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Instructions for Building & Running Jakarta EE Standalone TCKs

Gurunandan Rao edited this page Jan 13, 2022 · 6 revisions

Steps to build a Standalone TCK

1. Set the following environment variables

     export WORKSPACE=<local directory where Jakarta EE TCK repo is checked out>
     export ANT_HOME=<Ant Home Path>
     export JAVA_HOME=<JDK 11>
     export M2_HOME=<apache-maven home path>
     export PATH=$M2_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin/:$PATH
     export GF_BUNDLE_URL=/path/to/glassfish-bundle-7.0.0/ (to download the glassfish bundle to WORKSPACE(=GF_HOME by default) which is used to obtain API jars)

2. Execute $WORKSPACE/docker/ script to build the standalone TCKs.

  sh docker/ <technology>

where technology can be any of the below list

     jsonp, jsonb, jaxrs, websocket, el, concurrency, connector, jacc, jaspic, caj, jms, jsp, jstl, jaxws, saaj, servlet, jsf, securityapi, jpa, jta 

Execute "sh docker/ all" to build all the standalone TCKs in Jakarta EE TCK repo

Steps to Run a Standalone TCK

1. Set the following environment variables

     export WORKSPACE=<local directory where Jakarta EE TCK bundle is checked out>
     export ANT_HOME=<Ant Home Path>
     export JAVA_HOME=<JDK 11>
     export M2_HOME=<apache-maven 3.x.x>
     export PATH=$M2_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin/:$PATH
     export GF_BUNDLE_URL=<url to download glassfish bundle to WORKSPACE>

2. Execute TCK run script

This expects the directory ${WORKSPACE}/standalone-bundles/ to have standalone TCK bundle (will be available after the successful TCK build)

     cd $WORKSPACE
     sh docker/{tck} 

where tck can be any of the below list

     jsonp, jsonb, jaxrs, websocket, el, concurrency, connector, jacc, jaspic, caj, jms, jsp, jstl, jaxws, saaj, servlet, jsf, securityapi, jpa, jta 
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