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Repository files navigation


  • Monk, Multer, Jade FEATURES
  • add posts, image uploads, add categories, comments
  • show all posts on front page
  • no Schema's
  • styling for posts, uploads, forms, flash message, logo, nav, ul/a/body
  • comments are an embedded document within the posts collection Packages
  • moment, mulk, multer, expressValidator, flash, mongo Global Var's (in app.js)
  • app.locals.truncateText = don't display full text of on front page
  • scaffold express + add modules
  • in mongo shell (with mongod running) use nodeblog db.createCollection('posts'); db.createCollection('categories'); db.posts.insert({ title: 'Blog post one', category: 'technology', author: 'Brad Traversy', body: 'this is the body', date: ISODate() }); db.posts.find().pretty() db.categories.insert({title: 'Technology'}) db.categories.insert({title: 'Fashion'})
  • download add to /public
    • adds editor to body of add post

eLearning System

  • Express, Handlebars, Mongoose, Bcrypt, Passport
  • Sign up as Student or Instructor, Add classes option
  • mongo shell > use elearn -> db.createCollection('users'), students, classes, instructors

  • Using Kickstart on front-end
  • copy over css/js and example.html into layout.handlebars
  • move header into layout.handlebars and call this {{{body}}}
  • move form into login.handlebars call {{>login}})
  • mongo shell db.classes.insert({title:'HTML', description:'my class description', instructor: 'Brad J'});

  • Create a class model in models/class.js + getClasses function
  • edit index.js (router) to GET all the classes
  • edit classes.handlebar to dynamically pass in the classes we manually created
  • notice the 2nd param is 'limit' passes # of classes to GET
  • create new classes Routes and add app.use('/classes', classes);

Part 2 user: jack, 1111

  • create global variable isHome to only display classes on home page
  • class details = new getClassById function, '/:id/details' route, details.handlebars view
  • add {{#if user}} in details view to display form if logged in
  • new User model, user folder in views + signup page & user.js route
  • add Student and Instructor models
  • in routes/users.js add Passport, reference to Models
  • in userSchema add saveStudent, saveInstructor methods -> Hash password, use Async parallel
    • add post('/signup'... ) route to: get form fields, check if valid, and save user
  • db.students.find().pretty() Authentication
  • add'/login') in users route + passport methods
  • implement logout, ensureAuthenticate function, message depending on student/instructor

Part 3

  • new students route, in app.js, /routes folder and students view
  • signup for lessons, redirect to My Classes, display classes
  • create Instructor route, view, edit model -> edit details view to include {{type}} for dynamic routing
  • add GET and POST routes in instructors.js to create new lessons
  • Error when viewing Lessons for a class


  • Mongoose, Dust, Kraken (MVC on top of Express), Foundation
  • eCommerce shop for books + CRUD admin area
  • yo kraken + mongodb, mongoose, connect-flash, express-messages
  • npm start

  • new Routes go in /controllers. Add books.js for the 'details' page
  • /controllers files automatically sets routing to name of file -- books.js = /books/...
  • details.dust in public/templates/books for the controller
  • added 'books' and 'categories' using mongo shell + 2 books
  • Admin area located at localhost:8000/manage
    • CRUD for books and categories
  • edit config.json to include csrf to valid data on form submission


  •, Express, Jquery

Find A Doc


  • Passport, Mongoose, Multer, Jade, Express (validator, flash, messages), Bcrypt
  • updated Multer in users.js
  • ** Not saving to correct DB?? - moved db connection to users.model file to fix

Community Events

  • MongoLab, Drywall, BCrypt, Grunt, Jade, Flash Messages
  • Drywall = user registration system built on Passport (roles/verification)
  • git clone Drywall
  • npm install, edit config.js file, > grunt (runs on localhost:3000)
  • Connect to the shell: mongo -u -p
  • use community_events
  • Run commands to insert collections: db.admingroups.insert({...}), etc.
  • Go to http://localhost:3000/login/forgot/ and change the pass
  • db.users.update({email: 'your@email.addy'}, {$set:{email:''}})
  • Warning: change google security settings:
    • check secrets.js for login details
  • In mongo shell: db.createCollection('events')
  •{name, description, date: newDate('July 4, 2015'), venue... })
    • create Events folder and edit exports.find function - add to models.js
    • new function hooks up to the events/details page to display individual event
    • new Routes for Adding and and displaying 'My Events'
  • add main.js and exports.delete + route to delete events


build 10 node projects






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