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Integration of new TCK tests to the Jakarta EE TCK

Alwin Joseph edited this page Jan 14, 2021 · 1 revision

This page is still under construction.

How to integrate the new tests ?

- Pull the Jakarta EE TCK source code. Let us assume you have CTS source in your local file system under <MY_DIR>/trunk,  let us call this as <MY_TCK_DIR>

- Add the newly added test suites (all the required source files, configuration scripts, etc) 
    If you are adding new tests to one of the existing component areas, include them in the appropriate directories under src/com/sun/ts/tests
    If you are integrating the tests for a technology, which is newly introduced in this JakartaEE release, you need to create a new directory under src/com/sun/ts/tests and add the new tests there. In order for the platform TCK run to pick-up the newly added tests, it is very much required that the newly added test suite is included in property all.test.dir in install/jakartaee/bin/build.xml

- Run the newly added tests or all the tests belonging to a component locally and ensure that there are no failures. Here is the general set of instructions to run a test suite, one or more components may need additional configurations. 


How to build platform TCK bundle and run the test ?

By now, you have all the changes in your local workspace to integrate the tests to platform TCK and all the tests run without any issue when run from the workspace. The next step is to build the platform TCK bundle with your changes and run the newly added tests the way it will be run as part of Jakarta EE TCK Suite, before actually submitting your change to the repository.

i. How to build platform TCK bundle with a local change - <docker/>

ii. How to run a test suite from Jakarta EE TCK - <docker/>

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