multi-threaded parallelization the compiler may otherwise generate.

An example of valid settings for the eedata file for a domain with two subdomains in y and running with two threads is shown below


This set of values will cause computations to stay within a single thread when moving across the nSx sub-domains. In the y-direction, however, sub-domains will be split equally between two threads.

Despite its appealing programming model, multi-threaded execution remains less common than multi-process execution (described in :numref:`multi-process_exe`). One major reason for this is that many system libraries are still not “thread-safe”. This means that, for example, on some systems it is not safe to call system routines to perform I/O when running in multi-threaded mode (except, perhaps, in a limited set of circumstances). Another reason is that support for multi-threaded programming models varies between systems.

Multi-process execution

Multi-process execution is more ubiquitous than multi-threaded execution. In order to run code in a multi-process configuration, a decomposition specification (see :numref:`specify_decomp`) is given (in which at least one of the parameters nPx or nPy will be greater than one). Then, as for multi-threaded operation, appropriate compile time and run time steps must be taken.


Multi-process execution under the WRAPPER assumes that portable, MPI libraries are available for controlling the start-up of multiple processes. The MPI libraries are not required, although they are usually used, for performance critical communication. However, in order to simplify the task of controlling and coordinating the start up of a large number (hundreds and possibly even thousands) of copies of the same program, MPI is used. The calls to the MPI multi-process startup routines must be activated at compile time. Currently MPI libraries are invoked by specifying the appropriate options file with the -of flag when running the :filelink:`genmake2 <tools/genmake2>` script, which generates the Makefile for compiling and linking MITgcm. (Previously this was done by setting the ALLOW_USE_MPI and ALWAYS_USE_MPI flags in the :filelink:`CPP_EEOPTIONS.h </eesupp/inc/CPP_EEOPTIONS.h>` file.) More detailed information about the use of :filelink:`genmake2 <tools/genmake2>` for specifying local compiler flags is located in :numref:`genmake2_desc`.


The mechanics of starting a program in multi-process mode under MPI is not standardized. Documentation associated with the distribution of MPI installed on a system will describe how to start a program using that distribution. For the open-source MPICH system, the MITgcm program can be started using a command such as

mpirun -np 64 -machinefile mf ./mitgcmuv

In this example the text -np 64 specifies the number of processes that will be created. The numeric value 64 must be equal to (or greater than) the product of the processor grid settings of nPx and nPy in the file :filelink:`SIZE.h <model/inc/SIZE.h>`. The option -machinefile mf specifies that a text file called mf will be read to get a list of processor names on which the sixty-four processes will execute. The syntax of this file is specified by the MPI distribution.

Environment variables

On some systems multi-threaded execution also requires the setting of a special environment variable. On many machines this variable is called PARALLEL and its values should be set to the number of parallel threads required. Generally the help or manual pages associated with the multi-threaded compiler on a machine will explain how to set the required environment variables.

Runtime input parameters

Finally the file eedata needs to be configured to indicate the number of threads to be used in the x and y directions:

# Example "eedata" file
# Lines beginning "#" are comments
# nTx - No. threads per process in X
# nTy - No. threads per process in Y

The product of nTx and nTy must be equal to the number of threads spawned, i.e., the setting of the environment variable PARALLEL. The value of nTx must subdivide the number of sub-domains in x (nSx) exactly. The value of nTy must subdivide the number of sub-domains in y (nSy) exactly. The multi-process startup of the MITgcm executable mitgcmuv is controlled by the routines :filelink:`eeboot_minimal.F <eesupp/src/eeboot_minimal.F>` and :filelink:`ini_procs.F <eesupp/src/ini_procs.F>`. The first routine performs basic steps required to make sure each process is started and has a textual output stream associated with it. By default two output files are opened for each process with names STDOUT.NNNN and STDERR.NNNN. The NNNNN part of the name is filled in with the process number so that process number 0 will create output files STDOUT.0000 and STDERR.0000, process number 1 will create output files STDOUT.0001 and STDERR.0001, etc. These files are used for reporting status and configuration information and for reporting error conditions on a process-by-process basis. The :filelink:`eeboot_minimal.F <eesupp/src/eeboot_minimal.F>` procedure also sets the variables :varlink:`myProcId` and :varlink:`MPI_COMM_MODEL`. These variables are related to processor identification and are used later in the routine :filelink:`ini_procs.F <eesupp/src/ini_procs.F>` to allocate tiles to processes.

Allocation of processes to tiles is controlled by the routine :filelink:`ini_procs.F <eesupp/src/ini_procs.F>`. For each process this routine sets the variables :varlink:`myXGlobalLo` and :varlink:`myYGlobalLo`. These variables specify, in index space, the coordinates of the southernmost and westernmost corner of the southernmost and westernmost tile owned by this process. The variables :varlink:`pidW`, :varlink:`pidE`, :varlink:`pidS` and :varlink:`pidN` are also set in this routine. These are used to identify processes holding tiles to the west, east, south and north of a given process. These values are stored in global storage in the header file :filelink:`EESUPPORT.h <eesupp/inc/EESUPPORT.h>` for use by communication routines. The above does not hold when the :ref:`exch2 package <sub_phys_pkg_exch2>` is used. The :ref:`exch2 package <sub_phys_pkg_exch2>` sets its own parameters to specify the global indices of tiles and their relationships to each other. See the documentation on the :ref:`exch2 package <sub_phys_pkg_exch2>` for details.

Controlling communication

The WRAPPER maintains internal information that is used for communication operations and can be customized for different platforms. This section describes the information that is held and used.

  1. Tile-tile connectivity information For each tile the WRAPPER sets a flag that sets the tile number to the north, south, east and west of that tile. This number is unique over all tiles in a configuration. Except when using the cubed sphere and the :ref:`exch2 package <sub_phys_pkg_exch2>`, the number is held in the variables :varlink:`tileNo` (this holds the tiles own number), :varlink:`tileNoN`, :varlink:`tileNoS`, :varlink:`tileNoE` and :varlink:`tileNoW`. A parameter is also stored with each tile that specifies the type of communication that is used between tiles. This information is held in the variables :varlink:`tileCommModeN`, :varlink:`tileCommModeS`, :varlink:`tileCommModeE` and :varlink:`tileCommModeW`. This latter set of variables can take one of the following values COMM_NONE, COMM_MSG, COMM_PUT and COMM_GET. A value of COMM_NONE is used to indicate that a tile has no neighbor to communicate with on a particular face. A value of COMM_MSG is used to indicate that some form of distributed memory communication is required to communicate between these tile faces (see :numref:`distributed_mem_comm`). A value of COMM_PUT or COMM_GET is used to indicate forms of shared memory communication (see :numref:`shared_mem_comm`). The COMM_PUT value indicates that a CPU should communicate by writing to data structures owned by another CPU. A COMM_GET value indicates that a CPU should communicate by reading from data structures owned by another CPU. These flags affect the behavior of the WRAPPER exchange primitive (see :numref:`comm-prim`). The routine :filelink:`ini_communication_patterns.F <eesupp/src/ini_communication_patterns.F>` is responsible for setting the communication mode values for each tile.

    When using the cubed sphere configuration with the :ref:`exch2 package <sub_phys_pkg_exch2>`, the relationships between tiles and their communication methods are set by the :ref:`exch2 package <sub_phys_pkg_exch2>` and stored in different variables. See the :ref:`exch2 package <sub_phys_pkg_exch2>` documentation for details.

  2. MP directives The WRAPPER transfers control to numerical application code through the routine :filelink:`the_model_main.F <model/src/the_model_main.F>`. This routine is called in a way that allows for it to be invoked by several threads. Support for this is based on either multi-processing (MP) compiler directives or specific calls to multi-threading libraries (e.g., POSIX threads). Most commercially available Fortran compilers support the generation of code to spawn multiple threads through some form of compiler directives. Compiler directives are generally more convenient than writing code to explicitly spawn threads. On some systems, compiler directives may be the only method available. The WRAPPER is distributed with template MP directives for a number of systems.

    These directives are inserted into the code just before and after the transfer of control to numerical algorithm code through the routine :filelink:`the_model_main.F <model/src/the_model_main.F>`. An example of the code that performs this process for a Silicon Graphics system is as follows:

    C--  Parallel directives for MIPS Pro Fortran compiler
    C      Parallel compiler directives for SGI with IRIX
    C$PAR&  SHARE(nThreads),LOCAL(myThid,I)
          DO I=1,nThreads
            myThid = I
    C--     Invoke nThreads instances of the numerical model
            CALL THE_MODEL_MAIN(myThid)

    Prior to transferring control to the procedure :filelink:`the_model_main.F <model/src/the_model_main.F>` the WRAPPER may use MP directives to spawn multiple threads. This code is extracted from the files :filelink:`main.F <eesupp/src/main.F>` and :filelink:`eesupp/inc/MAIN_PDIRECTIVES1.h`. The variable :varlink:`nThreads` specifies how many instances of the routine :filelink:`the_model_main.F <model/src/the_model_main.F>` will be created. The value of :varlink:`nThreads` is set in the routine :filelink:`ini_threading_environment.F <eesupp/src/ini_threading_environment.F>`. The value is set equal to the the product of the parameters :varlink:`nTx` and :varlink:`nTy` that are read from the file eedata. If the value of :varlink:`nThreads` is inconsistent with the number of threads requested from the operating system (for example by using an environment variable as described in :numref:`multi-thread_exe`) then usually an error will be reported by the routine :filelink:`check_threads.F <eesupp/src/check_threads.F>`.

  3. memsync flags As discussed in :numref:`shared_mem_comm`, a low-level system function may be need to force memory consistency on some shared memory systems. The routine :filelink:`memsync.F <eesupp/src/memsync.F>` is used for this purpose. This routine should not need modifying and the information below is only provided for completeness. A logical parameter :varlink:`exchNeedsMemSync` set in the routine :filelink:`ini_communication_patterns.F <eesupp/src/ini_communication_patterns.F>` controls whether the :filelink:`memsync.F <eesupp/src/memsync.F>` primitive is called. In general this routine is only used for multi-threaded execution. The code that goes into the :filelink:`memsync.F <eesupp/src/memsync.F>` routine is specific to the compiler and processor used. In some cases, it must be written using a short code snippet of assembly language. For an Ultra Sparc system the following code snippet is used

    asm("membar #LoadStore|#StoreStore");

    For an Alpha based system the equivalent code reads


    while on an x86 system the following code is required

    asm("lock; addl $0,0(%%esp)": : :"memory")
  4. Cache line size As discussed in :numref:`shared_mem_comm`, multi-threaded codes explicitly avoid penalties associated with excessive coherence traffic on an SMP system. To do this the shared memory data structures used by the :filelink:`global_sum.F <eesupp/src/global_sum.F>`, :filelink:`global_max.F <eesupp/src/global_max.F>` and :filelink:`barrier.F <eesupp/src/barrier.F>` routines are padded. The variables that control the padding are set in the header file :filelink:`EEPARAMS.h <eesupp/inc/EEPARAMS.h>`. These variables are called :varlink:`cacheLineSize`, :varlink:`lShare1`, :varlink:`lShare4` and :varlink:`lShare8`. The default values should not normally need changing.

  5. _BARRIER This is a CPP macro that is expanded to a call to a routine which synchronizes all the logical processors running under the WRAPPER. Using a macro here preserves flexibility to insert a specialized call in-line into application code. By default this resolves to calling the procedure :filelink:`barrier.F <eesupp/src/barrier.F>`. The default setting for the _BARRIER macro is given in the file :filelink:`CPP_EEMACROS.h <eesupp/inc/CPP_EEMACROS.h>`.

  6. _GSUM This is a CPP macro that is expanded to a call to a routine which sums up a floating point number over all the logical processors running under the WRAPPER. Using a macro here provides extra flexibility to insert a specialized call in-line into application code. By default this resolves to calling the procedure GLOBAL_SUM_R8() for 64-bit floating point operands or GLOBAL_SUM_R4() for 32-bit floating point operand (located in file :filelink:`global_sum.F <eesupp/src/global_sum.F>`). The default setting for the _GSUM macro is given in the file :filelink:`CPP_EEMACROS.h <eesupp/inc/CPP_EEMACROS.h>`. The _GSUM macro is a performance critical operation, especially for large processor count, small tile size configurations. The custom communication example discussed in :numref:`jam_example` shows how the macro is used to invoke a custom global sum routine for a specific set of hardware.

  7. _EXCH The _EXCH CPP macro is used to update tile overlap regions. It is qualified by a suffix indicating whether overlap updates are for two-dimensional (_EXCH_XY) or three dimensional (_EXCH_XYZ) physical fields and whether fields are 32-bit floating point (_EXCH_XY_R4, _EXCH_XYZ_R4) or 64-bit floating point (_EXCH_XY_R8, _EXCH_XYZ_R8). The macro mappings are defined in the header file :filelink:`CPP_EEMACROS.h <eesupp/inc/CPP_EEMACROS.h>`. As with _GSUM, the _EXCH operation plays a crucial role in scaling to small tile, large logical and physical processor count configurations. The example in :numref:`jam_example` discusses defining an optimized and specialized form on the _EXCH operation.

    The _EXCH operation is also central to supporting grids such as the cube-sphere grid. In this class of grid a rotation may be required between tiles. Aligning the coordinate requiring rotation with the tile decomposition allows the coordinate transformation to be embedded within a custom form of the _EXCH primitive. In these cases _EXCH is mapped to exch2 routines, as detailed in the :ref:`exch2 package <sub_phys_pkg_exch2>` documentation.

  8. Reverse Mode The communication primitives _EXCH and _GSUM both employ hand-written adjoint forms (or reverse mode) forms. These reverse mode forms can be found in the source code directory :filelink:`pkg/autodiff`. For the global sum primitive the reverse mode form calls are to GLOBAL_ADSUM_R4() and GLOBAL_ADSUM_R8() (located in file :filelink:`global_sum_ad.F <pkg/autodiff/global_sum_ad.F>`). The reverse mode form of the exchange primitives are found in routines prefixed ADEXCH. The exchange routines make calls to the same low-level communication primitives as the forward mode operations. However, the routine argument :varlink:`theSimulationMode` is set to the value REVERSE_SIMULATION. This signifies to the low-level routines that the adjoint forms of the appropriate communication operation should be performed.

  9. MAX_NO_THREADS The variable :varlink:`MAX_NO_THREADS` is used to indicate the maximum number of OS threads that a code will use. This value defaults to thirty-two and is set in the file :filelink:`EEPARAMS.h <eesupp/inc/EEPARAMS.h>`. For single threaded execution it can be reduced to one if required. The value is largely private to the WRAPPER and application code will not normally reference the value, except in the following scenario.

    For certain physical parametrization schemes it is necessary to have a substantial number of work arrays. Where these arrays are allocated in heap storage (for example COMMON blocks) multi-threaded execution will require multiple instances of the COMMON block data. This can be achieved using a Fortran 90 module construct. However, if this mechanism is unavailable then the work arrays can be extended with dimensions using the tile dimensioning scheme of :varlink:`nSx` and :varlink:`nSy` (as described in :numref:`specify_decomp`). However, if the configuration being specified involves many more tiles than OS threads then it can save memory resources to reduce the variable :varlink:`MAX_NO_THREADS` to be equal to the actual number of threads that will be used and to declare the physical parameterization work arrays with a single :varlink:`MAX_NO_THREADS` extra dimension. An example of this is given in the verification experiment :filelink:`verification/aim.5l_cs`. Here the default setting of :varlink:`MAX_NO_THREADS` is altered to


    and several work arrays for storing intermediate calculations are created with declarations of the form.

    common /FORCIN/ sst1(ngp,MAX_NO_THREADS)

    This declaration scheme is not used widely, because most global data is used for permanent, not temporary, storage of state information. In the case of permanent state information this approach cannot be used because there has to be enough storage allocated for all tiles. However, the technique can sometimes be a useful scheme for reducing memory requirements in complex physical parameterizations.

Specializing the Communication Code

The isolation of performance critical communication primitives and the subdivision of the simulation domain into tiles is a powerful tool. Here we show how it can be used to improve application performance and how it can be used to adapt to new gridding approaches.

JAM example

On some platforms a big performance boost can be obtained by binding the communication routines _EXCH and _GSUM to specialized native libraries (for example, the shmem library on CRAY T3E systems). The LETS_MAKE_JAM CPP flag is used as an illustration of a specialized communication configuration that substitutes for standard, portable forms of _EXCH and _GSUM. It affects three source files :filelink:`eeboot.F <eesupp/src/eeboot.F>`, :filelink:`CPP_EEMACROS.h <eesupp/inc/CPP_EEMACROS.h>` and :filelink:`cg2d.F </model/src/cg2d.F>`. When the flag is defined is has the following effects.

  • An extra phase is included at boot time to initialize the custom communications library (see ini_jam.F).
  • The _GSUM and _EXCH macro definitions are replaced with calls to custom routines (see gsum_jam.F and exch_jam.F)
  • a highly specialized form of the exchange operator (optimized for overlap regions of width one) is substituted into the elliptic solver routine :filelink:`cg2d.F </model/src/cg2d.F>`.

Developing specialized code for other libraries follows a similar pattern.

Cube sphere communication

Actual _EXCH routine code is generated automatically from a series of template files, for example :filelink:`exch2_rx1_cube.template </pkg/exch2/exch2_rx1_cube.template>`. This is done to allow a large number of variations of the exchange process to be maintained. One set of variations supports the cube sphere grid. Support for a cube sphere grid in MITgcm is based on having each face of the cube as a separate tile or tiles. The exchange routines are then able to absorb much of the detailed rotation and reorientation required when moving around the cube grid. The set of _EXCH routines that contain the word cube in their name perform these transformations. They are invoked when the run-time logical parameter :varlink:`useCubedSphereExchange` is set .TRUE.. To facilitate the transformations on a staggered C-grid, exchange operations are defined separately for both vector and scalar quantities and for grid-centered and for grid-face and grid-corner quantities. Three sets of exchange routines are defined. Routines with names of the form exch2_rx are used to exchange cell centered scalar quantities. Routines with names of the form exch2_uv_rx are used to exchange vector quantities located at the C-grid velocity points. The vector quantities exchanged by the exch_uv_rx routines can either be signed (for example velocity components) or un-signed (for example grid-cell separations). Routines with names of the form exch_z_rx are used to exchange quantities at the C-grid vorticity point locations.

MITgcm execution under WRAPPER

Fitting together the WRAPPER elements, package elements and MITgcm core equation elements of the source code produces the calling sequence shown below.

Annotated call tree for MITgcm and WRAPPER

WRAPPER layer.

|--EEBOOT               :: WRAPPER initialization
|  |
|  |-- EEBOOT_MINMAL    :: Minimal startup. Just enough to
|  |                       allow basic I/O.
|  |-- EEINTRO_MSG      :: Write startup greeting.
|  |
|  |-- EESET_PARMS      :: Set WRAPPER parameters
|  |
|  |-- EEWRITE_EEENV    :: Print WRAPPER parameter settings
|  |
|  |-- INI_PROCS        :: Associate processes with grid regions.
|  |
|  |-- INI_THREADING_ENVIRONMENT   :: Associate threads with grid regions.
|       |
|       |--INI_COMMUNICATION_PATTERNS :: Initialize between tile
|                                     :: communication data structures
|--CHECK_THREADS    :: Validate multiple thread start up.
|--THE_MODEL_MAIN   :: Numerical code top-level driver routine

Core equations plus packages.

.. literalinclude:: ../../model/src/the_model_main.F
    :start-at: C Invocation from WRAPPER level...
    :end-at: C    |                 :: events.

Measuring and Characterizing Performance


Estimating Resource Requirements


Atlantic 1/6 degree example

Dry Run testing

Adjoint Resource Requirements

State Estimation Environment Resources