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Create Case Classes From Any Configuration Source


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This library uses shapeless and cats to provide a neat syntax to instantiate Scala case classes from a configuration source.

Rules for configuration resolution are specified in the declaration of the case class itself:

case class ApplicationConfig(default: Int = 100, noDefault: String, optional: Option[Double])

val config: ValidatedNel[ValidationFailure, ApplicationConfig] = resolve[ApplicationConfig, Resolvers](Resolvers)

In ApplicationConfig above default will be set to 100, noDefault will cause a validation failure to be logged and optional will be set to None, should the configuration source not contain a value for each parameter.

Contents of This Readme


Module Description Download
Extruder Main module, includes core functionality and basic resolvers. Download
Typesafe Config Support for resolution from Typesafe Config. Download
Fetch Support for lookup using Fetch. See the readme for more info. Download

Install with SBT

Add the following to your sbt project/plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("me.lessis" % "bintray-sbt" % "0.3.0")

Then add the following to your build.sbt:

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("janstenpickle", "maven")
libraryDependencies += "extruder" %% "extruder" % "0.2.0"

// only if you require support for Typesafe config
libraryDependencies += "extruder" %% "extruder-typesafe" % "0.2.0"

// only if you require support for Fetch
libraryDependencies += "extruder" %% "extruder-fetch" % "0.2.0"


To learn more about shapeless having read Dave Gurnell's excellent introduction: "The Type Astronaut's Guide to Shapeless".

Try out Grafter. This project complements applications which use Grafter or other dependency injection frameworks and techniques by providing a way of resolving values in case classes from a configuration source.

Specifically Grafter requires that all configuration be part single case class to be passed to the entry point of the application. Structuring the config in classes like this works well, but leaves the question of how are these classes populated with config?

This is where Extruder comes in, the example here shows how they may be used together.

Supported Functionality

Unsupported Functionality

Cyclical references

case class Example(e: Example)

resolve[Example, SystemPropertiesResolvers](SystemPropertiesResolvers) // won't compile

case class NestedOne(n: NestedTwo)
case class NestedTwo(n: NestedOne)

resolve[NestedOne, SystemPropertiesResolvers](SystemPropertiesResolvers) // won't compile

Type Parameters on Case Classes

case class Typed[T](t: T)

resolve[Typed[Int], SystemPropertiesResolvers](SystemPropertiesResolvers) // won't compile

Similar Projects


PureConfig uses a similar technique to create case classes from Typesafe Config.

  • Extruder accumilates configuration resolution errors, so a single invocation will highlight all problems with the configuration source
  • Extruder supports pluggable configuration backends - does not rely on Typesafe Config by default
  • Pureconfig supports time parsing using java.time which Extruder does not out of the box, a date parsing module may be added in the future, until then custom resolvers may be added
  • Resolution of Typesafe ConfigValue, ConfigObject and ConfigList is only supported by the Typesafe Config configuration backend, as it is closely tied to Typesafe Config, Pureconfig supports this by default as it is directly tied to Typesafe config
  • Pureconfig supports returning Map[String, String], for the time being Extruder does not support this
  • Extruder supports control of class and parameter name formatting by overriding a method, however Pureconfig supports this via predefined configuration schemes

Quick Start Guide

Simple Case Class

import extruder.core.SystemPropertiesResolvers
import extruder.resolution._

object Main extends App {
  case class Example(defaultedString: String = "default", configuredString: String, optionalString: Option[String])

  println(resolve[Example](SystemPropertiesResolvers)) // Invalid(NonEmptyList(ValidationFailure("Could not find configuration at 'example.configuredstring' and no default available", None)))

  System.setProperty("example.configuredstring", "configured")
  println(resolve[Example](SystemPropertiesResolvers)) // Valid(Example("default", "configured", None))

  System.setProperty("example.optionalsting", "optional")
  println(resolve[Example, SystemPropertiesResolvers](SystemPropertiesResolvers)) // Valid(Example("default", "configured", Some("optional")))

Nested Case Classes

import extruder.core.SystemPropertiesResolvers
import extruder.resolution._

object Main extends App {
  case class Example(a: NestedOne, b: NestedTwo)
  case class NestedOne(value: String, nested: NestedTwo)
  case class NestedTwo(value: String)

  System.setProperty("example.a.nestedone.value", "nested-one")
  System.setProperty("example.a.nestedone.nested.nestedtwo.value", "nested-one-nested-two")
  System.setProperty("example.b.nestedtwo.value", "nested-two")

  println(resolve[Example, SystemPropertiesResolvers](SystemPropertiesResolvers)) // Valid(Example(NestedOne("nested-one", NestedTwo("nested-one-nested-two")), NestedTwo("nested-two"))

Sealed Type Families

import extruder.core.SystemPropertiesResolvers
import extruder.resolution._

object TopLevelSealed extends App {
  sealed trait Sealed
  case object ExamplObj
  case class ExampleCC(a: Int)

  System.setProperty("type", "ExampleObj")

  println(resolve[Example, SystemPropertiesResolvers](SystemPropertiesResolvers)) // Valid(ExampleObj)

  System.setProperty("type", "ExampleCC")
  System.setProperty("examplecc.a", "1")

  println(resolve[Example, SystemPropertiesResolvers](SystemPropertiesResolvers)) // Valid(ExampleCC(1))
import extruder.core.SystemPropertiesResolvers
import extruder.resolution._

object NestedSealed extends App {
  sealed trait Sealed
  case object ExamplObj
  case class ExampleCC(a: Int)

  case class Example(a: Sealed)

  System.setProperty("example.a.type", "ExampleObj")

  println(resolve[Example, SystemPropertiesResolvers](SystemPropertiesResolvers)) // Valid(Example(ExampleObj))

  System.setProperty("example.a.type", "ExampleCC")
  System.setProperty("example.a.examplecc.a", "1")

  println(resolve[Example, SystemPropertiesResolvers](SystemPropertiesResolvers)) // Valid(Example(ExampleCC(1)))


Resolving Configuration

The core project ships with a Resolvers trait and two implementations which use a map of strings and Java system properties as a configuration sources.

The Resolvers trait is responsible for providing a set of implicit Resolver instances for primitive Scala types. These resolvers are used during the case class construction in Extruder, if a resolver cannot be found for a certain type then the compiler will produce an error.

###Naive Implementation - Use a Map

For every simple configuration sources, which can be loaded directly into memory, the most simple possible implementation may be to convert it to a map and pass that to MapResolvers:

import extruder.core.MapResolvers

object MyConfigSourceResolvers {
  def apply(source: MyConfigSource): MapResolvers = MapResolvers(convertToMap(source))

  def convertToMap(source: MyConfigSource): Map[String, String] = ???

Implementing a new Set of Resolvers

The Resolvers trait assumes your configuration source will simply be providing string values and includes Resolver implementations for most Scala primitives, based on the Mouse library's string parsing. Therefore you only have to implement two methods to add a new simple config source:

object MyResolvers extends Resolvers {
  override def pathToString(path: Seq[String]): String = ???
  override def lookupValue(path: Seq[String]): ConfigValidation[Option[String]] = ???
  override def lookupList(path: Seq[String]): ConfigValidation[Option[List[String]]] = ???

Notice both methods accept the parameter path which is a Seq[String], this is essentially the long name of the configuration you are trying to resolve. It is made up of the name of the case class and the name of the parameter.

For example case class Example(a: String, b: Int) will evaluate to the paths Seq("Example", "a") and Seq("Example", "b"), at this point everything is case sensitive, it is up to the implementer as to whether they want their configuration to base case sensitive or not.

####Example Implementation

What will follow is a break down of the implementation of the SystemPropertiesResolver provided by the core library.

First create a map from system properties to act as the configuration source, notice that in this implementation we have chosen to be case insensitive by making all the property keys lower case:

val props: Map[String, String] = { case (k, v) => k.toLowerCase -> v }

#####Implementing pathToString The pathToString method is used internally for meaningful error messages on failure of config resolution, using it in resolveConfig is optional.

Again, we're using case insensitivity here so convert the path to lower case.

override def pathToString(path: Seq[String]): String = path.mkString(".").toLowerCase
Implementing lookupValue

Note the return type of lookupValue is ConfigValidation[Option[String]] which expands to[ValidationFailure, Option[String]]. This allows for any errors in looking up configuration to be handled differently to the configuration value not being present. For example, a connection error to a remote configuration source should be handled as an InvalidNel[String], where the error message is a string. Whereas the configuration value not being present should be an empty Option[String].

override def lookupValue(path: Seq[String]): ConfigValidation[Option[String]] = props.get(pathToString(path)).validNel

The .validNel on the end of the lookup is from the cats.syntax.validated._ package and simply lifts the result of props.get(pathToString(path)) into the right of[String, Option[String]].

#####Overriding lookupList Note that this will override the default implementation in Resolvers, if you're happy with the default implementation and just want to change the separator see Overriding listSeparator.

The return type for this function is ConfigValidation[Option[List[String]]], this allows for any errors looking up or converting to a list the value. Some sources may provide list or array types natively, if they don't you may implement it here.

override def lookupList(path: Seq[String]): ConfigValidation[Option[List[String]]] =

As this config source does not provide a means of looking up a list we look up the value using lookupValue and turn the string inside ConfigValidation[Option[String]] into a list of strings, where each element is separated by a ,.

It is also possible to add some validation when converting the string value to a list:

override def lookupList(path: Seq[String]): ConfigValidation[Option[List[String]]] =
    _.fold[ConfigValidation[Option[List[String]]]](None.validNel)(value =>
      if (value.contains(",")) Some(value.split(",")
      else ValidationFailure(
        s"No separator (,) found in value '$value' when attempting to create a list for '${pathToString(path)}'"
Overriding listSeparator

If you are happy with the default implementation of lookupList, but want to change the list separator then you can simply override listSeparator and set it to anything you like.

Extending an Existing Set of Resolvers

Say you wanted to add a resolver for a certain type it is possible to extend an existing implementation of Resolvers to parse the new type. Below is an example adding a new resolver for URL:

import cats.syntax.either._
import extruder.core.SystemPropertiesResolvers
import extruder.core.Parser

class WithURL extends SystemPropertiesResolvers {
  implicit val url: Parser[URL] = value => Either.catchNonFatal(new URL(value))


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Create Case Classes From Any Configuration Source







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  • Scala 90.8%
  • Java 9.2%