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Triangle Schmigalla layout planning heuristic

Schmigalla triangle heuristic is a very interesting approach seeking for some feasible (no optimal) layout alternatives susceptible to be deployed in build-up projects about facilities planning [1], Schmigalla´s original algorithm might be addressed in his original piece[2], you would check for attached pdf (Spanish version: [3]), where the algorithm is explained and there´s also some small step-by-step very illustrative example to understand no matter how good your Spanish is.

To find an optimal solution, I encourage to find out some interesting related information in:


  • Networkx
  • Numpy
  • Pandas


[1] Tompkins, J. A.; White, J. A.; Bozer, Y. A.; Tanchoco, J. M. A. (2010). Facilities planning, 4th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Danvers

[2] Schmigalla, H. (1970). Methoden zur optimalen Maschinenanordnung, VEB Verlag Technik, Berlin

[3] Hernández, Gilberto; Gunther, Woithe(1986). Fundamentos de la Proyección de Fabricas, Pueblo y Educación, 1986